Friday, August 24, 2012

זה ספר תולדות הרה"ג ר' דוב יהודה שחט ז"ל

Bio R DY Schochet From Dvar Yehuda


  1. ?..שוחט משום מאי מחייב


  2. שוחט is wrutten with a ו but i guess ר' דוב יהודה, חייש לשמה so he writes his name withot a ו so it will not sound like he is a ש"ו


  3. א פרישע מעשה, אפשר גאר 'שחוט' לשון עבר הוא? שתו בשמים פיהם חץ שחוט לשונם

    וויי מיר
    ps: what happen to the lost thread?!

  4. Wow, the rebbes blood is red enough that you took down the post that would have given scotty and all haters endless fodder!


  5. thread: BY Y.Y. (GUEST POST)

    ודבר הרבי היה יקר בימים ההם אין חזון נפרץ, תמיר ונעלם הוא כי פחדו בציון חטאים

  6. אין "ושחט" אלא "ומשך"צ
    העלת הנה"ב ע"י "אדם כי יקריב מכם" - קירוב הבהמה שבו לה' ע"י עבודה ויגיעה.צ
    (עי' לקו"ת ויקרא)

    "הראש" ואחיו הינם באמת "הארעווערס"

    - זא"י

  7. The text is so small. Can't read much of it.

  8. Squinty-

    theres zoom. see the magnifying glass circle thing with a plus sign? click that a few times.


  9. I am done with you website without a backbone. This is a Hungarian wallpaper store on 13th Avenue.
    I am outta here


  10. Tzig you are spineless as are the other latter day saints who crapped on the Rebbe from the beginning.
    this is the last time I am visiting your site

    slivovitz i can buy at the goy.

  11. I heard Rav Ezra from L.A. left the fold since the mishicistin took control,any thoughts?

  12. Thanks for this excerpt.
    Interesting information.
    I do think it strengthens point i made in an earlier post.

  13. Who needs to "leave the fold" when there is Liozner Chabad?

  14. leave this stupid blog said...
    I am done with you website without a backbone. This is a Hungarian wallpaper store on 13th Avenue.
    I am outta here

    No kidding you're long buried 6 feet under!

  15. R Ezra was bodily kicked out of 770 bedore the rebbes histalkus when he was moiche against singing yechi. I remember. He never left the fold.

  16. His brother R' Dovid Schochet throws out of the building anyone shouting Yechee at 770 Chabad Gate in Thornhill, Ontario.

  17. I grew up near his house as a young child although we rarely davened in the shtiebel in his home on Hove St. I was just a little boy and had no mussag until reading about him here that he was an adam gadol.


    Yahrzeit was yesterday. Recorded this last night. A fitting title might be: "From Telshe to Chabad, My Grandfather's Saga."


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