Thursday, November 22, 2012

....וואס די 3 פינטעלעך באדייעט

אפשר ווייסט איר? איך נישט
דאס אז דער שליח טוט אהן תפלין מיט א אידיש קינד, דאס באדערט זיי? ס'איז ארגער ווי סערווירען טשולענט?


  1. this time - no bobov, nor the backyard belz or evev square (of springvalley).

    this picture is pure satmer hatred, "der blitz", belongs to the satmer zali facter. and these self hating jew wanted and tried to ban the "shtern & the shpaktiv".

    "der blitz" should be ashamed of themselves. their way of writing is disgusting.

    yes, a bobov chusid were never write like, beacause they were taught from a real manhig who loved truthfully every single yid.

    (see my response, regarding bobov & klausenburg)


  2. ווער ס'ווייסט ווייסט..., אין ווער
    !נישט נישט

  3. bobov : ""der blitz" should be ashamed of themselves. their way of writing is disgusting."

    You mean it pales even from tibi lotzi et al writings!? if so that will be a record no?

  4. Bobov Chusid:
    Right, you learnt from your mahnig how to fight between yourselves. Please stop trying to sell this narishkeit. Stop the Bobover “shalom” farce. All of this fell apart now with the ferocious internal machlokas.

  5. David said.: "Right, you learnt from your mahnig how to fight between yourselves."

    your ma vs your dad
    motela vs moshele
    mendele vs srulik
    schneur vs malkiel
    lubavitch vs world
    Kahanaman vs --
    telz vs telz
    cluj vs cluj
    satmr vs siget


Please think before you write!
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