Tuesday, December 18, 2012

50 years since the fire in Telshe-Cleveland




  1. This piece left me breathless, the strength and courage of Rav Muttel is amazing.

  2. Less than halfway thru the mishpacha article I had to stop reading, to be able to stop the tears...

  3. tzig, ur dad was there at the time?

  4. yes, he was, and he wouldn't been a better interview, I think...

  5. "yes, he was, and he wouldn't been a better interview, I think"

    I missed your meaning.
    Did he know these boys?

  6. ok, can one be meramez to the other large Telzer issue of the late '60s?

    Any truth that R Gifter made strange references to said inyan, in his later years?

    What was the number of talmidim before and after, did the Yeshiva take a serious hit?

  7. Intresting, they don't mention Reb Muttel closes Hanhala member - Reb Chaim Stein, that was the one together with him to give chizuk and speak to the bochurim. After all Reb Chaim was the only one from the "3 lions" that really knew what pain and hardship was as he went thru the whole war and lost his entire family. But I hear the "new" guys that are running the Yeshiva are very busy erasing any mention of Reb Chaim in the Yeshiva .....

  8. I guess that's why there's no mention of Reb Chaim son in law Rabbi Levin even though his the only member of the Hanhala that was in the fire. I think he was a Chavrusa of one of the boys also.

  9. rav levin is clearly mentioned in the ami article dummy.

    1. dovy in jersey, you claim in other comment, that your a talmid of R Chaim, I doubt he would agree with the name calling. But to me it seems the ami article was done by a local Cleveland guy, so he probably knew who to ask. The other article seems was given by guys there ....so lets not be such dummies.


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