Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Poll

On the sidebar we have posted a new poll. Please take a look and vote. If you so wish you can comment and make a different choice.


  1. None of the choices given reflect my view so I will give it here:Based on reading this blog alone I would add baaley machlokes,baaley motzey shem ro and other faults to Chabad.(I don't read this blog regularly I occasionally glance at the headlines to see if there is anything of interest and not Motzey shem ro)

  2. that sort of fits into number 2, where you believe everything you were taught about Chabad.

  3. I like the question as you focus on Lubavitch and not the Rebbe. The answer for me is Yes, but since my 6th grade R didn't cover the subject I'm not voting.

  4. I was born in Mt Kisco and was raised ......

    My opinion on chabad and my english skills have both been elevated while ready your blog and always waiting for new material.

    Thanks and by the way I bought in your Zechus the new Tanya from Heichel Menachem in monsey (oberlander ) and have finished chalek alef !!!!

  5. ייש"כ ר' מאנט קיסקא
    וואס טוט זיך דארט היינט? ס'נאך דא א ישיבה?

  6. המחליף פרה בחמור

  7. nothing else?!

    אזא נישט אנציהענדע מלמד האט איר געהאט?

  8. I voted #2, but it has a lot more nuance than that. On the plus side I learned there may be hope for Chabad especailly on a personal level and overall I respect your opinion on a lot of matters (tzig I mean) so that is a Chiddush. Regarding general Chabad mostly it is the same and there are some things that are worse


  9. For the record I have no issue with you editing my comment. Frankly I am surprised that you can still be called a Chosid with some of the comments you let through.

  10. Saying I believe what I was taught is incorrect because I was never formally taught anything about Lubavitch.I did read Al H'Torah V'al H'Temurah but it only confirmed what I already knew and came across about Chabad

  11. so you had the equivalent of what the Germans had in mein Kampf about the Jews

    your Mom would be proud

  12. This is my final comment.If you feel Al H'Torah V'al H'Temurah
    is inaccurate please explain why.This is an issue I would LOVE to be wrong about.Tragically my independent reading of Lubavitcher publications and my experiences with Lubavitchers both in and out of 770 (both before and after reading AHVH)have definitely confirmed most of what is written there.

  13. it's wrong for 2 reasons

    1) it's full of lies

    2) the "problems" they have are pure עם הארצות


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