Saturday, December 31, 2011

R' Luzer Reich goes to print

He was a Bocher'l from Manchester and he wrote it as he saw it. Shabbos with the Belzer Rov, Chevroner Yeshiva, Levayos for Gedolei Yisroel, Kfar Chabad on 19 Kislev, Hafagones in Meah Shearim, they're all there. A while back we had the uncensored version of R' Luzer Reich's letters back home in 1953-54, but I'm not sure what IBS has. Buy it here, and tell them the Tzig sent you, maybe they'll send me a copy.


  1. published by hamodia... you can be sure it'll be ger neutral.

  2. "Buy it here" link doesn't seem to work..

  3. I'm afraid the book will be so parve, that you'll be able to eat it with treif.

  4. looking forward to you posting theהשמטות

  5. someone is gonna get fired for sending it to you

  6. fired for sending what? the original letters that I posted last year or so weren't from IBS or Hamodia. I can promise you that. And here all I did was a post a link to the IBS website. So why would anybody get fired???

  7. Good honest read, Beis Yisroel in all his uncensored glory

  8. so you read the book and they published the uncensored version??

  9. More or less, they took out the bare minimum


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