Sunday, March 18, 2012

לדעתי איז דאס א שאד אויף אידישע געלט

I took this picture with my phone and e-mailed it to myself. I paid $2 for the "נייעס באריכט" newspaper on Friday -  not for  this ad, but mostly for the coverage of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe's passing. Not bad for a "Satmar" newspaper. If you closed your eyes you might think that a Vizhnitzer wrote it...

איין ג-ט ווייסט how much time and money and effort they're gonna spend on this. And it's gonna flop. Bad. There's no way in heck that they fill up that stadium. I appreciate the fact that RMS and the Skulener Rebbe want to save future generations for Yiddishkeit, but I think the short sightedness of many of these same people is what lost them this battle. They never believed it would come to this. They had built a very high wall, and no blackberry or Iphone would breach that wall. Now they're humming a very different tune. The driving force behind this gathering is one Rabbi Nechemia Gottlieb of Lakewood, who was once Menahel of of a Lakewood "Zilberman-style" cheder in Lakewood. Now he saves children from the evils and dangers of technology. I understand he's very persistent and gets his way or else. I wish I knew what he was thinking, first when he rented out Citi Field, and second what a few hours of lectures will accomplish. Will there be some kind of massive bonfire that all BBs will be chucked into? or will all mosdos force all parents to swear that they have no Iphone or internet at home? Or will crack squads be banging on your doors at 2am looking for Smartphones? For that we need CitiField? And how in the world will they fill up that place anyway? The last siyum haShas with all the excitement couldn't gather that many people together, and they had people  bussed in from all over the US! And they think they'll fill CF?!


  1. Sending you a link of an interesting clip from the " 400 rabbis march" in Washington shortly before yom kippur 1944.Unique video where R'Leizer Silver can be seen and were you can hear R'Zev Gold read a proclamation.

    Here :

    P.S As you surely know, Chabad was not involved in this march so I"ll understand if you are not very keen on going there.
    No need for a hat tip.
    Zei gezint

  2. לעלובער מלאךMonday, March 19, 2012 10:18:00 AM

    the Rayatz was not able to travle any more by the time of the march, even 3 yrs earlier when he went to chicago it cost him health.

    Rabbi Gurary the ELDER SIL did travel to represent the Rayatz together with one or two other chabad rabonim whose names elude me now.
    all thsi is known

    the 2nd SIL was still working for the brooklyn navy yard and would not be percieved as a rabbi so his attendance would not have helped.

    unlike some revisionsts want to say, in those years the PUBLIC leadership of chabad was by the elder SIL Rabbi gurary (rashag in chabad lingo). (which why there were a few ppl who wanted him to be the succesor even by the 7 yrs later.

  3. Two points:
    1. The Rabbis march, on the surface, seemed pointless and did not have an obvious effect. Nevertheless, the WRB was established because of it, and they sent Raoul Wallenberg (who was working in a bank in Haifa at the time) to try and save Jews. There are tens of thousands of jews attributed to Wallenberg alone, and the WRB wikipedia page claims 200,000 lives were saved by the WRB. Sometimes, the short term understanding of poshute people is far from the deeper view of the Gedolei Yisroel who did participate.
    2. The organizers of this event in citifield are trying their hardest to educate the public that they are not trying to forbid internet, just to promote the responsible use of the internet. This includes the best possible filters for every user, and recognition of what could happen when inappropriate emails and messages are passed around. Many people are not conciously aware of what is happening when a relationship is begun through email, and they get sucked in (maybe not totally innoccently) until it is further than they would be otherwise. It is interesting that this message is not getting accross to the public.
    As an aside, even though the above is true, I still do not know why we need citifield. Why can't every Rov do it on his own? I think many people enjoy big events. It makes them feel part of something larger than themselves. The organizers enjoy flexing their power, and publicity is enjoyed by all of us. Except those who were brought up by an older generation who understood what eidelkeit and tznius really mean. We just cringe and close our eyes and try and teach our children the truth against the heavy winds of grobkeit and attention-seeking.

  4. Yankel

    I assume you're new to the blog...

    very new...

    This is from Sept. 2011, 6 months ago.


  6. Liebel
    Will this Meeting succeed as bad (great in artscroll hagiography) as that meeting, That meeting had no chance in hell to get results,(unless you can lie that the kastner train was a result of the Washington Protest) I hope this asifa will have at least some minor effect

  7. Lelover Shoref
    "unlike some revisionists want to say, in those years the PUBLIC leadership of chabad was by the elder SIL Rabbi gurary (rashag in chabad lingo). (which why there were a few ppl who wanted him to be the succesor even by the 7 yrs later"
    there is no revisionism in chabad pertaining the Rebbes officiating as offical Chabad, the Rebbe even as Rebbe could not take the status of officialdom...You don't know the Rebbe, go hate someone you know better.

  8. Can someone verify if Rabbi Gurarie who attended the march was The son in law?
    If I"m not mistaken it may have been someone else?
    Shneour, do you know?

  9. Very well said. I do believe that they will fill fill the venue they could always instruct all the Yeshivos to go like they used to by the siyum hashas. Bottom line if they do not have concrete solutions like a good filter (must be very cheap or free or most people will not pay even if they spend a couple of hundys on an esrog). They must have Kosher phones priced competitively that allow txt and email etc. Just speaches will not do anything.

  10. I'm amazed at the callous attitude that the nay-sayers have, purely on a "socialization" level, not on a Frum level.

    I'm the father of 3 teenagers. Is there anyone who doubts the negative effect of teenagers Rosh'um VeRubom in the screens?

    If there was ever a reason to think of Shabbos as a Khemda, modern communication media prove the value of Shabbos. But these media are an addiction, and many teens will not be Oymed beNisyaon, and its a very slippery slope from there.

    This particular venue, Citi Field, and the harranguing speeches won't accomplish much, but lets not be blind to the issues.

  11. So Gottlieb is out of a job since his cheder closed down. and the Mashgiach had his family in that cheder so I see the connection...

  12. nitzchuni internet nitzchuniMonday, March 19, 2012 1:23:00 PM

    i think we should give up! its over... internet is moshel vesholet on us and especially on the teens. there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.

  13. Hey Tomashover,
    Shmiras einayim's a bummer, no?

  14. I'm positive if it would be the Lubavitcher Rebbe spearheading a campaign against the Internet and tumulting about it, then all you Lubavitchers here would be singing a different tune.

  15. Kovner

    the point is what they're doing, not the concept

  16. Tzig: "And how in the world will they fill up that place anyway?"

    They חכמי כעלעם may deside to combine this with the:
    כינוס לשליחים, כנסי' גדולה לסיום דף היומי, או בע"כ עם הלץ ליפּא

    רש"י: הפשתני הזה תמה: אנה יכנס כל הפשתן הזה, היה פקח אחד השיב לו: ניצוץ אחד יוצא ממפוח (ליפּא) שלך ששורף כל הפשתן

  17. דאס און יענץMonday, March 19, 2012 2:02:00 PM

    האט געזאגט א איד...

    ר' מתתיהו סאלאמאן האט א שטארקע תאוה צו שרייען שמע ישראל בעפאר טויזנטע אידן. נו, אן אז ער נוצט דעם אנטי אינטערנעט קאמפיין אלץ א מיטל צוצוקומען צו דעם תאוה, איז עק וועלט?

  18. חכמי כעלעם

    "They חכמי כעלעם may deside to combine this with the:
    כינוס לשליחים, כנסי' גדולה לסיום דף היומי, או בע"כ עם הלץ ליפּא"
    why did u omit the 2 21 Kislevs Kastner Train celebration?

  19. Kovner
    Just stay positive..

  20. Moshe Gabai: "why did u omit the 2 21 Kislevs Kastner Train celebration?"

    לקיים מה שנאמר, בקהלם אל תחד כבודי

  21. תאותם בל תמנעMonday, March 19, 2012 2:30:00 PM

    Tzig: א פיינע תאוה "The driving force behind this gathering is one Rabbi Nechemia Gottlieb of Lakewood" "and the skulener rebbe" שליט"א

    !תאותם בל תמנע

    BTW, How many divisions do they have?

  22. I heard that some Direnfeld of New Square is also from the peyilim behind the scenes

  23. Hirshel
    I am starting to get the vibes that satmar dont like the asifa...
    I guess It did not start thru the Zali askan klar or Aroni teller,
    Or it will be too many jews from the non hiemishe for them...

  24. If it would be anti Zionist they have no problem...Stadium, Manhattan center or Madison Square Gardens... they are Mamesh like Chabad Michitz Lamachne.. they don"t let there kids of there BP Cheder to participate in the tehilim event of Aserers Ymie Teshuva, that is annual happening in Bobov BP, with Reb Ychezkel Roth by the Pulpit.
    Since their kids are allergic to yidishe kinder of LA, even thru the phone..

  25. Menashe Fulop: "HirshelI am starting to get the vibes..."

    You getting vibes..? And i thought you're un-shakable.. The miracle of satmar.. !

  26. belzer יניקה'לעMonday, March 19, 2012 3:52:00 PM

    Moshe Gabai: "they are Mamesh like Chabad Michitz Lamachne"

    Listen יניקה'לע The only leaders by klal yisruel in the last generations, by that I mean who can make a statement and all will listen! especially here in America, but also in E.Y. was the lubab rebbe and the SR z"l you may say זל"ז But it's a fact! All the Gedolim from israel 'all' belonged to a party and pushed party lines! and the party pushed them, That’s a different concept.

    Let's say if S"R z"l single-handedly would announce No Internet Computer or BB all would listen Just like they did with TV. There is no such power today whatsoever!

    יפקוד ד' אלקי הרוחות.. איש על העדה, שמהלך נגד כל רוחות

  27. and the SR z"l you may say זל"ז
    its my assumption that the Lubavicher rebbe is the Tzad Hakedusha, since you are a home schooled certified Chachimoe Deyeduha

  28. Shefele "and the SR z"l you may say זל"ז "

    The operating word is "may" not זל"ז, like in you may or may not!

  29. Sorry, but it is rather callous to compare a march against the wholesale slaughter of our people to a self-serving cabal campaigning just for the sake of it. However little that march achieved how could one sit and do nothing in those dark days.

    Belz fin amool, with your 3 teenagers you should become belz fin hant and listen to shie fink's trash on the issue.

    And now legufoi shel inyen, I enjoy my microwave and I'm not about to give in to campaigns against technology.

  30. Herschel,
    I was the Yankel who commented on that thread. I did not change my opinion. Tibi Lotzi does not seem to know his facts.

  31. Is the murder of Rav sandler and his sons less tragic because he's not a chabad shliach/ Why haven't you posted about this?

  32. Hershel excellent point. they do mean well tough.
    I would like to take this opportunity to call upon all religious Jews to join in the crusade against the likes of Shmuly Boteach of "kosher Jesus" and "Kosher pig", The Pusheter Yid Shauly Gro's the atheist, and the now very famous Westgate Hooker. Join the shmooz, kick some a.., and add your friends

  33. Hershel why did you delete the save Sinai's kids facebook group link? Do you want those kids to be saved?

  34. Is the murder of Rav sandler and his sons less tragic because he's not a chabad shliach/ Why haven't you posted about this

    there mishichist crowd

  35. mendel Hirsch; I have said this countless times, I Am not a news blog!! what should I do, post the same pictures you've seenn on all other sites?

    i can do that, but it's a very busy time for me now. Give me a break, please. thanks.

  36. לעלובער מלאךTuesday, March 20, 2012 5:14:00 AM

    evidently I am not making my point clear.
    I did not understand what you said about officialdom but the 7th LR was always a very hidden person.

    now that the 15th VOL of letters fromthe Rayatz were published (mostly to Ramash) we see Ramash was much more involved in admin of chabad than it seemd to ppl watching from the outside, but he always avoided the limelight and preferred to be seen as an architect working in the brooklyn navy yard than as chairman of the mosdos he ran.

    I was aiming at those chachomim who attack on two contradictory fronts.
    first they complain why history is being rewritten in chabad by ignoring the fact that bechayov of the Rayatz the leder SIL had a more VISIBLE role that the younger SIL (in europe and the first 4 yrs in the us thats prob true and IMHO its a mistake of those in chabad if they rewrite the history).
    then they complain why did chabad not send an official delegation to the rabbis march.
    when one points out that a delegation did go headed by rashag, they counter with "why did the other SIL not go, he must have had a larger role since he became rebbe"
    which is what i tried to avoid by pointing out that OFFICIALY the elder SIL was the one who ran things in chabad day to day
    while the younger SIL was hiding in brooklyn navy yard until 1945.
    (and at that point possible practically as well since he headed the yeshivos and the younger SIL's mosdos were jsut being set up a yr or two before that)

  37. לעלובער מלאךTuesday, March 20, 2012 5:18:00 AM

    evidently I am not making my point clear.
    I did not understand what you said about officialdom but the 7th LR was always a very hidden person.

    now that the 15th VOL of letters fromthe Rayatz were published (mostly to Ramash) we see Ramash was much more involved in admin of chabad than it seemd to ppl watching from the outside, but he always avoided the limelight and preferred to be seen as an architect working in the brooklyn navy yard than as chairman of the mosdos he ran.

    I was aiming at those chachomim who attack on two contradictory fronts.
    first they complain why history is being rewritten in chabad by ignoring the fact that bechayov of the Rayatz the elder SIL had a more VISIBLE role that the younger SIL (in europe and the first 4 yrs in the us thats prob true and IMHO its a mistake of those in chabad if they rewrite the history).
    then they complain why did chabad not send an official delegation to the rabbis march.
    when one points out that a delegation did go headed by rashag, they counter with "why did the other SIL not go, he must have had a larger role since he later became rebbe"
    which is what i tried to avoid by pointing out that OFFICIALY the elder SIL was the one who ran things in chabad day to day
    while the younger SIL was hiding in brooklyn navy yard at least until 1945.
    (and at that point possible practically as well since the elder SIL headed the yeshivos and the younger SIL's mosdos were jsut set up a yr or two before that)

  38. There will be a bonfire for smartphones belonging to the hamon am, a bigger one for those belonging to the gaboyim of the gedolim. R Matisyahu is of the few gedolim who's gabai actualy has a kosher phone.

  39. Gottlieb did some dirty work for Salomon in Lakewood, shutting up people who questioned Salomon's ruach hakodesh and his right to pasken dinei nefashos based only on his tremendous havana of mussar seforim. Salomon couldn't save Gottlieb's job at bais hatorah but since then he has owed him. Hence Salomon's support for any crazy internet asifa that Gottlieb comes up with. Besides, he doesn't mind if he gets a little kovod out of it also.

  40. yoizel said: "------ whatever"

    Yoshkah! its u again resurrected?!
    I guess, this time around tzig will let u talk..

    לא כאותו האיש שדחקהו בשתי ידיים

  41. לעלובער מלאך
    Your point is well taken,

  42. Besurah tova limivakshei Hashem.

    Failed scotty's blog has now been blocked by the K9 filter as hate speech.


  43. yechi hamelech: "Besurah tova limivakshei Hashem."

    limivakshei Hashem, On the net? yea right!

    I've see some "yechi hamelech" skull caps by the צאן קדשים from the הרוגי אוצר התורה, הי"ד what's that all about?

  44. skbver will send his robots to fill up some chairs...

  45. bobov chusid : "skbver will send his robots to fill up some chairs..."

    I guess skver provoked belz in this bobover..


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