Monday, May 21, 2012

לָכֵן, הַמַּשְׂכִּיל בָּעֵת הַהִיא--יִדֹּם

Yes. I was there. From 7pm to Midnight.

Live Blog from YWN

Pics galore from YWN

One man's opinion


  1. לָכֵן, הַמַּשְׂכִּיל בָּעֵת הַהִיא--יִדֹּם

    בָּעֵת הַהִיא??????

    forever !!!!!!!

  2. Oye Vey!, Ribono shel olem! it looks like you where Auto De Fe'd there!!

    The mighty have fallen!

  3. Yotzoh Nishmosoh (shel ha'Internet) B'Echod!

  4. I heard it was a very boring event, the Skuleners 1/2 hour derusha was a disaster, nobody even the Yiddish speaking ones, understood .....
    Zhiboer Rav was crying on the tielung with the CS, to satisfy the Zali faction who are under great pressure from their own ranks...
    the only person that had some points was Rav Effe Wachsman...who saved the night...
    But nobody has a idea whats now....


    LOL !

  6. Common, Hirshel. Klal Yisroel is waiting for some analsis of the Kinus. You cannot dissapoint us like this..

  7. to me the whole thing looks and sounds like a little fire cracker that just fizzled out. What a shame such a gelengenheit and wasted all that money. chaval al de-avdin -- a collosal joke. Besides just considering all the Zalis they must of taken up 3/4 of the hall and the Kotler fans and you have your forced rent a crowd. What a JOKE. chucho utlulo

  8. 1. 40k plus yidden saying shma together is a gr8 accomplishment, esp before chag matan toiroseinu. is it worth 4 million $$? can't answer

    2. the kiss-up to the zalis destroyed any hope of accomplishing anything concrete abt the "nisayon hador". REW's first rant ruined his second speech which was the saving grace of the event. he did touch on the real issue, social skills, addiction destroying ability to interact with others, but by that time he lost the crowd unfortunately.

    Bottom line IMHO CG wanted to accomplish 1 thing, got twisted by the chassidishe askunim to something else, and no one went home happy. what a lost opportunity

    3. do any of the litvish crowd under 40 understand yiddish? does anyone give a shiur in BMG in yiddish anymore? IMHO they got used and discarded for the zali-rent a crowd.

  9. yid, i don/t know where you're from but every b.m.g. guy understands yiddish (even if some don't speak it so well) and all shiurim in lakewood (and all litvishe batei medrash like stamford and riverdale and bais hatalmud) are in yiddish

    tzig, why did you put up that horrible link? it sent me from an intelligent blog to a blog for dumb people.

  10. who? Fink? cuz he's the only one I saw who wrote about it. And besides, dumb he's NOT.

  11. From the multitude of photos and videos it seems quite clear that the vast majority of the crowd was chassidish, not litvish. Which simply means that the whole event would have been a fiasco had the Skulener and MS not begged, borrowed and stolen the approval of Ger, Vizhnitz, Beltz, Bobov 45 and, last but not least, Zalman Leib's Satmar. Does this mean that MS has no real traction with, and his ideas really don't resonate with, the Yeshivisha olim, particularly the ballei battim in Flatbush and the Five Towns whose largesse Lakewood relies so heavily upon? Just wondering.

  12. How come there where no Lubabs to be seen. Not even to put on tefillin on the ushers. They would have goten alot of customers. First, there where all male ushers, who are relly mechuyav betfillin (given they have guf noki) Second, those "goyim" where very impressed by the eidlkeit of the frum jews behaving all so nicely. They would even have put on rabeinu tam's (tefillin I mean) Really a lost opportunity.

  13. Any Chabad rabbis attend like Ozdaba , schwei, Groner, Labkowski, Helelr etc ?
    The pictures posted seem to indicate that over 80% of the audience were hard core Chassdim Is thta correct ?
    Was the Novominsker Rebbe there ?

  14. Yid
    "REW's first rant ruined his second speech"
    please explain yourself...
    is it the message to the media about marriage ?or pushing in some anti Zionist rhetoric.. to please the Satmar chulent tep???

  15. Dovy in NJ
    "and all shiurim in lakewood (and all litvishe batei medrash like stamford and riverdale and bais hatalmud) are in yiddish"
    why are the shiurim in english? who is fooling whom?

  16. Beis Hatalmud? They don't even hold of going to siyum Hashas. Forget about an assifah that many gedolim were reportedly against including R' Meir Stern, R' Shmuel Kaminetzky & R' Yosef Rosenblum.

  17. I takka didn't hear anything about Bobov. So mainstream Bobov went the way of the Aronis so Ichud had to pander to Bobov 45? Pathetic!


  19. Willi Billi
    "How come there where no Lubabs to be seen. Not even to put on tefillin on the ushers. They would have goten alot of customers. First, there where all male ushers, who are relly mechuyav betfillin (given they have guf noki) Second, those "goyim" where very impressed by the eidlkeit of the frum jews behaving all so nicely. They would even have put on rabeinu tam's (tefillin I mean) Really a lost opportunity."

    is the message of the Kinus klal yisroel to ridicule Ziki Hamitzvos.... which by the way is ver "FUNNY"

  20. Bensonhurst
    Reb Mier Stern, who is this??

  21. Schneur
    the Novomissker was there? I think I saw Rav Segal of the Chabad Rabonim

  22. R' Meir Stern is the Passaic rosh yeshiva and perhaps the biggest pikayach of the talmidim of R' Berel Soloveitchik. R' Meir was asked by Ichud to use his influence to change the dinner last night of a major Passaic moissad that conflicted with the assifah. He refused. End result was no one from Passaic went to Citifield.


    Hirshel, you couldn't possibly have missed the endorsement of CHK's Rav Schwei & Rav Braun. So why didn't you mention it?

  24. ... to ridicule Ziki Hamitzvos....

    This is what I witnessed erev Shabbos. Chabad bochurim waiting at a busy gas station with pairs of tefillin. They accosted people in their cars & had them put on tefillin in full view of everyone at a major intersection. Now I understand there is value in pirsum of a mitzva, but don't you think that some shmayoichel freyer who didn't lay tefillin in 50 years would feel better with a drop more privacy?

    Maybe this is what the Brisker Rov meant when he said nisht ken mitzva tzu zuchen mitzvos?

  25. And someone should notify the rabbonim of Lubavitch of something else. Toronto`s Chabad of Uptown on Hove St sent out an email encouraging people to attend a concert Sun. June 3rd by Cantor Aaron Bensoussan. This ausvarf is Conservative. He left YU for JTS and has been at Conservative temples ever since. He is also an instructor at the Winchevsky school of the Humanist movement, a breakoff of Reform. The Reform hold that belief in Hashem is optional, kaviyuchel. Humanist has their whole premise in being koifer bìkker.

    It doesn`t matter that the concert is in a supposedly orthodox Sfardish shul. Sfardim are notorious for having guilt trips about their own kind whicvh is why they don`t disown Bensoussan.

  26. For those who are wondering about Lubavitch at the asifa - here are pictures of Rabbis Segal & Osdoba on the stage:

    -- ZIY

  27. Toronto
    I see that Toronto is blessed with a obsessive chabad basher... keep it up

  28. From my relative in Monsey:

    "a new trend is for yunge leit to drive around blueberry hill with their laptops and sign into someone's network and watch porn in their cars. saw a guy one night.....and his laptop wide opened...he knocked on his window scared him silly! Besides the fact that if they sign into an illegal website on ur account u can get in trouble"

    Yup, how do you stop this? How do you stop the "achbera" from accessing this "churo"? (I know, secure your WiFi. What about public places? Goyishe business places? Starbucks? There's a million of them) Un er zitzt noch baym mizrach vant veil er hot nisht kein internet bai ZICH in shtub. Now you're going to ban internet everywhere? How about dealing with the core issues instead of being in knee jerk/react mode. Chinuch anyone? With actual mechanchim?

  29. Toronto
    "Maybe this is what the Brisker Rov meant when he said nisht ken mitzva tzu zuchen mitzvos?"
    don"t get me a wrong I am no Brisker and I think the post world war 11 had a alot of gedolim that were in the level of Brisker ruv,and who were working to rebuilt klal yisroel.. but I don"t believe that the brisker ruv said this kefira word.....

  30. Where was the “ichud” of the kehillos?
    If I separate the choshuva presence that graced us on the dais, I really am pained to admit (really, because this speaks to my dream of true achdus in klal yisroel) this was a total disaster. The yetzer horah won. He allowed politics and egos to dictate the agenda. It was a complete chasidisher event. Complete false advertising. For those of us who don’t speak yiddish, we gained nothing. Frankly, I wonder for those that do speak yiddish, whether they also gained. Of course there should have been yiddish speakers, but they should not have dominated, it should have been at least 50/50. I”m really sad. Really. I gave my nation more credit and I am disappointed. I feel terrible saying this. Rabbi Wachsman was truly amazing, he inspired. I appreciate the presence of gedolim, but we are mostly common plain simple people, that need to be spoken to on our level. Of course the gedolim should speak, but because they are on such a high level, kept it to a minimum, with divrei brocha, and then allowed those that can connect with the public to speak, such as rabbi wachsman. There should have been more practical presentations. We all know the internet has problems, we’re sitting there, we’re past that discussion, now please help us. Don’t repeat what we already know. Clearly, R’ Matisyahu was trying to save it at the end, by speaking in english to all the “mevakshei Hashem”. He understood….
    But then I tell myself, that maybe this internet, with the easy ability to speak one’s mind, has turned me into a critic, when I should simply accept what happened with the belief that greater people than I will ever begin to be, were there, some knew the program, agreed to it, and I have to shut up. I am a follower, and have no right to question. I”m really torn about this. Not only did this asifa not inspire me, it actually bought me down. I know of the countless children that will now hear of the criticism, which will undermine our gedolim, and further water down klal yisoroel. I”m sad.
    They had 40,000 people in one ‘room’, they squandered the opportunity.
    I really wanted to be proud of our nation. This was going to be our “Olympics”. I guess I’ll have to wait for that feeling at the siyum hashas. It can’t come soon enough…

  31. I think someone meant mezakei mitzvos, not zikei mitzvos.

    Zikim are bad ruchos that Chazal say cause people to get sick. The Rashbash shreibt in a teshuva that these winds are drafts from an improperly sealed window and brings a raaya to that from Tanach.

  32. All you people here criticizing Ichud over Yiddish, would you also criticize the Rebbe for farbrenging in Yiddish onlyÉ

    1. The Rebbe would never have gotten involved with this nonsense but if he did it would've surely been in English.

  33. (Please read my previous post, Mon,5/21/12 7:14:00 PM, first)From the fact that Yeshivaworld, Vos Iz Neis, and Matzav are not prominently posting the event in BIG at the top of their respective websites tells me that they agree that this event was a flop. This could have been so big, that it should have dominated the top of their websites for days, in MASSIVE lettering. Now it’s just a simple article, like all the other nohrishe pieces of news. Isn’t that amazing …. we have a rare historical gathering of 40,000 chareidim with all the gedolim and its not making massive headlines on the frum news websites??? But they are right in doing so. So thank you to them. Save it for the siyum hashas.

  34. It is brought from the Brisker Rov in print that he said not to go zuching mitzvos in the oyfan at hand.

    Think about it, do you know any group except the originators of the idea who go up & down every commercial district to bind people with retzuos (bitmiya)

  35. Thurston Howell III said...
    "It is brought from the Brisker Rov in print that he said not to go zuching mitzvos in the oyfan at hand."

    Oyfen at hand? What does this even mean? In English? In any language!
    And can you provide a source please? Genug boich svoros and ufgemachte maases.

  36. HT, is it possible that i saw a mashiach yarmulke putting on teffilen on one of the ushers/ janitors?

  37. The "jewish" websites ignored it as nekama

  38. The 3 major hareidi web sites are not publicizing the asifa because it was attack on their business.

  39. to chabad of toronto basher,
    while you are bashing chabad of Toronto and wasting time at citi field, a 19 year olf lubavitcher bochurim from Toronto finished shas and there was a big siyum in ch.

  40. anyone travel the gowanus exp. this morning, inbound, notice something new?

  41. לוקס לוקס עד מתי אתה מכלה ממונן של ישראל ואי אתה עומד עליהם בשעת הדחק

    ווען אפּאר אפרוחים שלא נפתחו עיניהם פערד'ן בּלע"ז ווער'ן מנהיגי ישׂראל האט עס אזא פּנים

    Supposedly they wanted to go one-step-forward in the fight against the net, but in reality they took it 100 steps backwards!

    Watching the faces of all! the rabbunim looked clueless and self absorbed, certainly disconnected from their so called desperately looking flock!

    It looked like תשעה בּאב אַ חתונה no one knew why he came and for what?! there where no spiritul winners there, and plenty of loosers!

    The chassidim and their rabbunim where used as pawns not only to advance a failed idea (of a-kosher-net) but a failed idea of a-kosher-american-agudah! with a מועצגדה"תof wich reb motele and skullener בּראש המייסדים what a joke.

    The only un-intended (outside) winners of this fiasco where satmar! and that maybe a plus! not only it defined למי החתומת ולמי הפּסילים (by re-arranging the musical chairs) but it also defined in the inner core to themselfs what stamar stands for! the conversation as it should began and will continue...
    !חזק ואמץ כי הוא יעבור

    עלה אתמר: ההוא גלילאה עליה דרב חסדא, כד רגיז רעיא על ענא עביד לנגדא סמותא

  42. Tzig,
    May I suggest - with all this whining about "too much yiddish"

    Please add the English translation to the caption:
    "Therefore, the prudent at that time shall keep silent, ...for it is a time of evil."

    Otherwise it is too "Yiddish"

    (BTW it is probably not the Yiddish language that is problematic, it is more that it remindes them of their parents vda"l)

  43. HadEnoughOfGolus said:

    "I should simply accept what happened with the belief that greater people than I will ever begin to be, were there, some knew the program, agreed to it, and I have to shut up. I am a follower, and have no right to question."

    Ip'Cha Mistavra!

    There were other people who are greater than you, who knew the program, AND DIDN'T AGREE TO IT AND WEREN'T THERE!

    Where did you get the impression that this had the Shtempel of all "Daas Toirah"? 'Cause Gottleib said so??

    Maybe you need to reassess.

  44. איך פרעג מיין חבר וואס האסטו ארויסגענומען פון די נעכטיגע אסיפה, זאגט ער מיר, א דעניש מיט א באטעל וואסער

  45. thurston howell
    "It is brought from the Brisker Rov in print that he said not to go zuching mitzvos in the oyfan at hand.

    Think about it, do you know any group except the originators of the idea who go up & down every commercial district to bind people with retzuos (bitmiya"
    Mitvas Lilmad Ulelamed yuo dont have to do if you sit in your room if you dont see talmidim in front of you?
    dont you think that you had to get talmidim to teach them?
    Mitvas Hocheach Tochiach, you dont have to do according to the brisker ruv? was Hiechel shloma build in his living room in yerushaliem? he was obssesed with fighting Hiechel shloma(which for itself was a simple hangover and he lost it)24/7.
    was the Brisker ruv a possek bichlal,( I love his lomdus) he never related to our Shulchan Orech and its meforshim....that was and is the derech hapesak of traditional klal yisroel, even by Mizrachi raboinim...

  46. Dikduk
    "Zikim are bad ruchos that Chazal "
    is Ziki hapas bad ruchos on the bread...
    plz get healed from the ruchos still before yom tov...

  47. bpunbound: I agree with you. I'm not saying that I am accepting this, I'm simply expressing my internal strife on how to feel about it. It's my upbringing that espoused to accept our gedolim's directives. My seichel tells me one thing, my Jewish guilt tells me another. Yes, there were many that did not endorse, but for the most part, they did not do so for the same issues I bring up. I hate "chareidi' politics, its corrupts the true torah messages that they should be promoting. It seems that besides wanting us to put filters on our computers, they also want to put filters on the torah, conveniently blocking authentic care-for-all-Jews daas torah from shining through, by watering it down with politics and egos.


  49. A said:
    איך פרעג מיין חבר וואס האסטו ארויסגענומען פון די נעכטיגע אסיפה, זאגט ער מיר, א דעניש מיט א באטעל וואסער

    and he expected what? a chesse krepel and a torah?

  50. Tzig, I commend you on your pithy commentary and b'kius in Na"CH

  51. Iroquois Chief ---

    chief how's the reservation?

  52. Tzig:
    ?לָכֵן, הַמַּשְׂכִּיל בָּעֵת הַהִיא--יִדֹּם

    Yes. I was there. From 7pm to Midnight.!

    Of course finnaly a tzig found company with his fellow --- sitting at a stadium in disbelief for 5 hours had to shut up!

  53. (1) the whole asifa doesn't sit well with me

    (a) you gather over 50,000 yidden for something negative - such a historic gathering should have been for something positive.

    real leaders eg Horav Meir Shapiro would have used such an asifa for something visionary

    (b) if you really want to stop the destructive parts of the internet you should have got together 50,000 yiddisher WOMEN
    - solution - put a proper filter on - let the woman of the house be the only one with the password. the woman would have knocked the men into line

    (3) the Belzer Rebbe - has began their own internet servers etc - apparently he is also pushing for yungerliet to learn professions - is the Belzer the only one forward thinking ?

    (4) the whole asifa was political - the seats were only filled because of Rebbe Zalman Leib factor - and he only came

    because Rebbe Aron didn't - one up man ship , the organisers play one side of Satmar against the other , clever .

    (5) It sits badly with me ,that we have a mesiginer saying he will wipe out ...... H"Y - and Achaynu , yes brother of each and every one of us ,who live in Artzaynu Hakedosha
    Their welfare and the Rachamim Rabbim from Hashem Yisborach is not first and foremost on the lips of 50,000 Yerayim U'Shlaymim when they get together

    Is this what we have learnt from the Baal Shem Tov ?

    - please dont give me the excuse about appeasing the large contingent of Satmar Chassidim and their shitas , see point (4) their shitas were shown to be dispensable if it suited them

    In-conclusion , what a dor yosom we are, where is the Vision ?
    where are the Manhigim ?

  54. Tzig, you didn't think so/ intend for it to be?

  55. I did, I just liked the comment and the word "pithy"

  56. "is the Belzer the only one forward thinking ? "where are the Manhigim ?"

    יחי הבּעלזר היו"ר למועצת הרבנים המתקדמים

    הוי רעי ישראל! אשר היו רעים אותם הלוא הצאן ירעו הרעים

  57. הירשל ציג said...
    "I just liked --- the word "pithy"

    רמבּ"ן עה"פּ כי יפתה: אין פּיתוי אלא בּשקר

    ? שקר החן! ווייל דער שקר האט חן

  58. Negda Samussa
    "The chassidim and their rabbunim where used as pawns not only to advance a failed idea (of a-kosher-net) but a failed idea of a-kosher-american-agudah! with a מועצגדה"תof wich reb motele and skullener בּראש המייסדים what a joke."
    I dont give so much credit for this 2 rebbes, they are not so shrewd

  59. Well excuse me! I was trying to be constructive. Why don't you ask their rosh yeshiva if he holds of Chabad bochurim accosting people by gas pumps at Bathurst & Finch instead of more appropriate places.

    And why don't you ask R' Dovid Shoichet if he holds of Rabbi Steiner's Chabad of Uptown encouraging everyone to go to the concert of Conservative ausvarf Aaron Benssousan.

    He teaches at the secular Humanist school in Toronto after singing in a microphone every Shabbos for decades in Conservative temples.

    Maybe Rabbi Steiner does not know who this ausvarf is and I am sure Rav Shoichet would tell him to not promote this.

    I was not at the assifah. According to what I am told, the biggest roshei yeshiva in America including R' Chaim Leib Epstein did not hold of it. That's why Gottlieb had to fool the gedolim in Israel that all the American RYs already backed it. I am glad to hear that there is serious learning at Chabad Toronto. Kol hakoved.

  60. Dear Mohawk Chief
    Can't resist answering.
    Our tribes are becoming extinct.
    Like the "Oberelandishe Nation" whose well meaning Chiefs attempted to protect by isolation.

    Anonymous Quote; “Developmental inequalities caused the downfall and conquest of the Native American Indians at the hands of the European settlers”

  61. Zikei hapas? Is that the sugya where the Darkei Moishe says that pas that heard kol patish loses it's maylos?

  62. Tibi Lotzi :"I dont give so much credit for this 2 rebbes, they are not so shrewd"

    ידוע לכל! וכ"כ שמעתי מעדים נאמנים שהרה"ק מסקולען זי"ע ציוה לפני מותו שיקבּרנו אצל רבּיה"ק הבּעל דבר"י, בּנו ור' מאטיל בצירוף רמ"פּ הידוע! עקום אחרי מיטתו להנאתם ולטובתם!!! חכמים הם ל'...ואכמ"ל

  63. Negdeh Samisu
    "ידוע לכל! וכ"כ שמעתי מעדים נאמנים שהרה"ק מסקולען זי"ע ציוה לפני מותו שיקבּרנו אצל רבּיה"ק הבּעל דבר"י, בּנו ור' מאטיל בצירוף רמ"פּ הידוע! עקום אחרי מיטתו להנאתם ולטובתם!!! חכמים הם ל'...ואכמ"ל"
    there was never a tought to put the skulener in KJ not by pollaks lot not Lietners plot, it was a question of Eretz Yisroel.... the ols skulener was no Satmar chosid... He was Shtefeneshter Sechora...There were some rabonim that were inquired on it, and they decided..I would say that the skulener rebbe of today is more satmar inclined then his father....thru his own or his Giechzi's
    Tell the Eid Nemon he his a Liar....

  64. Nisht ken mitzva tzu zuchen mitzvos - Brisker Rov

    Brought down in the 3 volume biography published tzvantzig yohr tzurik.

    "he was obssesed with fighting Hiechel shloma"

    Get real! All the Agudah gedolim at the time were fighting against it.

    "was the Brisker ruv a possek bichlal"

    Avadda! He was considered einer fun der gedolei hador. He was asked on many important Klal issues. Sometimes like the shayleh of Yom Kippur in Kobe, Yapon, he preferred not to answer in case they found a maykel. (Chabad was there? Or did you chevra come straight to Shangchai?)

    "he never related to our Shulchan Orech and its meforshim"

    We've been through this already. He shtams from R' Chaim Volozhiner and the Gr"a has a recht to be cholek on Rishonim.

  65. Thurston Howell
    "Avadda! He was considered einer fun der gedolei hador. He was asked on many important Klal issues. Sometimes like the shayleh of Yom Kippur in Kobe, Yapon, he preferred not to answer in case they found a maykel. (Chabad was there? Or did you chevra come straight to Shangchai?)"
    he was never consulted on halacha, the regular Jews that had a mesora never interested in Brisker chumrahs,
    It all started when some yeshiva liet with parents that were semi religious and made the seder from a Maxwell coffee hagada with Manishevitz,started a new mesorah according to the brisker hagadah... as Effi Vachsman said Ziedi and bobby had a TV, had no Shitel...
    For yiden that had no gap in their life according the shulchann orech Brisk did not exist...

  66. Thurston Howell
    "Nisht ken mitzva tzu zuchen mitzvos - Brisker Rov

    Brought down in the 3 volume biography published tzvantzig yohr tzurik."
    I dont think that the brisker ruv would say different then a rambam

    הרמב"ם בפיה"מ אבות פ"ד
    ב ומביא ראי' ממשה רבינו שהבדיל ערי מקלט ומסיים ומה אם משה רבינו משיג האמת שלם בשלמים נשתדל להוסיף חצי מצוה לכל מעלותיו ושלמתו על אחת כמה וכמה שרואי לאותם אשר נתטנפה נפשם, והרי פשוט שמשה כלל אל התחייב אז להבדיל ערי מקלט

    ומשה רבינו התשוקק לעלות לארת לא לאכול מפריה אלא לקיים מצות ארץ ישראל ומאז השתוקקו יהודים בכך.

  67. Tzig

    this is my Rebbe!

  68. That was a very snide (and dishonest) attempt by Tibi Lotzi to mock yeshivaleit.

    Take a look at Achiezer chelek 4 for the giluyei daas signed by the gedolei Eiropa before the churban. The Brisker Rov was one of the chasimos alongside R' Chaim Oizer, R' Shimon Shkop and other giants.

    The yeshivishe oylam got even more into the Rov because Rav Schach called him the gadol hador.

    And because every in-demand magid shiur in todays yeshivos are talmidim of R' Berel who know all the Rov's raid, that clinched it.

  69. Hirshel - You are a guy who does good things at times, but in this case, I wonder, what did you accomplish Hirshel by getting Lubavitch invited?

    Lubavitch could have stayed away, taken the line of R. Manis Friedman, and escaped the whole fiasco. Instead you agitated that they get invited and shlepped into the blotteh.

    A kiddush Lubavitch or farkert?

    P.S. How many Lubavitchers attended at the end?

  70. uptown chabad shliach is not migeza chasidai cant blaim him for his mistake

  71. Thurston
    It is very to explain yourself to a ferd...
    I never challenged 1 iota the lomdus of Brisker Ruv.. Only a idiot would even think of doing that... I discussed his Halacha Lemiesa which is not relaed at all to his lomdus in Kodshim.....

  72. Thurston Howel
    "The yeshivishe oylam got even more into the Rov because Rav Schach called him the gadol hador."
    as I said before
    forgeaboutit Ferd Bliebt Ferd


  73. Tibi has nothing to defend himself with so he resorts to ad hominem attacks

  74. What is your heter to publicly point out that someone is not listed in the Lubavitcher yichus sefer?

    Rabbi Steiner is still an official shaliach for Chabad is he not?

  75. Howell
    you are correct,Tibi can not answer a person that claims that a cetain peloni ben peloni made the Briskr Ruv.....
    Impossible ....

  76. I'm with tibi on this one.
    BTW, can anyone explain RMF's response to the assifa to me? What HE said, not what you attributed to him to project your own dissatisfaction with the assifa?

  77. Dagim Fish "Eid Nemon -- a Liar.."
    Tibi Lotzi ------
    Fresser ------

    I'm glad you burped!!! sorry mommy it wasn't Dagim tahorim fish you fed me, but rather your regular diet of crap.

    I'll not name names here! but i heared it from 'both sides' of the rather colorful story who where 'present' by the meetings all agreed "as i said" but for 'their' benefits להנאתם ולטובתם!!! including reb motele they decided to circumvent the רצון הנפטר who btw was an 'extreme' satmar cusid.

  78. Retzoin Haniftar
    I really dont care what you heard Ish mipi Ish from the liar itself,
    I remember well from my eyes saw, they were by some rabunim to ask, and there was never a discussion of KJ....

  79. Retzoin Haniftar
    "including reb motele they decided to circumvent the רצון הנפטר who btw was an 'extreme' satmar cusid."
    Revisionism at its worse...
    Sure, big Satmarer chosid, bigger then Tirnauer and Shulem Laufer... he even gave every Friday night a shiur in veyoel Moshe in between the song of Veato Yigdal no and the song Veyom Hashabos.... I heard it from many people that I can not name their names...

  80. Dagim Fish: "he even gave every Friday night a shiur in veyoel Moshe"

    כל מוסדות 'חסד לאברהם' מעולם עד אתה לא נהנים מממונם של שלתון הכופרים בא"י כמבואר בּכתביו ובּדרשותיו של האי צדיק ר"ר אליעזר זושא פּורטיגאל זי"ע הנקרא סקולענער רבּי, המיסד

  81. as holy as the old skulener rebbe was, he couldnt get money because there was no real mossad....

    some Shedarim and meshulachim took him for a ride....
    but he meant it leshem shomaim.... but the Tzionim dont give money for that...

    Don"t sell a Sadigurer chosid and a admirer of reb Meshulem Roth( he calls him Rebinie) as a Kanoi... he probably had some holy impulses...but is essence was not your school..

  82. dagim fish said... "שקרים מהחל עד כלה!"

    רוב משמשיו וכתבי תורותיו, וכמה מבּאי בּיתו הי' מידידי ומאנשי בּיתי!, הרב מסקולען ז"ל בּא להשבע בּרכות שלי, ובּנו בּא להשבע בּרכות של בּני נ"י, וכּ"כּ הי' לי שייכות בּפּרטות אם חשיבי אוהביו של הרבּי, כולם בּפּה אחד יודעים ומספּרים ממסנ"פ שלא ליהנות ממקורת זרים כמו הציונים, אף שמלפנים בּאייראפּע הי' בּהאגודה, מ"מ עזב להם לגמרי אחר הקמת המדינה והי' דבק בגוף בלב ובנפש להרבּ"י מסאטמאר זצ"ל, והמפורסם א"צ ראי' מ"מ כידוע לא איברי סהדי אלא לשקרי, והמחוצף הזה רצה להפּך קערה על פּיה בּעדיתו של שקר, הי' לא תהי' ולא יריעו ולא ישחיתו, והאמת מארץ תצמח!

  83. Chesed Leavrohom
    Did not Goodman from the European Aguda save him out of Romania ?
    If aguda is kefirah, how can you be saved by them?

    Was he friendly with Rav Roth of the Mizrachi? yes or no?
    What does it have to do with being at your grandsons bar mitzva.I am not disagreeing that he had fights with some yidishe shekotzim in Romania......this has noting to do with being a Satmar chosid and buying in to their new religion....
    In Willi his house got hijacked by some satmar apparachniks.... some were nephews thru one of his wives from 2nd or 3rd marriages, now it is handled by anti aronim.....

  84. יונה קרעפּילTuesday, May 29, 2012 3:42:00 PM

    Dagim Fish said...
    "If aguda is kefirah, how can you be saved by them?"

    aguda of today is kefira, btw he wasn't saved by aguda, and the rest of your comment is just psycho bable...

    wandering around aimlessly.. for 3 days until קדרותא דצפרא and a change of diet (to junk food, קרעפּליך בלע"ז) will effect the best of us! garbage in garbage out
    ...כבלעו כך פלטו

    as the tzig would say:
    לָכֵן, הַמַּשְׂכִּיל בָּעֵת הַהִיא--יִדֹּם

  85. tibi lotzi, dagim fish, or whatever.. : "the regular Jews that had a mesora never interested in Brisker chumrahs"

    So i was thinking you're a lutvak and an agudist, than that you're a lubab, than that you're just a mesora yid, mesora of what? IDK, but now bashing the holy brisker ruv z"l, I decided either you're a strayed mizracist of the זקן אשמאי י"ל מימון class, who bashed the brisker ruv and had the audacity trying to put him in cherim! for his fight against the cursed היכל שלמה Or as i always say you're running an exclusive garbage collection service, and a self-hating-jew הרואה בּירידות היהדות ולא במעלתו nothing original about that but bond to fail, keep on trucking bully.


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