Friday, June 15, 2012

Is Chabad OK if Yossi Sarid hates them?

Yossi defends the mall that barred the Chabadnik from entering last week Wasn't their big "crime" that the Chilonim loved them and hated the rest of frum Jewry? I see he uses some of the same complaints that some of our Chassidic brethren use, like "would they allow us to come and preach in their schools?" His home and his mall is his fortress, and please don't bother him there. hmmm. Did they have some kind of anti-Chabad conference that I missed?


  1. I guess the Lakwooder Ilu reb Malkiel told yossi sarid they are not part of Klal Yisroel

  2. Tomoshaver: "I guess the Lakwooder Ilu reb Malkiel told yossi sarid they are not part of Klal Yisroel"

    !בירא דשתיתא מניה אל תזרוק בה אבן


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