Monday, October 29, 2012

"דער שטאט טשארנאביל"

The very talented Reb Aron Feder does a very good job on the Jewish history of the town that literally is no more.  Nuclear explosions will do that - wipe towns off maps. It's ironic how after the rise of Communism the one they turned to for help with their religious needs was none other than the Lubavitcher Rebbe, כ"ק אדמו"ר רבי יוסף יצחק נ"ע,   (and not one of the many Tchernobiler Rebbes, who admittedly no longer lived there...)


  1. why so much of Tchernobil lets hear what's up in Nikolaev the rebbes birth place

  2. if i would show all the resources for this article we would laugh our heads off...

    and we all know that the big picture of the life from the russian people including the people from the city chernobyl is not reflected in this article as well

    there is only 1 and simple agenda, to keep the power in the new square village over the chushive temimisdige yidden who suffer in terrible pain.

  3. by reading the article you see that 1 Rav of Chernobil was a chabadnik, Rav Briskin from the Kapust Babroisker Rebbe. He took letters and haskomas from them but a chosid he was from Chabad.Plus the other Rav,Rav Rappaport, which its hard to figure out his brand of chasidus, but you see that he quotes the Rav in his sefer Igeres Hakodesh Tanya, which according to the Old Skverer RYY, is a no no in his brand of Chrnobil, which many people are skeptic.
    Feder really did not locate a real RAv of that town, the above Rabonim were Talmidie chachmim in that town, nobody signs their name as Rav or Av Bies din, I guess the Maskilic source that Feder uses without mentioning their names, only talk about the head of the Opera etc....

  4. it seems that you had 2 Rebbes of Chernobil,had the same time in the same town.
    Did they have separate Shuls?
    which chosid went to this Brother and who went to the other one?

  5. אך אין וויי פאר די בעלזא טעראריסטן
    וואס האבן זיך משתלט געווען אויף די ציבור אין שטעטל

    אזא מין רעזשים וואס געט נאר סחורה פון שטותים פאר זייער עולם, און די עולם ליינט מיט גרויס דארשט און ממאכט א גאנצע טעראראם ווי אזוי מספעלט די נאמען, אלץ פאר מער כבוד און מער געלט, צו האלטן די עולם געשפאנט מיט פאנטאזיעס

    אידעלעך האטס רחמנות אויפ'ן רבש"ע וואס זיין ליבער נאמען ווערט פארעקלט דורך אידן וואס באנוצען זיך מיט זיין נאמען

  6. the folks peasants, torn dirty clothed people of the extreme tiny village of belz, locaten near the big boobing town of lvov (lemberg) were so intimdated by the twersky family`s dreams, fabrication, and noved ilutions.

    about lamed vov tzassikim, eliyahu hanavi was a daily guest, and so was the avos and who knows who else, `torah` they never said (only that were told to them `from himmel`) no wonder there is so little `torah` hashem did not even bother telling them anything.

    this whole dynasty is fed on the most unimagiable hocus pocus `babeh masis`, der totteh der bubba. they fabricated lie after lie to feed their masses with somthing.

    belz followed and reinvented this `derech`, and started rewriting history for their own agenda. how much trouble & imbarresment they had from their twersky? oh, they'll never write about that.

    baruch hashem in bobov the issue is not at all how to write the name of the town, the isshue is rather an answer to a stiras harambam, a ktzos need explaining and so on, for a little chisuk a brief pause with a dvikos song, and then right back to learning.

    the twersky famiky did nothing for the jews in russia, it was the rayatz of lubavitch. dont let yourself get trapped in the twersky trap of `dimyoiness`.

  7. Rayatz gets "nun ayin" and shlita gets a whole zecher tzadick vkadosh livrocha lichayey haolama habah....

  8. Alternatively...'l'chayei haolam hazeh'

  9. chusid shoite said: אידעלעך האט רחמנות אויפ'ן רבש"ע וואס זיין ליבער נאמען ווערט פארעקלט דורך אידן וואס באנוצען זיך מיט זיין

    Chusid shoite, Indeed.


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