Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the show must go on! מיין שטעטאלע טעלז


Zalman Gifter gets $1.05M.
He may not open a Yeshiva or Kolel in Wickliffe, home of the Telsher Yeshivah.
He still retains "בעלות" of the Yeshiva. I'm not sure what it's worth...
If he leaves within 90 days the Yeshiva must pay ZG $200k for his house.
הערה 3 is a must-read. The Yeshiva is there taken to task for going to court.
He may not use the name Telshe alone. It must have another name added to it.
Telshe has no claim to Rav Gifter anymore.
The Rebbetzin must be paid up what she's owed.
Yankev Velvel Katz and Yosef Zalman Bloch do NOT rescind their claim to Telshe.
All payments must be made by 120 days of the Psak.

(what about Reb Yitzchok Sorotzkin? Reb Aizik Ausband and his son?)

right-click on images and click "open image in new tab" to see large version.

see הערה 3

די סאטמורים (ארונים) אליין לאכען זיך אויס פונעם "סאחדעס" בית דין, אבער די טעלזער גלייבען נאך....


  1. Hirshel can't hold is liquor 5 minutes ago he was quiting! Now he is back! How will he survive the purim! when there is a
    חיוב להשתכר ביין

  2. Hirshel, די סאטמורים אליין לאכען זיך אויס פון "סאחדעס" בית דין, אבער די טעלזער גלייבען נאך

    Satmar stands for exposing the שקר even when it's their own!

  3. isn't it a shame for the whole Livishe yeshivah establishment?
    all they learn in Yeshivahs is, the 3 Bavas and the Ketzois, Nesivois....and for a din torah that needs real halacha they use and need some visnitzer chosid and some Sands street talmid
    What a stab in their bubble..

  4. tzig, מיין שטעטאלע טעלז

    Is this the same טעלז that tried to insult SR z"l when he gave a shiur there?!

    ס'האט א פנים וויא מיין מיין שטעט'אלע בעלז

  5. anon 12:52, "isn't it a shame for the whole Livishe yeshivah establishment?"

    נתן דוד ראזענבערגער signed on the pesak is from the same family of גאונים I mentioned on another nik יושע ראזענבערגער and it's כדאי לסמוך עליהם

  6. Hirshel, די סאטמורים אליין לאכען זיך אויס פון "סאחדעס" בית דין, אבער די טעלזער גלייבען נאך

    That's the process of mankind
    אין אדם נתפס בשעת צערו ... באתרא דיצה"ר לית דמנכרי יצ"ט

    But, they will come around it takes time, Just like it took years for telz to do so, in the end יקוב הדין את

  7. Hirshel Tzig "and you'll be Shlomo der Geler, OK?"

    People make fun of the name the 'Geler' In truth SR z"l called him once like that בלשון חיבה and it's far from an insult!

    Me used to tease him watch out don't become The Yellow Press like!
    עיתון צהובה, די געלע פּרעסע

    But in General he stays on the message! and he is doing a decent job (so far)

  8. Hirshel Tzig said...
    no more anonymous comments please!

    I tried to name myself in the 'open ID' prompt, but i guess i'm not savy enough to navigate it.

  9. Do you mean to say Satmar Brider Zoll zikh Shaymen, that this is how a Riv V'Neygah is settled, not b'Arkuos?

    BTW, the Velt knows the SR in Cleveland story very differently, How Rav Gifter spoke highly of SR afterwards (Toysfes Plugt Zikh, is der Sprakh) . Is there anything more to the story? Can anyone provide details, what year, was SR on the way to Chicago? How many times did he travel to Mttlel Amerika? Who did he see in Chicago, I only know of der Alter Hornsteipler, where he gave a Kvittel.

    Lastly , when the Belzer Khoson is referred to as Der Yoiresh, is it intended as a dis to Aron Mordechai, or some kind of recognition that this 16-year old "Yukhelt"?

  10. no "dis" to הרה"צ ר' אהרן מרדכי, they're talking about after him...

    and they say - - - that he won't be the one either. It'll be his younger brother. Let's wait and see...

  11. B"H this mess has been resolved and maybe telz can start recovering. it's been a total disaster the past 10 yrs, and we can only hope they finally get their act together.

    I know this won't happen, but it should serve as a warning to all the litvishe yeshivas about trying to imitate the rebbelach and making the RY a family succession.

  12. The chasidim use novRdok
    Bais din why because everyone wants impartiality

  13. Tzig, "and they say - - - that he won't be the one either. It'll be his younger brother. Let's wait and see...'

    After the completion of the belz transformation by the current furor does it matter?

    I'll give him due respect for this מחילה episode, which i suspect that יד ר' אהרן מרדכי באמצע and will help him later... but damage done will not be easy if ever to correct.

  14. chnyock will have to resurectWednesday, February 29, 2012 2:52:00 PM

    i'll try to not post without my name bln

  15. BelzFinAMool 2:06, "this is how a Riv V'Neygah is settled, not b'Arkuos?"

    This is factually not true! Nothing ever settled in Satmar בערכאות and nothing will! Meaning any side winning for the day! Knows fully well it is a temporary win of time.. and the losing side will press for a ד"ת which he will get, unless they may settle between themselfs in the end.. But trying to delay a ד"ת by just winning time to re-group!

    Now about חה"ש what occures meanwhile, I'm not so sure about that! All שו"ת ביו"ד ובחוש"מ printed for the entire world to see can see that the whole torah surronds on דין ומשפט nothing to be ashamed of, and in the end only the ד"ת will prevail!

    כי דבר שנצטער בו אותו צדיק לא יכשל בו זרעו

  16. I am not sure where this motzi shem rah about litvishers learning only three bovas and nesivos/ktzos. More than being untrue, it demonstrates your profound sinas chinam.

    The Roshei Yeshiva there are familiar with gantz shas with rishonim, acharonim and poskim. They went to an excellent chassidishe beis din. This is a positive thing; not a negative one.

    I can write plenty of nasty things, too--but I am taking the high road. If only you can do the same.

  17. "In truth SR z"l called him once like that בלשון חיבה and it's far from an insult!"
    I read by the aronim that the Sr called hem Der geller as a insult.
    So whom should I believe?, when both sides are agenda driven, and millions are at stake

  18. שיעורי דעת?? did they mean שיעורי דת?

  19. Moshe Leizer said...

    " I am not sure where this motzi shem rah about litvishers learning only three bovas and nesivos/ktzos. More than being untrue, it demonstrates your profound sinas chinam.

    The Roshei Yeshiva there are familiar with gantz shas with rishonim, acharonim and poskim. "

    its all just talk,if its not proven, if I am forced to believe, then I will rather believe in Skverer Rebbe....

  20. סעיף ד': ישלמו המעות באופן....כדי שלא יגרום לו הוצאות

    מען דארף עס בכלל דערמאנען ?

    העלמת מיסים לערנט מען דאך פון די מעשה ווען מען האט בהלטען שרה אימנו
    פון דער פקיד פון מס הכנסה.

    Hirshel, I know its tax season....stress not !! :)

  21. הרצחת וגם ירשת

  22. how about the Mrs Tress of Monsey

  23. anon 6:07, "So whom should I believe?, when both sides are agenda driven, and millions are at stake"

    Do you have a stake in it? believe only in the 13 אני מאמין'ס

  24. anon 6:07, "I read by the aronim that the Sr called hem Der geller as a insult."

    SR wasn't calling anyone any names let alone this yingerman whom he liked, btw I do know that he said once in his anger:

    דער אהרן דער קטלר

  25. Zvi Hersh: "Hirshel, I know its tax season....stress not !! :)"
    מען דארף עס בכלל דערמאנען?

    חציף הוא האי מאן דמגלה פשעיו

  26. anon 6:07, "I read by the aronim that the Sr called hem Der geller as a insult"

    It should not matter to you either way, But btw 'I was present' when it happened and I can vouch that it was 'friendly fire'

  27. >>its all just talk,if its not proven, if I am forced to believe, then I will rather believe in Skverer Rebbe....

    Its not talk, and it is proven.

    Case closed.

  28. Page 86 in this weeks yated says more with what was left out than with what it says...

  29. תפוח בעצי היערThursday, March 01, 2012 4:05:00 PM

    tzakid: "Page 86 in this weeks yated"

    Oh wow you made it to page 86 in the אפּיקורסישע המודיע now that's a TZADIG! not a "tzakid"

  30. i was happy to read in the yated that ari wolf still has a job. but what about gino, harry eckles and tom? also, it was very nice of racl to let everyone know where to sit.

  31. Remarks from R Avrohom Chaim Levine announcing the newly installed hanhala at Telz.

  32. As an outsider, I cringed when I saw the Bes Din referring to a רב קאטץ.

    Are these esteemed gedolei torah unaware that the name is כ"ץ as in כהן צדק ? The transliteration from the English "Katz" would be expected only from a total am ha'aretz.

  33. Reb Mottel was not a Kohen, כידוע
    although he may have not spelled his name with an אל"ף
    (the same is true for Rabbi Leibel Katz of BP)

  34. Zalman Gifter has been acknowledged as the rightful manager of the Telz Yeshiva by two separate Beis-Din's. The only reason the second Beis-Din recommended the buy-out is because the rebbeim refuse to accept him. Like children, they refused him entrance into the Beis-Medrash and even tried to bully other minyanim into refusing him admittance. This was effectively a Coup-by-Din-Torah. Had the Beis-Din given control to Zalman again, the hanhala would likely have ignored the psak as they ignored the first one. Then there would have been a third and fourth and fifth Din Torah as well, with seizure of bank accounts as the last time. That's the real shanda here.

  35. He would have been machriv the yeshiva. His own brothers and his brother-in-law were against him.

  36. He would have been machriv, he was machriv. That's what people say. But the only thing he did that drove people to want his blood was to hire a new rebbe, a rebbe from the outside, who proved to be quite capable.

  37. the yeshiva already started improving. thank g-d it's over, they still need tons of cash to cover all the din torahs, its crazy

  38. R mottel katz davka misspelled his name to demonstrate he's not a kowhane.

  39. And now two years later the place is still in shambles...
    If you want top see the truth, go to Cleveland and you will see with your own eyes that all the pictures and PR is not true. The only that's true is that A levitanski gets $120k a year.
    Don't just call me Out, look into it seriously...


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