Monday, April 23, 2012

רח' יואל פינת רח' אבינועם ילין on Google Street View

If you've ever been to the Holy Land and seen the sights in Meah Shearim you know about the Satmar shul on the corner there and some of the characters who make their home there. One of them was caught on camera watching the Google car drive along. They're kind enough to blur faces and license plate numbers now, as well as other information that can be found on the streets. It's cute to see your house in Brooklyn on Google maps, but to take a virtual tour of the Holy City is amazing! Can you guess who it is?


א דאנק, באברויסקער


  1. Actually, the Government forced Google to blur faces and car licence plates to be able to put the site up

  2. isnt this that toldos aharon yingerman by all the hafganos?

    i know that sounds vague, but as i dont know his name... i know he lives in battei hungaria

  3. Thant is none other than Yossel Gutfarb! the famous tzadik who walks backwards. Only in the great city of Yerushalayim can his tzidkus be openly recognized. When they want to kick somebody out of Zichron Moshe, he always stands up for the guy, saying that "ich bin duch mer mishuge!"

  4. It is definitively not Yossel Gutfarb.

    Reb Yossel doesn't have such long Peyos, and he hangs around agripas/david yellin/ zichron moshe, not in that area.

    see this video

  5. What a wasted talent though that's probably the reason chareidim call him meshige.

  6. Reminds me of the joke about Google Street View.

    You can use Google Maps to view any place in the whole world. Which part of the world does everyone check out first on Google Street View - their own house!

  7. It is Yossel Gutfarb, and to say that he only hangs out where you said he did shows that you really did not spend too much time in Yerushalayim.

  8. another Babruisker (anonymous)Tuesday, April 24, 2012 3:27:00 PM

    hello, i have a question for babruisker. if you are from babruisk, what chassidim were babruisk besides lubavitch? my grandfather is from babruisk, he is not frum due to the war and communism. but he said his grandfather was called shleyme poisker. do you know what poisker means. is that another way of saying someone who paskens sheilas? thanks kol tuv.

  9. Why other chassidim davka? There were Litvaks there too

  10. ס'איז נישט דער בחור מיט א שטאפענע היט וואס גייט ארום שטענדיג נאך געלט פאר אדמו''ר מבאד-אישל??

  11. I know Yossel G. personally. He does hang out in that area as well, but this happens not to be him.

  12. litvaks were there to but 95% was lubavitch in babruisk. is there a way to find out to whome my great grandfather belonged too?

  13. Hirshel: Babruisker, StamADeyah,ישבב הסופר , Ende Tsadik, Yanover, Muleh,

    Hirshel, They are all back! even דער יַאנאווער, מילה except Tibi Lotzi! Than it must be him!

  14. Babruisker: "my grandfather is from babruisk, he is not frum due to the war and communism"

    Babruisker, I knew your granfather and he was never frum! due to joining the !השומר הצעיר

  15. באברויסקער , הירשל ציג Ende Tsadik, Yossel Gutfarb: "he always stands up for the guy, saying that "ich bin duch mer mishuge!" "Satmar shul on the corner there and some of the characters who make their home there" "What a wasted talent though that's probably the reason chareidim call him meshige.

    כולם התנבּאו בסגנון אחד, ער איז מעשיגע - ח"ו , and why because they don't like his beard! No one will say that on Walt Whitman the American poet ח"ו! Or the lubab philosopher Adin Steinsaltz, Why pick only on a chredisher yid who looks like a גלות יוד, במדינה של גיהנם?! I bet if he would shave, dawn a tie and wear a כובע הקנייטש he would look more or less like Tibi Lotzi! Or any of the other characters hanging out with a bearded Tzig (no pun intended) right? Wrong! There is a reason why חרדים נראים לפּעמים כמשוגע ח"ו

    מטה לוי ר"ה: טרף נתן ליריאיו ממליך כל מלך, 'הקבּ"ה שהוא נותן טירוף ליראיו בעוה"ז' הוא, ממליך כל מלך ממלכי אדמה לנסות בם את ישראל, ובזכות שהם מקבלים עליהם הטירוף מאהבה, יזכור לעולם בריתו.. ויגאלנו. ע"כּ

    I must add והיית משוגע! ממראה עיניך אשר תראה is not a מצוה

  16. Dear other babruisker.

    Besides for the misnagdim, the chasidim in babruisk were all chabadskers, divided between the Lubavitchers and the kopusters/babruiskers who were led by Reb Shmaryahu Noach, the "Babruisker".

    Reb Smaryahu Noach's Yeshivah, called the "Kibbutz" of babruisk, was a rival of tomchei temimim and produced such luminaries as Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin and Rabbi Nissan Tilushkin and others.

    The famous Berel Katznelson was born to an illuistrious Chabadsker family of Babruisk.

    See the sefer yizkor of Babruisk hosted here

    see also here

  17. Yosel Gutfarb it is, no doubt.

    Reminds me of the good old merry days in Jerusalem in the "Bocherishe Yuren".

  18. "Reb Smaryahu Noach's Yeshivah, called the "Kibbutz" of babruisk, was a rival of tomchei temimim and produced such luminaries as Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin and Rabbi Nissan Tilushkin and others."
    it was no rival at all, it was a simple nigleh yeshivah under the guidance of a chassidic rebbe

  19. Babruisker: "it was no rival at all"

    The kapuster was a misnagid to lubab! and he is the first to write:

    דער קאפוסטער רבי בן הצ"צ מליובאוויטש אין זיין ספר מגן אבות שרייבט אז דער דרך הבעש"ט איז נשתכח געווארן, און ער האט אויסצושטיין צרות פון די חסידים פונעם טאטן לאחר פטירתו

  20. Kapuster

    דער קאפוסטער רבי בן הצ"צ מליובאוויטש אין זיין ספר מגן אבות שרייבט אז דער דרך הבעש"ט איז נשתכח געווארן, און ער האט אויסצושטיין צרות פון די חסידים פונעם טאטן לאחר פטירתו

    where do u see the last words in there?

    To say he was a misnaged to lubavich is the wrong term, he was not in good terms..

  21. what about the term my great grandfather was called: shleymeh poisker/poysker pesachovich. also my grandfathers family changed their name from ratner to girhsik. girshik is not a yiddishe last name it is most likely chzech. have you heard of such a last name? my grandfather says many people changed their last name to sound similar to this.

  22. I just sPoke to r yossel and he admits it is him... His cousin is r yitzhok david grossman of migdal ha emek who could have been chief zionist rabbi but his father( rosh yeshiva karlin- alter ) asked him not to take the job
    R yossels tate was also a ledgend in jerusalem

  23. There were koidenover chasidim in Bobroisk as well. look at the Bobroisker yizkor book and it tells of all the different chasidim there. I too have great grandparents from Bobroisk, Gelfand and wanted to know if they were shayach to Kapust..

  24. i can read but i dont understand what it says so it wont do me any good :(


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