Tuesday, May 29, 2012

hit 'em where it hurts...

Seen at a certain shul in Flatbush...

If you can't threaten to throw them out, or that they're not welcome, deny them the coffee, the hot water and the sugar. That'll teach 'em.


  1. We Twitters and Facebook users don't go for instant coffee and sugar. We drink espresso and cappuccinos.

  2. Mottele...Yeah yeah. But did you ever try making espresso without a filter? Azoi zeht men ois when you don't have a filter (or filthier).
    Aleihem hakosiv omeir... 'KAVEI' EL HASHEM.

  3. But the milk is ok.

  4. In Flatbush? Not bad.

    But it'll never work, never ever. Bans JUST DON"T WORK!!!

  5. ~former programmer with too much time on my hentalechThursday, May 31, 2012 6:21:00 PM

    Rules of Logic disallows only all 3 items together. (Hot water & Coffee & Sugar ). The sign should have read:

    Those who have a Telephone && ( Internet access to ( FB || Twitter ) & !Proper Filter ) are !allowed ( Hot water || Coffee || Sugar)

    Just being medaiek...

  6. i love the grammar on the sign.
    a true cheder education.
    this guy definitely should not be surfing the web, who knows where he'll end up.

  7. @former programmer: You have a syntax error ;)

  8. מקוה הוא כנגד מ' קוה'ס
    מקוה יש לו טעם קוה
    מקוה ד' מושיע בעת צרה

  9. Dave said...
    The sign is off

    because the coffe is gone.

  10. מקוה ד' said...
    מקוה הוא כנגד מ' קוה'ס
    מקוה יש לו טעם קוה
    מקוה ד' מושיע בעת צרה"

    i heard that if u can't get to the mikva, u should drink a coffee. it might be b'derech tzachus, or maybe this is the source. thanks for posting it.

  11. The sign is off cause someone of our yitzchok ripped it off and I believe the sign wasn't for mispallim more so for visitors that use the shuls Coffe room when they are around either shatnez or our yirzchok sofer and whatever else there is in that building


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