Sunday, January 22, 2012

Your RDA of Misnaged Bashing

I assume you're tired of Satmar and Belz. So, on to your next favorite topic!


  1. ציג, עס פאסט נישט פאר דיר צו ברענגען פון די גאר פריערדיגע אן צו דערמאנען די בעל התניא

  2. the dubner maggid zt"l said that the diffrence between the m.m.'s tish and a circus is that by a circus people sing and the bear dances, but by tish the ber (the m.m.) sings and the people dance.

  3. im supposed to believe that the magid c"v condoned mesira? cmon!

  4. Was the Dubner Magid a Misnaged?
    I know he was in the Gra circle, but the first time I hear some misnagdic word from him.
    Is this printed in his Oholie Yakov?

  5. yea, i would think that a tish with baal hatanyah there, wouldn't make senseto be compared to a circus. would you?

  6. so the mezritcher was moser. i suppose the "amalek" in the title was referrence to him.

  7. "im supposed to believe that the magid c"v condoned mesira? cmon!"
    the halacha(heard it from rav elieshev when he was still in Hiechel Shloma) is, that if someone beats you, and u cant stop him, first you stop thru any means that is available may it be, even the Zhandarin...

  8. can someone please explain the meaninig of אות קי"א about the סט"א where the baal dovor told the magid:ויערב הבר בתוך התבן
    does that mean that the magid preferred less chassidim אבי ס'זאל זיין איכותדיגע??

  9. obviously, 1 paragraph contradicts the next piece, and the editor has no idea whats happening,

  10. For some reason, chassidishe maysos like making the rebbes look bad. I understand why the torah temimah would do that with the TT story, but why do chassidim do this to the rebbes?

  11. Mendel Hirsch
    can u be specific, which of the 4 is problematic?
    Just a question, if the Arizal would say the same stuff, on a person that is anti Kabala, would u be OK with it?

  12. Nice to see the true face of Hassidism showing once again.

    Despite all their talk of 'love', ahavas Yisroel (like missionaries), when other Yidden refuse to convert and insist on sticking to old fashioned Yiddishkiet, they can't take it.

  13. Snag
    I dont want to act like a child in Kindergarten,
    but read the story a second time, who gave the first punch?

  14. Anonymous - not me.

    But nevertheless, they use leshonos like עמלק, זייער שיין.

    The (alleged) Chassidish Ahavas Yisroel for every Yid, wow, ווי זיס!

  15. this really makes chassidim look moronic. please remove it.


  16. You needn't remove it; just, please add the title page with some bibliographical info... Who edited/published this???

  17. I thought the Rebbe said that there are no more Misnagdim today, just nit Chassidim? Is someone here chaylek on the Rebbe?? What about אין לנו אלא דברי בן עמרם??

    The Alter Rebbe wrote a letter to his Chassidim not to start up with laymdei Tayreh, no?

  18. The story of reb pincus koritzer asked for parnasah makes no sense its makes him very small my father told me by the lubavitchers there is only the magid bal hatanya no one else they don't even know of the rebbe reb meilech only he was a brother of reb zusha I guess everybody has their tzimtzum

  19. Anon
    you are a triple A idiot and your father is probaly a idiot too.
    the piece is from a manuscropt of the old Novominsker printed in a sefer from a Sadugerer chosid.. where is chabad in this picture?

    How many people in your fathers circle know about Reb Aron Shtrasheler or Reb Hilel Paricher.
    How many people know the difference between the 2 Reb Avrohom Slonimer, or the 2 Reb Usher's of Stolin?

  20. Your right on the first point
    The issue is not knowing, by the way any person who consideres them self chassidish knows the difference between the 2 reb usher's of stolin. lubavith chassidim have no respect to peylishe rabbeyim because the learn chagas (chesed gevurah tiferes) not chabad I don't know if you know that

  21. How many Pielishgers have respect for Reb Hilel or Reb Eizel?
    You will find many more Chabad Chasidim having respect for Reb Elimelech then you will find Peilishers having respect for reb Eizel or Reb Hilel
    since you seem very ignorant, I will tell you that in Chabad the sefer Noam Elimelech is considered by chabad chasidim as the Sifron Shel tzadikim,vs the Alte Rebbes Tanya is the Sifron Shel Beninem. Its a topic thats brought up constantly by Mashpiem at Farbrengens.
    Since you are ignorant, I will notify you that the Tzemach Tzedek quotes in Oir Hatorah the Noam Elimelech.
    for the future , try to know facts before u have egg on your ignorant face.


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