Friday, September 7, 2012

א מורא'דיגע חתם סופר


  1. it seems he is not talking about a death tzatik ,
    if this piece is a pointer to anything
    the lease it should encourage a person to connect to a living tzatik even it is not the first transition in his lifetime

  2. לא אמרתי שהוא מדבר על צדיק שהסתלק, אלא על עצם הענין של השפעה שבא דרך צדיק הדור

  3. הירשעלע
    זייער שיין.
    כ'וויל נאר וויסן צי דו ביסט געווארן אן עיברית'ניק (כלשון ר' חיים טאשקענטער ע"ה).

  4. חלילה
    זייט נישט באזארגט, ר' מענדל

  5. so who is this tzadik today?

  6. I didnt know the chasam sofer was so chassidish. :)Hes a Lubliner! a Lizhensker! or maybe hes Breslov?

  7. Who did the C"S consider the tzaddik in his dor?

  8. Friendly
    "Who did the C"S consider the tzaddik in his dor?"
    or Reb Nosen Adler or the Hafloho


  9. Thinking about this concept that the Chasam Sofer writes, u realize that this was the standard belief system of Shlumie Emunie Yisroel for generations, it was just some evil people with one motive to slander a Eidah Beyisroel, so they played on the ignorance of some laymen

  10. Let's follow this honestly. Who today is the tzadik hador?

  11. Moshe moshel

  12. Untill I was 10 all I heard about was moshiach shebidoreinu, why did that change after gimmel tammuz? As intillectual chasidim, isn't there belief in a concept rather than a figure and by default if all that torah was true until the rebbe died, shoudnt it all apply to whoever moshiach shebidoreinu is at the moment, alive?

  13. Hirshel! I give you credit for posting that question.

  14. The idea that the DOR gets shefa b'zchus hatzadik is no chiddush. The idea that it requires d'vaikus (connection) to the tzadik is a chassidic novelty and is opposed by other derachim in thought, including the chassam sofer.


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