Thursday, November 1, 2012

קשרי ליובאוויטש-סלונים

from this week's "התקשרות" 

Lubavitch and Slonim have had their ideological differences since day 1, or generation 1, but it seems like there was some connection after all. We know about the Reb Shmuel and the Rebbe Rashab, since the Frierdige Rebbe wrote about it in the הקדמה to קונטרס ומעיין, but the recent correspondence is news to some of us.


  1. you really think the Rebbe said "your father was by me" if he wasnt? maybe just r shmuel didnt know about it?

  2. Rav ezra shochet's wife was a slonimer einichel...

  3. Moshe Moshel
    maybe the Rebbe met him when he was in the states,or still in Europe,I think that Reb shulem Noach was in the states when he was sick,maybe not?
    the Rebbe usualy did not do this Rebbishe stuff... of talking Rebish.

  4. Hirshel
    is the Yechidus from the Slonimer Shlita, a written reshima?

  5. Hirshel
    thanks for the Post,
    I had a different view on the Relationship...
    BTW, Reb Shulem Noach does not quote the Alte Rebbe not even once,even on concepts that are pure chabad as Tamlichini of Rosh Hashana, he writes long mamorim on that subject, It is never mentioned in any Slonimer sefer before and no other Pielishe sefer...the Alte Rebbe brought it to the world.

    He worked in tomche temimim, he smelled it in the air.
    His son the current Rebbe mentions the Alte Rebbe alot...

  6. R shmuel claims here that his father never left Eretz Yisroel.

    So when did they meet?

  7. Hirshel
    you are mistaking that Lubavich and slonim had disagreement from Genaration 1,Since slonim is a new entity,It is only that the consider themselves the Real Kalisk mamshich... which is debateable...since the works of the Yesoid Avoda and Reb Shulem Noach are also violating ... of Yikach Nu Meyat Mayim and Ki Sechel Liznois..

  8. Neither of them was in heaven while pounding the cement. And now, one is and the other is debatable.

  9. It is interesting that in the new book on the Alter Rebbe from a non-biased scholar (Emanuel Atkis),it is clear that the Alter Rebbe was right in the machlokes between him and Reb Avrohom Kalisker, the forerunner of Slonim.

  10. Right and wrong in the historical perspective is very relative to the bias of the reader.

    You want to tell me who was right and wrong in the machlokes tzadikim about Napoleon too?

  11. What does that mean that the Alter Rebbe was right? Please explain his thesis

  12. Moshe Moshel
    "You want to tell me who was right and wrong in the machlokes tzadikim about Napoleon too?"
    I can not think for your sake, just look what emnacipation has wrought upon shemiras hatorah vehamitzvas, it assimilated Germany Hungary then Poland then Russia....
    The other Tzadikim had a argument that Moshiach would be here and all would be solved, I guess the Alte Rebbe did not work the Rebishe style...

  13. TZig
    I recently shmoozed with Aron Shapiro - Pardes Katzer
    He has some interesting stories with the shvartze slonimer and the rebbe

  14. דער שווארצער איז דאך געווען א מגי"ש אין תו"ת לוד , איז דאך נישט קיין חידוש שהי' לו קשר

  15. I lived next to slonim for 8 years and heard the Friday night זמירות... they are all off key

  16. rehov slonim 11 said...
    I lived next to slonim for 8 years and heard the Friday night זמירות... they are all off key

    Did they promised all nine positions of the Waltz?

  17. The nigunim are like a cow being shected...the ond rebbe forbade them to be recorded...listen to them andthen coment...

  18. rehovslonim 11 said.."The nigunim are like a cow being shected"

    do re mi faso la si ♪♫ ♪ ♫ .

    it's all 도레미파솔라시도 to me.

    So how's your rebbe singing?


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