Wednesday, February 15, 2012

שטריימל גילט טריפס

קודם שטעלט מען פעסט אז מ'דארף גיין דעראין, און אז נישט איז מען א שוואכע איד. ס'טייטש? אברהם אבינו און דער רבי ר' בונם זאגען אזוי. און דערנאך, אז מ'דארף שוין יא, איז נישטא נאך אזאנס ווי מיללער. גאנץ פיינע אנאנסען. זאל זיי וואויל באקומען


  1. the only redeeming quality the ad has is the dvar emes from the rebbe reb binem.

  2. און דער קדושת יו"ט האט געזאגט: איך ווייס טאקע נישט דעם טעם פארוואס מ'גייט מיט א שטריימל אבער איין זאך ווייס איך אז די אויף געקלערטע אין שטאט סיגוט קענען נישט אויסהאלטען יעדעס מאל זיי זעען א איד מיט א שטריימל פאר דעם אליין איז עס א מצוה.

    yosef 718

  3. להעיר:
    "עשו איז געגאנגען מיט א שטריימעל און א זידדענע זופיצע"
    "אן אקס מיט א שטריימעל"

  4. Yosef 718
    y did Reb Lipele not offer a Pineapple on the head, it is cheaper and it stings more and eatable...

  5. I like the shtreimel on the bottom picture. The top one is too big.

  6. y did Reb Lipele not offer a Pineapple on the head, it is cheaper and it stings more and eatable?

    I'm sure us Jews would have made sure that the price of a pineapple whole have been $5000

    מילער פיינעפעפל

  7. הער מיך צו, אז שבת איז ראשי תיבות שטריימל במקום תפילין האבן זיי זיך טאקע וואס צו שעמען אז איין טאג א וואך לייגן זיי נישט תפילין.

  8. Anon

    "'m sure us Jews would have made sure that the price of a pineapple whole have been $5000"
    the way to insure that it should cost 5000, is thru the Verem Kericher...
    and we will have to buy a Bodek pineapple for 5/M

  9. Right now the verem are in the shtraimlech. Or the Shtreimlech oif di verem.

  10. Anti Semites, the lot of you

  11. shtreimels are made from the tail of a fox. this symbolizes the chasidic teaching of taking the bottom - the nefesh bahami, earthly things - and bringing them to the top, the head, by drawing out the inherent sparks of holiness - nitzotzos. that is why we eat a lot and make the mundane act of fressing into a holy act. that is why we eat gallareta (petcha) - we take the toes, the lowest part, of an animal and raise it to kedusha by the shabbos tish. that is why the original kat, and many rebbes throughout the doros, had a ritual to perform somersaults - moving the top to the bottom and the bottom to the top.

    sounds sensible? if so, you are a real durchgeveigte chasid!

  12. i saw in השקדן a psak din from rav elyashiv that yshiva toras chesed is the propertty of the lubavitcher rebbe and always belonged to the rebbes. who was the tove'a?

  13. anon
    "shtreimels are made from the tail of a fox. this symbolizes the chasidic teaching of taking the bottom "
    Hey, take it easy, dont make fun a wardrobe that was worn by all European gedolie yisroel, it is not a chasidic invention, the Gra of the Lita and the CS of Germany/Hungary wore it too, just chasidim were adament not to change to modernization, believing that it stops haskala from its houses.

  14. Toras Emes, not Toras Chesed
    the tovea was the son of the one who waS the first menahel.


  16. Reb Hirsh,

    Had your post focused on the acting school offer, I could possibly grasp the premise for you question.

    But merely a picture of a female face ? Is one oiver 'v'lo sosuru' or 'shmiras ainayim' with seeing a picture of a females face ?

    Surely, it would not be midas hachasiddus for bochurim to have pictures of female faces as pinups in their lockers.

    However extrapolating that to walking down the street and seeing the ad and deeming that to being nichshal with the above mentioned issurim , is a quantam leap.

    Unless you bought into the whole Hungarian style, latter day theology.

  17. This isn't the thread where we discussed the acting school!
    But you're right! I think I lost my train of thought and missed the point that I was trying to make.


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