Thursday, August 9, 2012

נת' ות"ח

from the sefer "גנזים ושו"ת חזון איש"


  1. Hirshel, who gave you this? Who signs "Shlit"a" after their own name? Zicher not a big anav like the Chazon Ish

  2. I almost panicked when reading the headline. At first glance it looked like Tach veTat

  3. If you can get a donation out of Margulies, I am willing to bet that he signs SHLITA after his own name along with the title Rosh HaYeshiva

  4. The signature reads S. Zalmanov (?)

  5. IIAC, the signature reads:

    א. קרסיק


  6. That sefer'l has got lots a good "beef", about mendle kasher and about kook too, making sure that neither his son or any of his talmidim succeeded him at the chief rabbinate. In spite of that, they printed the first letter the CI wrote to r kook upon arriving in EY...

  7. ZIY

    it reads both א. קרסיק and ש. זלמנוב

  8. Yes, that's my point.


  9. "If you can get a donation out of Margulies, I am willing to bet that he signs SHLITA after his own name along with the title Rosh HaYeshiva"

    Who ever got a donation from Margulies.....

  10. Aleph Karasik? R' (Chaim) Eliezer Karasik? (Chaim was added later.)

  11. מלפנים, לפעמים בא שלוחי חב"ד להר"י מסאטמאר ז"ל לקבץ נדבות להישיבה תומכי תמימים, רז"ל כמובן נתן תתן להם ביד רחבה, ופעם אמר להם "איך רעדט אויף ענק, זאלט איהר נישט מיינען אז איך רעדט ווייל איך וויל נישט גיבען קיין געלט!" ואח"כ נתן להם נדבת לבו" אולי יש לכם "קבלה" ע"ז? מ"מ נראה מזה שלא צריכים להיות 'חסיד חב"ד' לתמוך הישיבה שלומדים שם תורה

  12. Can someone tell me why everybody was talking about the MO siyum hashas by dov linzer on Aug 6 BEFORE the siyum, but now AFTER the shium nobody is saying anything? Did something terrible happen?

  13. Why are you so excited that he gave a donation? It was only to placate the collector. On the other hand, when the Chazon ish heard that R'Dovid Mann zt"l was learning in that Chabad Cheder he insisted to R'Dovid's father that he remove him from there immediately even though there was no good alternative!

  14. Where you find Dov Linzer, there will be some woman who is "wearing the pants" and makes him into second fiddle. Who was the "star" of the show? "Rabba" Sara Hurwitz? The OU's RCA should have expelled Avi Weiss for giving her "semicha"

  15. Kovner
    "On the other hand, when the Chazon ish heard that R'Dovid Mann zt"l was learning in that Chabad Cheder he insisted to R'Dovid's father that he remove him from there immediately even though there was no good alternative! "
    a new lie on the horizon.. my Rosh yeshiva heard it from his uncle the mashgiach in Salabodka... u people are obssesed with lies and rechilus.. boruch hashem u people are using your talents on your own.. and all sides are saying even on the gedolim that they lie.. The Hapeles camp are saying Reb chaim is a Liar and the Yated Glick camp claims that Reb Shmuel is lying, what should I the chosid say... that obviously both are lying.. since it became a Minhag Hamokem in your camps.

  16. If I remember correctly, I heard it from a close member of R' Mann's family. To appease you (maybe)I will also mention that R' Mann was a child prodigy (he enrolled in Ponovizh at age 13), and he told a friend of mine that wherever he learned he was the smartest, except in that Chabad cheder there was one classmate smarter than him - Moti Ashkenazi, the current Rov of kfar Chabad.

  17. the ci was not a rodef like shach he was just a reguler misnaged fun amul which didnt believe in the whole rebbe thing (not like now which the whole misnagidishe shita is gone)he had nothing personal against chabad so when the kids from yemen came he said send then to lubavitch they would take care of them


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