Monday, November 26, 2012

ראביי בוטח גייט מדחי אל דחי - בארימט זיך מיט'ן "העלדישע" טאכטער וועלכע דינט אינעם ציוניסטישען מיליטער, ר"ל, הארט נעבן עזה

See Here


  1. He just lost a election, his disease is not curable,he needs attention as Chaim Halperin needs .....

  2. She must have read all his kosher books, nebach.

  3. I dunno why anyone would have a problem with this piece. I found it kinda moving, actually.

  4. yea, it's warm and fuzzy, until you realize that he shouldn't be condoning what the Torah forbids. He may "support" her and tolerate it, but please don't wax poetic if you're a Hasidic Rabbi, so-called.

  5. But he's no hassidic rabbi. Not even so-called. Aaaand:

    1. Just because some people consider it forbidden, doesnt mean there arent those who permit it.

    2. If, let's say, a child chose to live her life her own way, that does not preclude her father from continuing to love her, support her, and respect her for whatever he can see as worthy of respect.

    I respect that, and it's not because I have much respect for Rabbi Shmuely aside from this.

  6. yes, but it's NOT OK to PUBLICLY support a move that's כנגד התורה

  7. Keneged HaTorah? Yeah sure, unless you hold like those that hold it's not keneged Hatorah...

  8. Heck, next you'll say that it's NOT OK for Chabad to PUBLICLY oppose sleeping in sukkeh.

  9. name me one Rov who allowed for women to do what Ms. Boteach is doing.

  10. I don't know who is on what side of the issue, and I haven't the time to investigate it.
    I do know that there are all kinds of rabbonim, and they have many different opinions on so many subjects. I also know that there are public 'general' positions and then there are individual cases that are exceptions to the rule. They say that there are over 1000 religious women in the IDF, so they're obviously there (honestly, I can't figure out what the halachic issur against military service is... what, tzniyus?)
    That said, I think it's all besides the point -- she's there already, and he's a dad who takes pride in his daughter.

  11. Freg Nisht Kein Kashas Oif Shmuly he is Way To Radical even The Current Chabadskers Consider Him way Out The line

  12. wow ce you really write like a rwal am ha'aretz

  13. no chabadsker considers him chabad. the Lubavitcher rebbe z"l was vehemntly against drafting of and the service of women in their zionist army. so hes reveling in being against "his rebbe."

    also, it is 100% against the torah. you wont find any posek who permits the drafting of women. the only "yesh omrim" you will find is concerning men serving in ther zionist army. there is no yesh omrim to permit women in it.

    even the most "religious zionist" families send their girls on histadrut or whatver.

  14. this article is typical shmuly being his self centered egotistic the-world-resolves-around-me. as pointed out above, no one was matir girls to serve in tzahal. there's a argument about sherut leumi, and very liberal mizrachi rabbonim are matir it. but shmuli can't resist writing about himself and his feelings and using his daughter for self-aggrandizement.

  15. ein ani vehu yecholim ladurWednesday, November 28, 2012 7:55:00 AM

    Funny how he headlines "This time it's personal...". It's always personal with him. Take any article of his and count the amount of "I"s, "my"s, etc.

  16. Come on guys, don't bring כבוד התורה into this! We all know to go or not to go is merely politics, so stop wilth the מותר אסור jab-jab. Why the hell do people yell so loudly?

  17. Shmuly is G-d's greatest gift to humanity. And if you don't believe me, just ask him.


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