Sunday, September 2, 2012

החסיד Reb Fishel Weingarten, ע"ה

A chossid of Chassidus and of the Rebbe to his last and dying breath, Reb Fishel was לוחם מלחמת השם of the Baal Shem Tov and those who carried his degel. After some searching he discovered Chassidus Chabad and Rabbeinu m'Lubavitch.  He made it his life's mission to share this discovery with whomever he came into contact with. He was זוכה to be מקרב many בחורים and יונגעלייט to חסידות and to the Rebbe, זצוקללה"ה. He suffered terribly from a horrible מחלה these last few years and passed away last week. The following pages are from the כפר חב"ד magazine, last week's issue.


  1. Reb Hirshel
    its impossible to read it

  2. אוי וויי

    I see what you mean! let me try and fix it. Thanks.

  3. Dumbing down society by depriving them of intellectual free thinking, no desertions of opinions, I’m the furor just keep listening to me because I lead by filibustering giving mambo jumbo none stop babble talk of no consequence which has no beginning or end! Than when I’ll exit I will leave a confused society which will never know how to live a normal life again, to such a society the only solution is to get lobotomized! run far for cover and never tell anyone where you came from until the time comes ! כל האומר --- אני ידקור בחרב

  4. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    whatever that means...

    I'm glad you didn't get it atleast it got posted, maybe someone else will.

  5. Hirshel
    can u call a ambulance for that guy, there are alot mental procblems in colleges. Look what happened to the college kid that went berserk in a movie house and shot multiple people, if you dont take care on him now, the family will sue you.

  6. 'can u call a ambulance for that guy'

    you sure can, but there is no medical insurance for 'tzig desease' I'm afraid.

    קריינא דאגרת ליהוי איהו פרוונקא

    residin at:
    Freie Universität Berlin
    Kaiserswerther Str.
    16-18 14195 Berlin

  7. U B
    "you sure can, but there is no medical insurance for 'tzig desease' I'm afraid."
    the efficient Germans have a cure for everything...they even invented the final solution

  8. Hirshel
    you warmed my heart

  9. Rabbi fischel told me once that you should allways think of oder peaple in help them in many ways he was a tzadik


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