Friday, July 13, 2012

עתון נולד

Read the whole first issue on Scribd, or on if your filter blocks scribd.  

Da'as Torah for everyone! No longer does the Israeli Yated have a monopoly. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is הפלס. We wish him lots of luck in his new venture. No! wait. That's not good for us....

See how the sausage is made here.


  1. Will reb Berel send back this week his paycheck to the Kahanamans HQ,its all based of Zionist money?

  2. do you know who these hapeles guys are, and how anti chabad they are, and that they were the guys quoting elyashiv the whole time till they were ousted?

  3. Anon Friday, July 13, 2012 5:05:00 PM

    I got news for you my ostrich friend, its not too easy to find litvish people who are not anti Chabad. Sorry to burst your bubble.

  4. being anti-Chabad is a lot easier than actually doing something with your life, so of course they're anti-Chabad!


  6. Wow I'm so proud of them, they got it all together

    probably will be bankrupt in a few weeks.

    read it its all about putting Rav shteinman down, what pathetic loosers

  7. Hyman
    "I got news for you my ostrich friend, its not too easy to find litvish people who are not anti Chabad. Sorry to burst your bubble."
    tell your friend the mamar Chazal Horoitza leTama Metamin oisoi... Rav Shtienman,Kanievsky Povarsky,Edelstien are not in the hate business...

  8. It all shows that the haters are fringe as the the David Dukes of the larger society....And big part of this hate was thru a big terror machine founded by the greatest charadie tzorer hayehudim.....

  9. Tomashavoer
    Afreh lepimech.
    Hey, how many non Chabad shuls in Crown Heights?
    What is that called in your lexicon, not fringe?
    Kool-aid is yummy!

  10. Shmilu
    "Hey, how many non Chabad shuls in Crown Heights?
    the difference is very obvious and you know it.. in CH the yiddelech were running( and the chabadniks begged them to stay) when they saw a Kushi family moving on the block... In Benai Berak, rav Grienimam or rav Fienstien were runing for their life when the black hatter goon from the Tzoirer Hayehudim gang...
    Its important to note that his evil machine had a big effect on his Misnagdic brothers, but he did not minimize anything from the Rabunoas of Rav Landau,that he tried with all his power to destroy. Rav Landau is the role model of a real rav in the charadie world. His hechsher is on top of the pole and sought by every real medakdek behalocha....and the Hechsher of Shearis that the tzoirer charade created is 1 step above Finkels of much for his Legacy...Ponovizh, Shearis and now the Yated...they need some loony in Argentina to come to their aid.

  11. pleaese post the new one when it comes out,

  12. in CH the yiddelech were running( and the chabadniks begged them to stay)

    sheker. chabad prefered shvartzas to snags

  13. there are actually several non-chabad shuls in Crown Heights.


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