Friday, August 17, 2012

דער "מוכיח" מיסטער מענדעלאוויטש

 Sent in by commenter Dos Yiddishe Licht. As usual click on the pictures to enlarge.


  1. After this was reproduced a few years ago, the Agudah tried to discredit it at the convention but were afraid to refer to it by name for whoever hadn't seen it yet so they kvetched out some vague directive of come to us to ask - because WE are the ONLY Daas Torah - if you are allowed to listen to anything a gadol in a previous dor said. They are terrified of the implications because it gives license to criticize the Agudah itself. The Chazon Ish had poskened lashon horah letoyeles on manhigim is mutter because people have a recht to know if they are ausgehalten or not. R' Shraga Feivel takes it to a whole new level az tze doch a chiyuv tzu mefarsem zein on corrupt rabbonim / manhigim.

  2. R' Shraga Feivel got in right in his time.

    In our times, a rov in Lakewood and others who attack the corrupt hashgochos deserve to be commended as Rabbonim nichbodim and yechidei segula. So says R' Chaim Oizer Grodzenski & the other gedolim of that dor.

    Did anyone here see when someone at the Queens Vaad attacked the critics of his hashgocho in a magazine that Queens Vaad restaurants were allegedly pressured to pay for? The Vaad person wrote that you never saw manhigei Yisroel making kashrus an important issue to admonish for. A blogger brought raayos to demolish that and the other foolish arguments from the Vaad person.

    Check out sefer Achiezer from R' Chaim Oizer (edition with hagohos of R' Shmuel Deutsch) and you will find a moyradik shtikel that pulls the rug out from under Queens Vaad person & likeminded dray kops.

    Chelek 4 (likutim) siman 14: "It always was that our Avos & Rabbonim were moiser nefesh in every dor for shechita and to warn against maacholos assuros because this is of the yesodos HaTorah and the kedusha of klal Yisroel, something that is obligatory on Rabbonim nichbodim and yechidei segula wherever they may be to stand against the breach to prevent issurim and to be mamshich taharas ukedushas Yisroel"

    The following gedolim added their signatures to R' Chaim Oizer's giluy daas:

    R' Henoch Eigish, the baal Marcheshes

    R' Shimon Shkop (Grodno)

    R' Boruch Ber (Kaminetz)

    R' Elchonon Wasserman (Baranovitch)

    R' Avrohom Kamai (Mir)

    R' Velvel Soloveitchik (Brisk)

    R' Menachem Ziemba (Ger)

    And seven other rabbonim on the Vaad Harabbonim of Warsaw.


  3. This week's parsha:
    'el hakohanim...asher yi'heyeh bayamim ho'haim....

    Go to today's Rabbonim and Gedolim! Don't pull in issues and taakanos from previous generations!

    This sounds like the "kranke oilom habah'nick" from UOJ &/or From QG.


  4. אז מ'רעדט שוין פון פייוויש, הרב פייוויש! איז דער אני הגבר ראה עני בשבט עברתו, אוויא דער מצב דאהי האט אויסגעקוקט פאר די סאטמארע רעוואלאציע!

  5. is "dos yiddishe licht" the yiddish section of "the light of israel" ?


  6. דאס אידישע ליכט' פון בנות ירושלים, 'דאס שמועס'ן מיט קינדער' פון קה"ת, זענען אמאל גיווען די איינציגסטע יודיש כשר'ע לייען מאטריאל פאר קינדער, קה"ת איז פארגויש'ט גיוואר'ן אין דא"ל לפעמים אויפגיהערט צי לייכט'ן והמ"י

  7. thid yiddishe licht publication caused the untimely death of yossele rosenblatt


  8. !דאס אידישע ליכט

    אמר הקב"ה נרי בידך זו התורה ונרך בידי זה הנפש, אם אתה משמר את שלי אני משמר את שלך -מד"ר

  9. Dovy, please explain regarding Rosenblatt

  10. "olam hasheker" starts with 9:06Sunday, August 19, 2012 8:13:00 PM

    There is no special takonna, not in R' Shraga Feivel's letter & not in the giluy daas from the gedolim in the alter heim.

    Both are nogaya for alla doros which is what scares the heck out of the lackey for the corrupt hashgocho. He is the same nudnik who keeps popping up on the blogs to argue against anything that might even remotely be bad for his PR and cover up purposes. And he always uses the same talking points.


  11. הרב שרגא פייויש מענדלאוויטש ז"ל המייסד של הישיבה המפורסם תורה ודעת באמעריקע! שהי' בזמנה הכי החרדי בניו יארק! למה הוא נתעטר בשם 'מיסטער' וכל בר בי רב דחד יומא! מתקריא כאן בשם ראבינער

  12. Altz anivus, RSFM referred to himself as "Mr. Rosh Yeshiva"

  13. Ziged Minged
    "קה"ת איז פארגויש'ט גיוואר'ן "
    how is Kehos fargoisht?
    by printing All seforim of he Tzemach Tzedak anrd the Rebbe reshab?

  14. Chote Umachteh: "how is Kehos fargoisht?"

    By stoping the printing of the weekly 'דאס שמועס'ן מיט קינדער' in yiddish or any other litreature in yidish! all their litreature is now in goyish!

  15. Sunday, August 19, 2012 8:13:00 PM

    Vaa' PEEEEE hoo'oosin....

  16. I dont think Kehot has any weekly or monthly publication.. you are mamash like Bilaam ... barking for no good reasons

  17. Someone associated with the Licht embezzled R'Yossele . tithes forced him to to song on Vaudeville to make some money.

  18. choteh umachteh said...
    I dont think Kehot has any weekly or monthly publication.. you are mamash like Bilaam

    Sorry to enlighten you I have already said it before twice! Kehot had a weekly or bi-weekly magazine type booklet witch was printed in 'yiddish' by the name "דאס שמועס'ן מיט קינדער" also by the name "ווינדער פון די נאטיר " if you think so or not isn't relevant, also stop with your bully yard billam language! shame on you!

  19. Choteh..
    I was talking about currently... it was a reply yto your Gfargoishkiet bilam shprach...


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