Monday, April 30, 2012


 כנראה אין שיכון חב"ד אין ירושלים. Looks like he just got the Tallis, too...
the truth is that Meshugas really has no limits, so why stop at the Yarmulka when you can engrave it on your hat, jacket lapel and tallis too. I saw one just last week with a "Na-Nach" mantra on it, but I did not save the picture then, and I cannot find it now. You might ask: "why is he allowed to daven in the shul?" Well, 1) Who says he shouldn't be allowed to daven there? Is embarrassing himself and others enough reason to throw a Yid out of a מקדש מעט? Are you allowed to be מלבין פני חבירו ברבים if he keeps to himself and doesn't bother anybody? and 2) Chabadniks just don't seem to have it in them to chuck someone out of shul, unless it's REALLY something terrible, and I've seen some terrible people in shul that nobody could bring themselves to chuck out. We like to think that it's the latter, that we're SO engrained with the love of a fellow Jew that no matter what he does he's never beyond the pale. I believe there are times that the policy has to be re-evaluated, be it for religious reasons or reasons of safety. There are too many stories these days, and you CANNOT sit on your laurels and do nothing because you may hurt his feelings. Not that a "Yechi" Tallis is a danger to society! But a suspected felon very well can be. Maybe this new tolerant me comes from old age, or maybe it's from realizing that there are many greater threats and dangers to society today. Who knows?

Here's the Na-Nach version! Just got it from a reader. Thanks!


  1. Its called "anything goes society"
    No rules
    No standards
    And certainly no one to enforce them.
    The alte yid looks like rav yudkin.

  2. R Zalman Yudkin wears a Chabad tallis and tefillin, This man doesn't.

  3. tzig - Are there Lubavitcher yarmulkas with the Rebbe's portrait on them ?
    I ahve several Baba Sali Kippot

  4. Replies
    1. You mean you haven't seen them, YET.

      Trademark it first.

  5. I had an artist friend of mine create seveal tiyutos of this yarmulka. I have never worn them for obvious reasons I had a Rambam kippa from Israel as a child.
    The Rebbe permitted photos --- as a Yid could make a few dollars so maybe here too a Yid (not myself) could make a few dollars from this gesheft ?

  6. כתובות קַאקעMonday, April 30, 2012 1:58:00 PM

    tzig: "why stop at the Yarmulka when you can engrave it on your hat, jacket lapel and tallis too."

    Actually it's very creative! Is it worse than a magen david? of course not! Now i can understand if he would tatoo it with out shame on his !מצח..מאנת להכלם because of the issur of כתובות קעקע על הגוף which btw i have seen it before on BT in lubab and it was tolerated just like the magen david?! your ducks in order!

  7. This charachter may knowingly or un knowingly have some דם של אותו האיש בּקרבו, ח"ו complete with the twigs/thorns on his head

  8. what is the problem with such taleisim really?

    for a while we have seen taleisim with the owners name embroydered on the ateres.

  9. Ha! This na nach is wearing a chabadsker tallis to boot!!

  10. es gait zei git bh. 'shvoiltug'. di meshugaas iz getting better and better.
    what's next?
    embroidery on the gatkes.... no need to be very creative here. on the vaise zoken?

  11. embroidery on the gatkes.... no need to be very creative here. on the vaise zoken?

    !פתח בכת! וסיים בחביות

  12. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    R Zalman Yudkin wears a Chabad tallis and tefillin, This man doesn't.

    What's a chabad talis?

  13. Reb "Posach":
    There's a special hano'oh when seeing someone trying to show off Talmudic wit and displaying a thorough lack of knowledge while doing it. And the typo excuse doesn't fly a)on multiple offenses and b)when they're that far away from each other.
    Thank you!

  14. Interstingf parralel between Chabad and Breslov. they both have their meshugayim. They both do alot of good etc. The diiference is that by Chabad some of the lunatics are in charge. OTOH there are no Shmuel Butman's in Breslov.
    Just sayin'

  15. It seems that the Meshichist did not make his logo like the Breslover in order to be an upright Chabadnik & not to be nichshel in making any atoroh kilishehu. Hence the weird yechi "halo" - or like the black band on a kafiyeh lihavdil....


  16. The breslover looks very holy.
    Does he take Pidyonot?

  17. StamADeyah :Reb "Posach": There's a special hano'oh when seeing someone trying to show off Talmudic wit and displaying a thorough lack of knowledge while doing it. And the typo excuse doesn't fly a)on multiple offenses and b)when they're that far away from each other.
    !פתח בכת! וסיים בחביות

    Sorry for your lack of wit! it meant as said "פתח בכת!" דהיינו כת של משוגעים as a !מליצה, פתח בכד! and then וסיים בחביות with an empty barrel!

    !פתח בכד וסיים בחבית'‎

  18. Ouch! Tzoddkoh Mimeni Reb Posach! Ki badovor asher zodu aleihem!

  19. MSL said...
    The breslover looks very holy.
    Does he take Pidyonot?

    Yes, but but if holy than not from the medina! sorry its
    !כח הפּועל בהנפעל

  20. It's the next delusional step after the Yarmulke, and the Tallis Zekel.

    The problem is that if you indicate to them that it turns you off, they don't take that to heart, even though, as I understand it, the last Rebbe נ'ע was apparently of the view that if it bothers people, the message should be tuned accordingly.

    I have a bigger issue when it's a sign in a Shule or Chabdske Beis Medrash. The self-same people who say Chabad is machmir not to have even a Brich Shmei placard on the wall, allow this vacant sloganism to "adorn" a Shule.

  21. "Chabad is machmir not to have even a Brich Shmei placard on the wall"

    absurd! when I have seen a chabad rabbi fighting to remove a picture of the 'rebbe' from the wall in the shul!

  22. I actually don't mind the goofballs who have "Yechi" on their yarmulke, etc.

    It let's me know who not to trust.


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