Sunday, November 11, 2012

תמונות בלעדיות - ביקור אדמו"ר מ"תולדות אהרן" בבית הר"ר פנחס הלוי שי' ליפשיץ

 Click on photos to fully enjoy!


  1. Didn't have to bother sticking your fake copyright moniker on these pictures. No one is going to steal them.

  2. Who is the person he visited?

    Why is it significant?

    Where does he live? I don't remember grass in America...

    He is clearly rich, but how rich?

    What does he do for a buck?


  3. ? הר"ר פנחס הלוי שי' ליפשיץ

    .וסלחת לעונינו כי רב! הוא

  4. The man who redeemed himself in the eyes of Lubavitch for championing the cause of Shalom Rubashkin in their stead.

    Reb Pinchas Lipschutz, editor in chief of the American Yated.

  5. אנטיוכוס החמישיMonday, November 12, 2012 8:43:00 AM

    Freddy said... "He is clearly rich, but how rich?"

    How clear is that freddy? all the stuff on the table you can but with uncle sams FS!

    אנטונינוס ורבי שלא פסקו מעל שולחנם לא חזרת ולא קישות ולא צנון לא בימות החמה ולא בימות הגשמים

    Horseradish, celery roots or squash, I don't see that on the table.

  6. moshe moshel said: "Reb Pinchas Lipschutz, editor in chief of the American Yated."

    !ותקעתיו יתד 'במקום' נאמן

    Yeted instead of trust!

  7. R Pinny who displayed more ahavas Yisroel than any of the self-proclaimed lovers of Jews in recent years.

  8. Hey Freddy - I don't know how rich he is. But one thing I do know. If your tipshus would turn into dollars, you would be MUCH richer than him.

  9. Richy Richer said: "If your tipshus would turn into dollars, you would be MUCH richer than him."

    I don't know about that? but I do know that you're very insulting, and ruined my day! (and freddy's)for no reason whatsoever, shame on you.

  10. do you think the rebbe let the border patrol lady stamp his passport with the medina stamp? what passport does he use?

  11. Stateless UN ID, or Jordan.

    Good question.

  12. is it Assur to have your passport stamped? is that in the ויוא"מ too?

  13. So "Hirshel Tzig" is authentic.Ok

  14. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    is it Assur to have your passport stamped? is that in the ויוא"מ too?

    You question a ferd like "moshe moshel"?

  15. maybe it is and maybe it isn't, but I didn't call anybody here "fake."

  16. I'm sure he's got an israeli passport like everyone else, and gets it stamped by border control just like you and me.

  17. I have toldos Avrohom Yitzchok friend who wouldnt let them stamp his passport (you can have them stamp a paper or something else, for insance if you need to go to an arab country and they would otherwise bar you from entry because youe been to israel).

    some people are more "machmir" than others.

  18. vishnitz rebbi came to a chusids house today to put up a mesusah. the rebbi in return got $500 (hundred not thousand), this is how low the rebbis will go for a few dollars, you dont have to be rich these days, to get a visit from from one of those money hungry rabbi`s.

  19. עולם הפוך
    די ת"א רבי איז נישט אזא גרויסע קנאי, ער האט גאר א קליינע פראבלעם מיטן סטעמפ.
    אמאל איז די ת"א רבי געוען א קנאי און די רחמסטריווקא רבי א ציוני היינט ב"ה איז פארקערט.

  20. Shtark mekaneh PL's Payes. Did he have it done for the occassion (Reb Elozor ben Azaryeh style)?

    From the pic , it looks like the Rebbe is very impressed too.

    If there could be a less significant meeting between 2 Yiden, I would like to know deets.

    Zollen zei alle geezint in shtark zein.

  21. Reb Pinny is one of the only people thats become Chabad in the last 3 years.


  23. Yossel from the Irv: Im sick of people calling pinny a lubavitcher. Why do all the yeshiva / kollel guys have to always bash him? Its all jealousy! He stuck out his neck to help a yid who happens to be lubavitch. I dont think that's a reason for the whole yeshiva world to disown him. yeh yeh i heard all the stories, he takes a cut from the whole Rubashkin fund raising blah does everyone know this?? besides find me one fund raiser that doesnt get paid for bringing in money!

  24. The reason yeshiva-leit don't like him is not because of Lubavitch. Most people see it from the other side. Did you honestly think that the da'as hakohol would be "let him sit in jail because he is a chabadsker"? The idea that this is something to celebrate assumes something rotten about people. I am sure some people said it, but not too many. Even though they are staunch misnagdim, we don't want a yid sitting in jail. That was true even when he isnot religious at all.

  25. Yankel and all other Litvaks
    Pini Lipshutz was hated by the fringe Svie people even before the Rubashkin saga.They used every opportunity to belittle and besmirch his good name, just for the sin of not jumping to their evil music.
    He knew then what we all know now in Israel, that there is a group of Mecharcherie Riv who were waving the flag of daas torah. Now we see when the facade came off it is just Korach Veadosoi. Reb Pinchas saw it a few years earlier.

  26. Yankel if thats not the reason why the yeshiva world despises pinny lifpshitz, then what is???
    I think your wrong

  27. All you yeshivisher hockers: the reason yeshiva guys cant stand him has nothing to do with Rubashkin or being "fringe Svei" guys. I honestly think its a combination of JEALOUSY and the fact that he calls himself a ben torah (when in THEY'RE opinion hes clearly not) and feels he has a license to criticize the kollel world.
    BTW, I cant believe he takes money for raising money for Rubashkin. Hes way smarter than that.

  28. anon: "אמאל איז די ת"א רבי געוען א קנאי און די רחמסטריווקא רבי א ציוני היינט ב"ה איז פארקערט."

    This rebbe a giter yid and a kenui to, but is a viznitzer talmid ved"l, he learned in viznitz! That's why we also have:

    !תולדות אברהם יצחק

  29. Why is R. Lipschutz so cozy and involved with Chassidim? He is a real Litvak fun opshtam, why is he going so often to the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Joel, hosting Rebbes like this and putting so much Hassidic content in his paper? I fear that he has gone off the Litvisheh derech somewhat in his heart.

    R. Pinchos, you do good things, but even if you say that such things are okay, at least be aware that there is a חשש of מראת עין with such actions.

    בבקשה, חזור בך


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