Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Making of a Gadol - the Movie (עברית)

 RNK keeps on keeping on. ער האלט זיך ביי זיינס. And he said this on ז' אב! He's pretty confident that what he's doing is good and noble.



  2. it would be so much more geshmak in yiddish!


  3. זה הגדולים בעיניהם קטנים הם בעינינו, כחגבים

  4. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    והגדולים בעיניכם

    ?בין המתים או בין החיים

  5. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    הרי צדיקים במיתתם קרויים חיים

    !אמת but you can't take it to the bank!

    הייטב לב זצ"ל אמר על הפסוק נורא אלקים ממקדשיך, אל ישראל הוא נתן עז ותעצומות לעם, על דרך זה
    נורא אלקים ממקדשיך, דהיינו השי"ת הוא נורא מהצדיקים העובדים אותו! כאחז"ל אל תקרא ממקדשיך אלא ממקודשיך!, ואם אין 'צדיקים' שכולם הלכו למנוחות ואתנו עזבו לאנחות! אז אל ישראל הוא נתן עז ותעצומות 'לעם' שיש ריבוי בין הפשוטי העם והצדקות נתפשטו 'מהם' להעם! והמב"י

  6. Who is this rabbi and what is he saying?

  7. Does this Kamenitzky have kids?or good friends? that can advise him better.
    its already years he is defending himself and gets deeper in the mud?
    In the crowd where he tries cleanse himself he is dead meat.....
    In the Slifkin crowd he is a hero so keep on going and print the balance of your Yenterai... how can such a Kluger Yid as Reb Yakov have such a Tipesh for a son....

  8. Of course not. Just a short explanation will do.

  9. Of course not. Just a short explanation will do.

  10. i do not understand, you guys are supposed to be more rational, you do not realize that he is mostly right?

  11. He does not..
    All his kids are major B'nei Torah and Roshei Kollelim.

  12. MG

    he's basically defending his book, "The Making of a Gadol," and speaking about the aftermath of the publication, the ban, etc.

  13. Sholom kamenetzky, the next great hope of rational litvaks, was strongly against the book being published, but will defend it to the death now that its out.


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