Monday, July 16, 2012

Regards from your son/brother/husband...


  1. mi yitan li eiver keyona....thats the good life

  2. They have a room for computers ???

  3. that's life, shmu. maybe soon it'll show up on a filtered site, and I'll link it then.

  4. Hopefully after seeing this a lot of parents will pull their sons out of the Mir and send them to get an education.

  5. No way in the world that your site won't get blocked by a filter.Not if you allow yourself to be a host for all the creepy crawly things they say in farbrengens after they drink.
    Easy way to check if your are allowing yourself or your backers to post garbage:Would you allow it thru if was said about your rebbe?
    Meanwhile, you remain the Chareidi version of Scottys smut.

  6. Yosef G

    he was talking about the youtube clip, not the whole site. Now go wipe off your keyboard, you אויסגעקלאפטע הושענא

  7. Ok,
    But you are still the Chareidy Scotty.
    And you both learned the trade in the same place you shared.
    There teach zero respect.
    I know personally that some of the guys you call "eltereh chasidim" with the white beards, after they've had a cup or two at a farbrengen, including ,
    yes, you sewer , language kisht in t, being a favourite, while telling nasty lies about the good people who were correctly wary of the new Lubavitch phenomenon, when it was still new, i.e before you were born.

  8. Whatever,
    I was not the one who called you the Frum Scotty and you know that.
    I just said you guys learned the trade by the "ahavas yisroel" people

  9. azigra, you must really be a kal if you aren't at all impressed by the learning in the video. get an education? what do you think they're doing you twit?

  10. @dovy, "an education" generally means something useful, a way to support your wife and children. And no, I'm not impressed with the easy life these kids are living, while their Israeli counterparts are fighting in an army and their American counterparts are preparing for their lives in the working (real) world.

  11. Anybody who has "an easy life" learning, should eventually go to work too.
    Somebody that learns as if his life depends on it, should stay in Beis-Hamedrash for as long as he can. (i.e. As long as smart people support him. I wish I could!)

    It's a matter of Hashkofoh.
    azigra obviously doesn't believe:

    a) "Toyreh iz der besteh Schoiyreh."
    b) Torah is very useful in "the real world", namely, the world we will be in for eternity, after these measly 80 or so years are over..
    c) As long as the IDF can somehow manage without Chareidim (which they obviously do) then "Milchamta shel Torah" trumps the army, and supplies much more protection.

    If he doesn't accept the above as fact, what's the point in arguing?

  12. this was the greatest video in the longest time......

  13. I'm sorry azigra. i didn't realize what an ignorant putz you are.

  14. lol, maybe one day when less people in lakewood are on food stamps and HUD i'll change my mind.

    Until them I feel bad for your community and your children.

  15. i would bet anything that you are on food stamps yourself. btw, i don't live in lakewood.
    i feel bad for the kids of ignorant b.t.s like you who have no interest in even sounding intelligent. lol.


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