Wednesday, January 11, 2012

?דאס מיינט מען מיר

כל אחד המגין, ובגלוי, על הענינים שכ"ק אדמו"ר מסר נפשו עליהםה"ה ממשיך על עצמו ועל כל ב"ב שיחיו מטוב הסתום שיהי' בטוב הנראה ונגלה ממש בגו"ר...

This copy of a letter by the Lubavitcher Rebbe זי"ע - written soon after ascending the "throne of leadership" - was sent to me by a good friend. When I asked him if he included me in that category, and that's why he sent me the letter, he very strongly said "YES!" I'm not one to toot my own horn, and far be it from me to do things like ע"מ לקבל פרס, but it's nice to know that my work is appreciated... Unless you say - like some Lubavitchers do - that what I do here does the opposite, it only makes people think worse of Lubavitch and the Rabbeyim/Chassidus. But even so; if what I'm doing here is defending, then it shouldn't matter what the end result is, as long as the right intentions are there... The Rebbe would always וואונטש it should be בטוב הנראה והנגלה. The אייבערשטער always does what it is good. He is goodness. But sometimes the goodness is not visible, and that's why we ask that it be "seen and revealed" goodness. Goodness that simple people like us can see and feel and appreciate.

This pleases the Tzig.


  1. I dont think he meant having a blog. Kol Shekein not one who toots his own horn. Vda"l.

    Bichlal, a Chosid zucht zich farleerin baim Rebbe'n; nisht zich gefeenen.

  2. right
    that's why people almost got killed pushing to see the Rebbe. Because מ'האט זיך געוואלט פארלירען....

  3. Your comparing apples and oranges. I dont see a Farbrengen here. AND, there were MANY emese great Chassidim which didnt push and shove. This "concept" was only picked up by the younger generation after Lamed Ches, when lots of Chevere stopped going for Kos Shel Bracha etc...

  4. נו
    דאס איז דאך די וואס זענען חרפו עקבות משיחיך....

  5. I'm trying to illustrated a point. Take it or leave it.

    I stand by my assertion that he didn't mean blogs.

  6. Huh?

    I don't think he was ever petty like that. He didn't want/need a PR firm to make him look good. Remember, after all is said and done, the Rebbe was a Kanoi who didn't care much for the public's opinion.

  7. "Vontch" Tzig that word is not in a vocabulary of a Reisener Yid .So I doubt the Rebbe "vontched"

  8. To be honest,I am no Chabad lover but this blog brought up some very fair points and made me appreciate them more over the years, so yes, it applies.

  9. I believe it says שכ"ק מו"ח אדמו"ר

  10. Shmuel said...
    "I dont think he meant having a blog. Kol Shekein not one who toots his own horn. "
    Most of the writings of lubavitch leadership for the last 100 years were for the sake of L'Garmei, toothing their own horn and degrading others ,
    They would have used a blog but without readers comments , so not to bust their bubble

  11. tzig: "But even so; if what I'm doing here is defending, then it shouldn't matter what the end result is, as long as the right intentions are there... "

    Is this the lubab dogma and the satmerer one? Or of all up hill and downhill ideologies?

    If you have the right intentions by defending the wrong side!? that shouldn't matter because???... and you should be rewarded because!?...
    (you're a good foot soldier maybe?)

  12. Malach
    "Most of the writings of lubavitch leadership for the last 100 years were for the sake of L'Garmei, toothing their own horn and degrading others"
    You wrote a very broad statement,
    Can you start to explain?
    I will try to put myself in a barn with a ferd and explain, that Emuna,Yidshkiet and Torah was the total being of the Chabad rebbes of the last 100 years, so what ever they did in the field of Torah,Emuna, And Yiddishkiet,with a Mesiras Nefesh that was not seen by no other godal beyisroel in the last 100 years, was for themselves, since these 3 is the essence of their self(being).
    For a Ferd its Gut Gezogt...

  13. Anon said... "that was not seen by no other godal beyisroel in the last 100 years,"
    So said your rebbes PR machine I dont see only LeGarmei self promotion that brainwashed you ,but not me.

  14. Malach
    "So said your rebbes PR machine I dont see only LeGarmei self promotion that brainwashed you ,but not me."
    was the lubavicher rebbe in prison for Judaism sake?
    is it only a PR stunt?
    I assume you know exactly who killed Kennedy?

  15. anon 12:39, "with a Mesiras Nefesh that was not seen by no other godal beyisroel in the last 100 years"

    I know the undisputable of RYY The Meharsha"b and the higer ups!, can you elaborate on the Mesiras Nefesh of reb MM !(none heard of in the last 100 years, or otherwise).

  16. Anon
    Why does it matter to you, is the Holy Lubacvicher Rebbe by a mesiras nefesh test by u?
    will u start to learn the chassidus of the Reshab now?
    since u certified he was a baal mesiras nefesh

  17. Hirshel
    on the other hand the Rebbe was against Vikuchim....

  18. וויכוחים מיט גויים וועגן רעליגיע, not Vikuchim with Satmars and Litvish

  19. I have seen Sharansky have the same EXPOSURE as RYY is this a reason to call him Heilig? to read his writings?
    mesires nefesh by jews is a totaly diffrent meaning and concept

  20. The Rebbes mesiras Nefesh was instead of learning and writting and speaking toras he decided to sit for years and years and see people and help them BIGUR.

    The Rebbe never wanted to be rebbe and would have been happy sitting and learning and live a simple life.

    He took the mantel of leadership at almost 50 and till then was a quiet person ...

    He gave up his privacy and life and said thousands of maamerim in deep chasidus and the hundreds of Sefarim in niglah ......

    He sat and tried to bring moshiach.... and IYH one day he will come as we know Uva Litzion Goel.....

    He gave everyone who met him hope and aitzos and brochos and emunah and kept the touch of the Baal SHem Tov alive.....

    If not him toras chasidus would have been cut short.... He brought life to a group of chabadskas and americans and from 20 chasidim he created an army that serves klal yisroel around the world..

    WHat else can explain why even now people hope and fight for a place on shlichus..... The dream lives on!!!!

  21. i kindly sent this letter to R' Yitzchok Wolf from Chicago in referance to the controversy regarding shmuley boteach and R' Wolfs Machoe.

    btw R ' Hirshil: is it possible this leter is to R' nisin nemanov?

  22. Zemel
    "I have seen Sharansky have the same EXPOSURE as RYY is this a reason to call him Heilig? to read his writings?
    mesires nefesh by jews is a totaly diffrent meaning and concept"

    Is there a difference by u, between Avrohom Ovinu and Ir Kasdim and Islamists Suicide Bombers.

    Your hate to chabad is Mavir usoch Midatoch umidaath Koinoich,Im ien Daat Havdala Minayin.
    at the end most Kanoim are kofrim....If you hate am Yisroel, u hate Elokai Yisroel

  23. I recall in the old days, when I used to joust with R. Y.Y. Kazen ז'ל. He was considered cookie by many because he had embraced the internet (then it was just usenet) and was posting and posting on various newsgroups and he was "defending" Chabad. In those days it was in soc.culture.jewish and soc.culture.israel etc
    Yet, the LR did not object to his activities and as I understand it encouraged Kazen. Now Hirshel can only resort to Igros to tell us what the LR might think of his activities :-) but in the end, I don't see it as too different to Kazen, but with a bit more s__t stirring thrown in.

    I just googled balbin kazen in a google/groups search and found that even though it was 1996, not much has changed ....

  24. Tzig: דאס מיינט מען מיר

    אוודאי, כל אחד ואחד חיב לומר בשבילי נברא העולם

  25. anon 3:42 "at the end most Kanoim are kofrim" "Is there a difference by u, between Avrohom Ovinu and Ir Kasdim and Islamists Suicide Bombers."

    Hey, bug off I doubt you're מזרע ישראל go to FM and sink in that hole! where you will find company!

  26. anon 3:42 "Is there a difference by u, between Avrohom Ovinu and Ir Kasdim and Islamists Suicide Bombers."


    BTW If I remember right the rambam writes that Islamists teachings inforces אחדות הבורא certainly not christianity or zionisim for that matter.

  27. anon 10:19, "The Rebbes mesiras Nefesh was... "

    All nice midos tovas! but to compare to actual mesiras nefesh! like the mersha"b and RYY who had all does midas tovas! Plus mesiras nefesh mamash!?

  28. Hirshel: “וויכוחים מיט גויים וועגן רעליגיע, not Vikuchim with Satmars and Litvish”

    What וויכוחים did he have with SR? I know he talked about SR 'sublimely'.. in farbrengen , but do you know of the other way around? That SR talked about him by his toras? Hence it becomes a וויכוח ?

  29. The rebbe didn't want to be rebbe - is the very greatest of all lubavitcher myths.

  30. Anon
    "The rebbe didn't want to be rebbe - is the very greatest of all lubavitcher myths."
    do you have some written proof to refute it?
    or it is your wishfull thinking, you are too fargrebrt to believe that our world consists of eidele souls.

  31. anon

    BTW If I remember right the rambam writes that Islamists teachings inforces אחדות הבורא certainly not christianity or zionisim for that matter.

    so bottom line is islam great according the Ramba.?, added to that, they hate the am hayoshev Betzion, can u admit it and spare us some confusion,

  32. Re Defense of a Rebbe,Its intersting that the rambam writes in Hilchas Melochim Perek 5.That defending the prestige of the Melech Yisroel, is a Milchemes Mitzva, Man Malcha Rabonan..

  33. To be honest, I am no lover of the Lubab, but this blog brought up some valid points in an articulate manner; I just can't remember where....

  34. Tzig if you are serious tht the Rebbe was a Ukranian Jew you need to re learn the aleph beth of East European Jewish life.(Nothing personal but many people write about Lubavitch not having the first idea of what White Russia was all about and its cultural and social life. They impose Hungarian and Galicianer concepts on Reisen)My guess is that in 25 years there will be those guys who will claim the rebbe was a ungarisher.. After all he spent a few months in Vienna.
    The rebbe spoke a Ukranian Yiddish ? You are kidding ? Ever hear the Ribnitzer or Skulener If you are kidding then Rabbi Gifter was not a litvak but a good ole boy from Virginia come to think of it he spoke a southern Yiddish ...Ich vontch dir a gutten tog .

  35. The rebbe didn't want to be rebbe

    can anyone document that? did he ever tell anyone, na im not a rebbe, go to my bil, or anyone else for that matter? not that i or anyone i know knows of. aderaba, hamideini al haemes, with proof.

  36. there are countless stories where the rebbe told them not to bother him and that he won't be Rebbe

  37. Anon
    "can anyone document that? did he ever tell anyone, na im not a rebbe, go to my bil, or anyone else for that matter? not that i or anyone i know knows of. aderaba, hamideini al haemes, with proof."
    yes. there all letters that he begs people to leave him alone.
    But He did not send to his BIL, he did not look at the rebisteve business as bartering,he probably tought his BIL, is not rebbe material.

  38. there all letters that he begs people to leave him alone

    where, i would love to look it up

  39. where?
    אגרות קודש כ"ק אדמו"ר שליט"א/זי"ע


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