Tuesday, May 22, 2012

No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you.

A Shuvu event featuring Rabbi Yossi Jacobson, Lubavitcher extraordinaire. Yes, I know, it's not at Gedalia Weinberger's house, and it's not the main dinner/event, but we'll take what we get. This is good too.

Hattip: Sam


  1. "we"ll take what we get"??
    Stop playing the neb...it's sounds pathetic.

  2. tzig.

    dig a little deeper. Shuvu is notorious as an organization that when their top lieutenants are not busy being indicted for insider trading and the like, will do anything short of a Madonna concert to raise a few Shekels. Not surprised in the least. It is known fact that most of the kids in their pics are paid actors.

  3. http://www.vosizneias.com/106814/2012/05/23/brooklyn-ny-prominent-speaker-relates-powerful-chazon-ish-story-regarding-kids-at-risk.
    See the clip, Jacobson is a great speaker, in fact Lubavitch had him give a workshop speech about how to speak publicly.One of his maales is that he is not your typical metzumtzem and has reach to all sources and does not speak in the Lubavitch fashion

  4. Snagville
    "Shuvu is notorious as an organization that when their top lieutenants are not busy being indicted for insider trading and the like, will do anything short of a Madonna concert to raise a few Shekels. "
    I am no shuvu chosid but never heard of all this accusations, I reside in NY....

  5. lodzer : "short of a Madonna concert"

    מדאני אסא! די בעל מקובּלת, גיפעלט אייך ניט

    אסא דקאי ביני חילפי אסא שמיה ואסא קרו ליה

  6. What a darn good speaker, er retd fun hartz! They shouldve used him for the Sunday Asifa, I would not have left mid event.

  7. מדאני אסא said...
    מדאני אסא! די בעל מקובּלת, גיפעלט אייך ניט

    בחמרא גוי כסא, ומדאני אסא, לארוס וארוסה להתקפא חלשין

  8. it's easy to darshan and pontificate. Jacobson knows better than anyone the problems we have in Chabad ( I mean everyone has their share).

    When was the last time Jacobson stuck HIS neck out and be direct regarding the two face hypocrites Chabad has?? Huh?? When has he opened his mouth and direct his GREAT stories and IDEAS tzum zach?? Yashar Le-inyan?? ( ah??? he wants to get paid and be friendly with everyone??? that's called a politician shoving the BS)

    Elo Mai?? it's easy to tell tales and that's why we ALL have problems everywhere. No one wants to be the korbon the first black woman on a white bus to say - dai to all two faced ignorant twisted Ra- Bonim.

    PS. not meant to flatter anyone. Tzig you get BIG credit for opening your mouth in the last grand stand. YOU took a STAND clearly, and chazak for that.


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