Thursday, July 19, 2012

Book Review - "Lubavitch Speak" by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin


  1. so the Book Chabad Speak tries to minimize the famous saying "Chabad is a religion very similar to Judiasim"

  2. i didn't realize that it was that similar to Judaism at all!!!

  3. It used to be similar.....
    Now it's similar to something else

  4. What exactly do you want to bring us with this book review?

  5. Sam
    ""Chabad is a religion very similar to Judiasim""
    You got it wrong
    it goes as follows
    "Chabad is the only religion similar to Authentic Judiasim"

  6. Gold
    "What exactly do you want to bring us with this book review?"
    Hirshel brought it for the deep thinkers on this blog,to understand why Darwin and Slifkin are wrong....

  7. Hey, did Dalfon cut us out?

  8. tzig, could you also post your two cents on the book. to me it seems like he pretty much dumbed down the whole history of Lubavitch.

  9. Dovy

    I have not yet read it. I'm waiting for the esteemed author to send me a copy. ahem.

  10. Did he use spell check??


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