Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hanukkah - from your friends @ Aish

I just report the news...


  1. I am surprised how this stuff keeps getting worse.
    Who approves this @#$%?

  2. its a busha vecherpa to torah and mitvos and the entire yidishkiet!
    but they can do whatever they want, because they dont have any leader that they all respect listen to, and are botul to. this is all ignoring the fact that doing kiruv like this is very dangerous kemuvan, i would love to see some of aishs mekurovim from these days.

  3. My mashpia said a very insightfu vort about music. To know if a song or tune is appropriate, check which body part dances to the sound.

  4. this is the siliest movie ive seen in a very long time. quite frankly i do not see any talent here at all. let alone the chilul hakodesh that is involved in this. this is just a jumble of words and childish production. no tochen at all.

  5. Why are you all getting your knickers in knots over this? Who is being hurt here?
    The up side is that some Jews might be entertained by this. Az Mah?
    If you're really offended, go back to Matzav.

  6. I dont see why the outrage?
    the only distastefull part in the motorcycle part?
    this whole anti goyish music tirade is not jewish?
    according to the poskim their is no issur to listen to music made by goyim as long if their is no avoda zorah in it, this istrumped up issurim by Skulener Rebbe and company.
    If chazal would believe that it has the power influences us to goyishkiet,they would make a issus as Pas akum, Bishul akum.
    Dayech Ma Sheosro Torah..

  7. "The up side is that some Jews might be entertained by this. Az Mah?"
    If "some Jews are entertained by this" is the yardstick by which we determine the "upside" we're truely in bad shape.vda'l.

  8. Do we even know whether the dancers are Jewish?Whatever their religious background,they are extremely talented.

  9. http://matzav.com/the-matzav-shmoooze-has-kiruv-crossed-the-line#more-71724

  10. this Aish song goes hand in hand with

    Adam Sandler - Original Hanukkah Song Video

    och un vai -- si'z freilich

  11. yvunim, misyavnim, greek colture, v'chu.
    what great satire!

  12. this is really bad. i highly doubt any sane individual could be entertained by this.

  13. They are an Israeli DJ/dance group/street art performers. Aish contracted them to perform the videos.


    Anon Plz

  14. http://thepartialview.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-low-for-williasmburg-sikrikim.html

  15. Nu nu. It's shlock rock, as shlock rock has been for 30+ years. Let's not make a whole tzimmes here and pretend that Aish here has discovered some new form of tumah.

    There's no mixed dancing and Kol Isha like the NJOP Rosh Hashana video. It's not pust (empty) like their Rosh Hashana nonsense was.

    Kah Echsof it's not. But neither is a lot of stuff.

    What I find noteworthy is that they felt a need to throw ten pounds of noodles against the wall to see what would stick. Usually these parody-style videos pick one song at a time v'zeh hu. Why did they feel the need to do a dozen all at once?

  16. Die Aish chevre zennen nisht nor a bissel meshua nor in gantzen meshuga -- mistomme meshuga gevoren fun die gelt und chaloimes!

  17. Who is NJOP?
    a Mo?Mizrachi org.?

  18. Usually these parody-style videos pick one song at a time v'zeh hu. Why did they feel the need to do a dozen all at once?
    umm, no need to analyze it. that's what a rock of ages is

  19. some just sing songs, others just report the news.
    if you think they are wrong, you are wrong.
    "יפוצו מעיינותיך חוצה"


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