Sunday, November 25, 2012

משה קיבל תורה... ומסרה לבעלזא

Amolige Chassidim had pride....


  1. I would have thought that using a shmatta to shake someone's had should indicate whether or not to learn hilchos "midos derech eretz" from said individual. It's a lost case trying to rationalize with chasidim...

  2. come on bobov chusid, you know you wana say something stupid about muddy roads!

  3. If the guy that writes this Reshimoth is who I think it is, then I would not give much credence to what he has to say. Thats all I got to say. Reb Shulem Brander had different Machsovas then him thru the day and he was the idolized Belzer Chosid by all. It is Just that these kind of Anushim Peshitim are left in Belz of today. So this stupidity is being cashed it, to brainwash the youth.

  4. Why not? Every legitimate group is a continuation of that original moshe kebail....

  5. Nobodies got "bais rabeinu shebibavel" like chabad and slonim.

  6. Mr moshe,
    If one is a nobody, how in the world can he tell if there are other nobodies? Heh? food for thought, no?

  7. why בכלל bother with moshe at all ?!
    שלום פויגל קיבל תורא מסני ומסרה להיושבים

  8. and from now on no more taanos on lubavitch please. i dont think there is a saying even remotely similar to that in lubavitch.. moshe kibel torah misinai umesoro lelubavitch...

  9. Torah chadasha me'iti teitze....


  10. ,משה קבל תורה מםיני ומסרה לבעלז
    !ובעלז קברוה ברחוב אגריפס

  11. למה נקרא שמה סיני שירדה שנאה לעולם.....


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