Wednesday, July 11, 2012

?!הגם לכבוש את המלכה עמי בבית

א חוצפה פון די טריפה'נע אגודיסטן צו קלעבן פלאקאטען פאר די טריפה'נעם "סיום הש"ס" פון די טמא'נע "דף היומי" אין די שטעטל פונעם הייליגן לוחם מלחמת ה' רביה"ק בעל ויואל משה זצוק"ל! נישט גענוג אז מ'פארפירט טויזענטער אידן פונעם דרך ישראל סבא, דער פך השמן הטהור וויל מען אויך מטמא זיין?! און מיט תחבולות שונות ומשונות, ווי א גנב ביינאכט, דרוקען זיי פלאקאטען אויף די אידישע שפראך צו פארכאפען תמימות'דיגע אידן וועלכע זענען שוואך אין עניני השקפה און אמונה. גייט אייך צוריק קיין פלעטבוש און די פייוו טאונס וואו מ'מיינט אז איר טוט עפעס אויף. דא אין דעם צענטער פון דאס יהדות החרדית דארף מען אייך נישט נויטיג. צא טמא ממחננו
!כולנו למערכה



  1. G'valdig!
    True Colors.
    No Asifah.
    No Learning.
    No Saichel.
    B'shem Reb Yoilish ZYOVKY"O

  2. Satire at its best.

    They copied kinus klal yisroel to the T.

  3. Where were these posted? It does not say they were stuck in KJ..
    Probably boro park or just in a newspaper

  4. A ma'arocho should be fun. Tell them Lau is speaking and we can stand at the side and have a good laugh watching the two scrambling to get their act together.

  5. "They copied kinus klal yisroel to the T."

    Why would you coin that "ball game" kinus klal yisroel?
    Did something come out of it?
    Daf yomi or any other learning, is kinus klal yisroel.

    There was more bitul torah for that affair (with reshus of our leaders - but bitul torah nevertheless -see what the Gr'a has to say about legit bitul torah) then ever was in recent times.

  6. Satire Indeed
    You think or u know that this whole assifa did no good?

  7. They used to say in the heim that Daf Hayomi was a treifa Agidah tzeitung.


  9. Yodei davar have officially confirmed that yisroel meir lau will be speaking @ the siyum hashnaps. Along with eli kleinman and george weinberger. Maran rosh hayeshiva was moiche about it yesterday at a meeting of moetzes, while reading choice quotes from his autobiography. The bal habatim have ruled and the rabbonim can't undo it.

  10. which maran, rav Malkiel? and what's bad about the autobiography?

  11. Simchas bais schottenstein, kleinman and weinberger.

    Is the ravaroshi left wing enough to appease the MONTH crowd?

  12. Rav Malkiel Shlita, I haven't read the book, but it must be so bad that it wasn't even relevant enough to get into cherem.

  13. Which balebatim decide these things? Don't they ask the moetzes who to invite?

    Last time they had a leader of "nisht kan shoimrei shabbos" be maschil the new cycle, whe will it be this time, meir soloveitchik from yu?

  14. Is norman lam coming, rav gifter isn't...

  15. Rav Lau was invited by a big supporter. The RY of YU will be on the dais as well.

  16. I hope the contrary rumors here have some validity, but as of yesterday a highly reliable source informed me that not only is RHS not speaking at the siyum, he was not even invited to sit on the dais. I don't think they will ban him from buying a ticket if he wants to attend...


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