Sunday, March 25, 2012

חומר לקריאה - לכ' ב' ניסן

here's the link to read it on HebrewBooks. - ס'איז כדאי צו ליינען. Or, if you'd like, you can download it Here and read it whenever you like, even after the Internet is banned... The author, HaRav Moshe DovBer Rivkin, was a תלמיד ישיבת תומכי תמימים ליובאוויטש שבליובאוויטש and a ben-bayis by the Rebbe Rashab and later served as Rosh Yeshiva in Torah VoDaas in New York until his passing in 5737. Comments not particularly related to the book will be unceremoniously removed.


  1. IIRC, the Rebbe permitted R' Berel Rivkin to use the Rashab's (& the Rebbe's own) sha'ar blatt border design.

    The part on Shimusha Raba & Ra'avad tefilin made it into S' Ta'amei haMinhogim (Eshkol ed.).

  2. The sefer has a few beautiful lomdus from Rav Rivkin, its interesting how a Tomchie Tememim talmud from the early years had such a clear brisker derech halimud, I guess something was in the atmosphere in that region

  3. For some reason I never read it before. So I started reading it last night and couldn't stop until I finished the whole thing (not his lomdishe ho'oros, just the story). The way Rabbi Rivkin describes all the little details that put together the larger picture which can't really be described directly...

  4. while we are at it, Its important to note the Lubavicher Rebbes didkuk din,
    Eventough by chassidim they had the heter of Kivrie Tzadikim Einem Metamin, especially their own Rebbe, he still buolt the ohel in such fashion that it should not be mahil on the Kohen, as Rav Rivkingn mentions at length.
    It is also a rebuttal to the meshichisten who claim that the Rebbe meant that the Rebbe Raytz is alive Kipshitoi.. then why was he makpid on timas mes...

  5. !אשכבתא דמר

    Finally he's resting, in peace I hope.

  6. there is a mehadurah which mentions his SIL hayodua many times and also has a hakdomoh from him out of all people..
    i've seen some ashkavtas by many lubab's where those pages were ripped up

  7. HT how come were not hearing from about the latest raid from Lakewood. The oilam needs some of your daas toirah. nuuuu..?

  8. Whatever you wanna call it tzig. believe it or not you have a big oilam following your schoirah over here. and the oilam needs your opinion about the latest hock. you know exactly what im referring to

  9. tzvika said:
    the oilam needs your opinion about the latest hock
    The oilam needs some of your daas toirah. nuuuu..?

    Some Da Vinci Codes creeping in בעצי היער lykwood ?

  10. I am from Lakewood and I have no idea what you are talking about.Please elaborate.

  11. tzvika said: ---------

    Never mind what tzvika said, Tzvikal is getting expensive In the season for pesach Borscht..

  12. מי זה הרב שמואל קאמאנעצקי להתערב בריב לא לו!

    בכל הדורות נהגו המוהלים לבצע את המציצה בפה, היינו המוהל מוצץ בפיו דם ממקום פצע המילה. אמנם מציצה בפה דווקא הוא דבר שאינו מפורש בתלמוד, אך כי יש מהפוסקים שדייקו בלשון הגמרא, שהכוונה בפה אכן מציצה בפה מוזכרת בפירוש במקורות הקבלה, וכן כתבו כמה ראשונים
    שבלי הלקט הל' מילה סי' ח; ספר העיטור שער ג, הל' מילה ח"ד; מחזור ויטרי הל' מילה סי' תקה; אבודרהם הל' ברכות ריש שער ט; רמ"א יו"ד רסה א;. וראה באריכות בשד"ח מערכת מילה, קונט' המציצה. וראה בשו"ת באר משה ח"ב סי' פ, שהביא דברי הגאונים ר' יצחק אלחנן ספקטור, ר' חיים עוזר גרודזנסקי, ור' אליעזר סילבר, שבמקומותיהם נהגו כל החרדים למצוץ בפה דווקא

    ! כי עליך הרגנו כל היום זו מילה

  13. "! כי עליך הרגנו כל היום זו מילה "

    I've seen the following on an forbiden site:

    I was a a teenager back in the UK in the 60s . The Satmar Rebbe ZTL was visiting London and at someone’s home the issue of Metitzah b’peh came up. There was a certain hospital which forbade it and insisted that only a sterile tube be used . At that time most Brisin were performed in hospitals as mothers stayed more than eight days after giving birth .

    The tzadik ZTL clearly stated that in a case where the mohel cannot preform metitzah b’peh the Bris should rather be postponed till mother and baby returned home , and that the Mohel should preform Metitzah b’peh even if it meant postponing the Bris. .

    So you what ?

  14. what is beis nissan, and how is it different from anty other chabad holiday?

  15. no Chabad holiday is the same. This is the Yohrtzeit of the 5th Rebbe of Chabad

  16. MBP
    "The tzadik ZTL clearly stated that in a case where the mohel cannot preform metitzah b’peh the Bris should rather be postponed till mother and baby returned home , and that the Mohel should preform Metitzah b’peh even if it meant postponing the Bris. ."
    its obvious that the holy Chasam Sofer had a different opinion then the tzadik of Sakmer....

  17. Tibi Lotzi said...
    "its obvious that the holy Chasam Sofer had a different opinion then the tzadik of Sakmer...."

    ודרשת, וחקרת, ושאלת, היטב, והנה
    אמת נכון הדבר נעשתה התועבה הזאת

    נאך אלע חקירות שבע חקירות! והנה אמת.. ס'דארף נאך זיין אמת אויך!

    ציוואס האט דאס אלעס אויס גיפעלט מ'האט גיקאנט פרעגן דעם אלטץ ווייסענדיגער בלשסג"נ tibi lotzi!?

    די וועלט זאגט נאך אלע שבע חקירות איז שוין גענוג! והנה אמת!
    אמת זאל עס נאך אויך זיין?

  18. Sheva Chakorois
    ודרשת, וחקרת, ושאלת, היטב, והנה
    אמת נכון הדבר נעשתה התועבה הזאת

    נאך אלע חקירות שבע חקירות! והנה אמת.. ס'דארף נאך זיין אמת אויך!

    ציוואס האט דאס אלעס אויס גיפעלט מ'האט גיקאנט פרעגן דעם אלטץ ווייסענדיגער בלשסג"נ tibi lotzi!?

    די וועלט זאגט נאך אלע שבע חקירות איז שוין גענוג! והנה אמת!
    אמת זאל עס נאך אויך זיין"
    what are you saying here?

  19. very intrestimg that harav Rivkin did not publish the sefer by kehot


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