Wednesday, December 5, 2012

חסדי ה' כי לא תמנו.... בך בטחו אבותינו.... אליך זעקו ונמלטו


  1. ונמלטו כתיב, ולא - קרי
    At first my tzad hasmoli chuckled at this but then I realized that it is a shtikel "matich devorim klapi meileh".
    Given the sensitivity regarding the Shoah and its many unanswered questions it irks me a bit and probably many viewers as well.

  2. Anti-Zionism is good for business the haters will align with you

  3. Maybe the esteemed readership here can help me with my perplixity in this post on a related matter.


  4. Hirshel, you posted 3 videos but the bottom one is real historical One, this is the first footnote video made before 1968! in a table/tish setting, second you see him braek bread acknowledging that it's a sedus mitzvah! the rebbe never washed thru the week accept to a sidus mitzvah.

    Thank You,

    ps: it dont look that this chasidus on film was cut for the age of hollywood.

  5. which Chassidus IS cut for the age of Hollywood?

    it's crude home videos shaking and grainy

  6. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    which Chassidus IS cut for the age of Hollywood?

    I'm trying to be civil, so don't get me started.

  7. ohhh

    I see.

    Hollywood L O V E S peyos and long coats these days


  8. tzig, this JJJ and kup ferdryer moshe/moshel are linking therfore redirecting your many readers to othe blogs! Ban them for Good!
    keep it clean!


  9. Besides for Oprah's lame attempt, chasidim are not generally portrayed in a positive light by hollywood.

  10. Some people don't find it interesting that the "raava"d" of antwerp can't count... Ok.

  11. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    I beg to differ.

    You can't control the masses who is growing by leaps and bounds cah"r, However I was witness on many occasions when outsiders took a photo of him, once in middle of havdala and 'he' motioned with the finger, of course the film was destroyed! once motzei shavious many 1000's where gathered outside waiting for him to appear someone set up lighting on a rooftop (i was next to him) the rebbe was alerted the lights of course went off! but he covered his face with the shtreimel all the way going home!

    Someone had a photo of i think his FIL or some other great rebbe from before WWII and wanted to show it to him but he refused to look on any photos from tzadiki emes.

    I once witnessed a National Gegraphic reporter and Cameramen at a sidus haduoh in the st george hotel of Brooklyn Heights, they hid an eleaborate camera high up in the curtains! i tracked it and destroyed the film in it! knowing how much it pained him, I'll not write the end of the story.

  12. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    so don't click on the links...

    ok i wont! but are you sure the masses here will follow ur suggestion. ?מה יעשה הבן שלא יחטא

    ps: ha you stopped the 'spam' now stop the linke'rs to

  13. R Zwieg
    "ps: it dont look that this chasidus on film was cut for the age of hollywood."
    you are correct only the satmar hatefests were cut out for the secular media,with big daises on big floats, and English speaking gentleman. so lets be civil and stop it here

  14. Moshe Moshel
    " chasidim are not generally portrayed in a positive light by hollywood. "
    Holywood loves negative too, I think they produce more Horror stuff then drama.

  15. Lapin Tuter
    "I once witnessed a National Gegraphic reporter and Cameramen at a sidus haduoh in the st george hotel of Brooklyn Heights, they hid an eleaborate camera high up in the curtains! i tracked it and destroyed the film in it! knowing how much it pained him, I'll not write the end of the story."
    very nice stories, what about all the protests, that have clear and telegenic photos from him, Did he not see the flashes,all of them from before the stroke. Did he think that Ben Gurion and the Mossad are sending Lightnings...

  16. ln 2nd film seconds 47 a women/rebetzin is walking in from the left and a chosid makes room for her to go behind the curtain

  17. yes, the Satmar Rebbetzin, that is. She always attended.

  18. Overheard:

    "They say that if not for the Satmar Rebbe there would be no shtreimelach in America. I don't know if that's true, but for sure without him there would be no shtreimelach in Miami!"

  19. getting back to the topic of 21 kislev, the SR himself used it more as an annual fundraiser for his yeshiva. he realized that stressing the hatzolah part of it is controversial. nowadays it's become a show of force for the bros, and each year they try to outdo each other. B"H the oilam gets a good meal out of it.

  20. Im not satmar. I went three years ago to 21 Kislev by Reb Aharon (the year they had Party boats). I was expecting a good leibidige sviva, with speeches about the Rebbe R' Yoel ZT"L and the kastner train, maybe someone from the train to tell over memories etc... but I ended up at a fundraiser for the Yatev Lev network.

    It was fun being in a room with so many chassidim.. but since then I just stay in the shtiblech in BP and have a farbrengen for 21 kislev.

    I specifically remember the satmar rebbe telling the oylum not to use smart phones "a telephone is a gite zach far 'keeping in touch', ober a cellphone is a computer MIT a telephone".... meanwhile everyones filming the rebe saying this with their blackberrys and what nots.

  21. " he realized that stressing the hatzolah part of it is controversial"

    !רשע אתה מטיל מום בקדשים
    There was never a fundraising at the sedus hadoah until he fell ill! As shown in this bottom video he washed his hands to break bread! why? because he considered it a sedus mitzvah! otherwise he never ate braed during the week.

  22. Yanover said... "Im not satmar. I went three years ago to 21 Kislev"

    !הודאת בעל דין כמאה עדים
    You shouldn't of go there, you where not invited! satmar is for satmar, they have no kiruv program not for BT's and certainly not for hypocrites! there is no known cure for your disease of self inflicted Blasphemy/envy/concoction... vd"l

    מגילה ע': אתה מטיל קנאה בסעודה?. ובתוס' שם דס"ל כיון שלא היו רואין זה את זה ליכא קנאה!, עכ״ל

    Eat your wheaties and stay home!
    תנו רבנן י"ג דברים נאמרו בפת שחרית.. ויש אומרים אף מוציא את הקנאה ומכניס את האהבה... -בבא מציעא קז

    ps: Yanover! it's all Greek to you.

  23. Grecian
    why does the satmar rebbe sit on his chair straight backed?

  24. hillel: "why does the satmar rebbe sit on his chair straight backed?"

    ביקש להתגייר! תוך כדי לימוד כל התורה בעומדו על רגל אחת! לאחר שנדחה על ידי שמאי, בא לפני הלל!. ואמר לו: דעלך סני לחברך לא תעביד

    ואני בעניי ענית ואמרת לו!, אין אתה מסוגל להבין כלום מי זה ואיזהו הוא! הלא זה א' ואנווהו. וד"ב

  25. אמעריקאנער-מאראקאנערThursday, December 06, 2012 12:45:00 PM

    In the last video, the first person sitting on the left side is:

    הרה"ח גאון וצדיק דולה ומשקה מתורתו של רבו לאחרים ר"ר נתן יוסף מייזעלס ז"ל

    reb shimon laufer a relative, who usually occupied that seat is seen acroos doeling out bread crumbs to the hungay masses who are לא רעב ללחם ולא צמא למים כי אם לשמוע
    דבר ה The highlite of this seduh was the devar tora he said (as printed) in abundance !

  26. מרוח אשך said...
    " he realized that stressing the hatzolah part of it is controversial"

    !רשע אתה מטיל מום בקדשים

    u gotta love these satmars. if challenged, first they call u names, then they attack your integrity, and finish with repeating their myths.

    the fact is he was saved by a zionist. u can call everyone names and quote maamorei chazal, but you're fooling on one except for the innocent kids in T"VY with their choo choo trains. I'm tring to be melamed zchus that he used it as a fundraiser for his yeshiva, vs. his celebrating a "rusha merisha koifer" saving his life under very controversial circumstances kiyedu'ah.

  27. Shamai
    ביקש להתגייר! תוך כדי לימוד כל התורה בעומדו על רגל אחת! לאחר שנדחה על ידי שמאי, בא לפני הלל!. ואמר לו: דעלך סני לחברך לא תעביד

    ואני בעניי ענית ואמרת לו!, אין אתה מסוגל להבין כלום מי זה ואיזהו הוא! הלא זה א' ואנווהו. וד"ב"
    what a answer? wow wow

  28. Shamai
    Did the Yetev Lev make a Grand annual Seudas Hodue celebration?
    or it is Chodesh? and Chodesh Osser Min Hatorah?
    Did the Yetev Lev use a train to run away from his enemies? or it is Chodesh?

  29. Anon 8;42
    " I'm tring to be melamed zchus that he used it as a fundraiser for his yeshiva,"
    Did the Yetev Lev and the Chasam Sofer make Dinners with a meal and speakers on Microphones for their Moisdois?
    Is this not Minhag Amerika Chugas Hagoi? and Veal Kulom Chodush Osser Min Hatorah?
    Who knows the Klolie Horoha of this pillar of Charadie Jewry?
    Can I find it Yad Malachi? Meloi Herohim?

  30. hillel: --burped--
    --מעלה גירה ומפריס פרסה כבהמה--

    Surprise tibi lotzi morphed into the new age hillel! (probaly a student of hillel academy) and what happend to the ענותן דהלל couldn't hold up you 95% proof grain alcohol?, had to vomit in public and make an ass of youself!? or is it just old fashioned ? השנאה מקלקלת את השורה

  31. Shamai Hazoken
    "(probaly a student of hillel academy)"
    What is that? do they give a shiur in Protocols of the
    elders of zion? Veyoel Moshe?
    Whats happening there? please inform me.

  32. Hilel said: "Can I find it Yad Malachi? Meloi Herohim?"

    Can you find your ass in the dark? or is it already ירכך נופלת ואת בטנך צבה' ובאו המים המאררים האלה' and effected your brain to!?

  33. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    ילדים! ילדים! לא לריב

    teacher he started it!

  34. Hirshel, can you have a post comparing the different versions of Yechi of different Hassidic groups and the tunes for them?


  35. For those צדוקים שאינם מאמינים
    hanging out on this site, As always (see video) there was a חתן present in the שבע ברכות for the 21kislev sedu's mitzvah! מסתמא כדאי להוציא מלבן של צדוקים אלו

    ps: Was the johnny come lately BMG "kotler extravaganza" dream! a sidus mitzvah? a bitul torah d'rabim? Or just a wake-up call after 60 years? atleast חונה המעגל it took 70 years! before he awoke from his dream! so no complain here, just a thought.

  36. BMG BUM
    "For those צדוקים שאינם מאמינים
    hanging out on this site, As always (see video) there was a חתן present in the שבע ברכות for the 21kislev sedu's mitzvah! מסתמא כדאי להוציא מלבן של צדוקים אלו"
    all the years they had a Chosen? I assume that they probably made a siyum on the Vayoel Moshe, so its a seudas mitzva.
    What about 1959 before the world was enlightened with the holy sefer?

  37. Anonymous את שטתה said...
    Can you find your ass in the dark?"
    I don't own a donkey, I travel with a Yeshvishe station wagon

  38. BMG BUM
    " Was the johnny come lately BMG "kotler extravaganza" dream! a sidus mitzvah?"
    it was definitley a seudas Mitzva, since the Satmar Rebbe (the brother that is a shtikel Talmid chochem) was there, and he probably figured it out Halchicaly.

  39. Hilel said: "I don't own a donkey, I travel with a Yeshvishe station wagon"

    Hello you 'are' the Donkey, Donkey!

    U yeshivah wagon? a ?רועה צאן I wouldn't recommend u even for a
    !רועה בקר

  40. Hilel said: "the brother that is a shtikel"

    If any take care on your shtikel.

  41. Curse man curse, keep on cursing, you’re just proving my point. As Tibi lotzi argued, if SR had an issue with photographs, then why did he allow it by the protests? It follows, your inconsistencies are illuminated, which never dawned on you, and so you resort to cursing. You see we are not buying your Satmarer revisionism. They same goes for the irrelevant quotes that you keep on citing, they only prove that you twist facts to fit your hateful agenda.

  42. David said... -----------

    David, I'm glad you're back MbP
    nu? what up with that? yes or no?

  43. David said... "Curse man curse, keep on cursing,"

    .פתאום, הרודף הפך לנרדף

  44. רוב ריבו מן התמונות של רז"ל היה נעשה בגנות וחצירות דרבים הולכים בה, או 'במחשכים' הושיבנו וע"י אנשי דלא מעלה, כולם במקומות שאין ידו מגעת.. וד"ל

  45. david: "As Tibi lotzi argued, if SR had an issue with photographs, then why did he allow it by the protests?"

    What happened tibi lotzi became fainthearted?, had to outsource to the Moavites! ?כמו בלק! לבלעם

  46. Lapin Totar
    "רוב ריבו מן התמונות של רז"ל היה נעשה בגנות וחצירות דרבים הולכים בה, או 'במחשכים' הושיבנו וע"י אנשי דלא מעלה, כולם במקומות שאין ידו מגעת.. וד"ל"
    there are a famous batch of pictures that were made in a hall, by Trainer..a hiemishe guy, why was he not stopped?? tell your stories for your mother in the Moshev Zkienim Drebinie Yoel. Over Shabos find your buddies how to come up with a pilpul...

  47. Shor Nogeach
    "Hello you 'are' the Donkey, Donkey!

    U yeshivah wagon? a ?רועה צאן I wouldn't recommend u even for a
    !רועה בקר "
    you are gevaldig,get yourself a day job by Jay Leno, dont waste it here by the Tzig

  48. Tibi Lotzi : "get yourself a day job by Jay Leno, dont waste it here by the Tzig"

    My contract with tzig is not up yet. ? אוואר ציגעלע

  49. Satmar doesn't make baal tsuvas... rav avigdor miller tells the story of a bay from kansas who one night knocked on hid door with lugage ...he read rejoyce o youth and wanted to be frum...he sleped over the night and in the morning RAM took a taxi to satmar, left him there and told him here they will take care of him within a year he was frum and married. אוזן שם

  50. כ'רעמזל מטוגןSunday, December 09, 2012 9:17:00 AM

    tziki kedera* : "rav avigdor miller tells the story of a bay from kansas"

    Did he tell the story in yiddish language or in english?

    אולי, אחד היה ופרסמו הרב, והאחד לא היה מפוטם עם מחשבת מינות וכפירה כמו רובו של 'היראים' דזמנינו במזיד או כמ"ש החזו"א במכתבו
    "ובלשונו! "ועבד את המינות בשוגג

    :רש"י פסחים
    ציקי קדירה ארשדור"א -ארשידור"א: בשר מטוגן ומתובל

  51. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    אַרבעטסט דאך אומזינסט סייווי

    Are we not getting any *derivatives
    on the investments?

    רב יוסף אמר: שוה כסף הרי הוא ככסף

  52. Tibi Lotzi: "there are a famous batch of pictures that were made in a hall, by Trainer.."

    Reeally! I know the trainer pictures, and if you think for a second that SR posed for a camera to take his picture! you need serious help! perhaps a lobotomy! or you lost control and your 'hate agenda' is bluring the line between fiction and fact, But your comment on this as fact! goes to show all your innuendos that you write as facts! is nothing more than חמור נוהם unloading his BS!

  53. Tzipor Metzayetz
    " and if you think for a second that SR posed for a camera to take his picture!"
    it doesnt matter what I think? the fact is there are their clear pictures from him from all angles from a event that took a few hours, with flashes and a big apparatus in his face,and his hat is not shlepped down and he did not leave the scene.
    Is that a fact that you agree on? or the Rebbe was maybe then in a deep Deviekus????


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ביטע נוצן עפעס א צונאמען כדי דער שמועס זאל קענען אנגיין אויף א נארמאלן שטייגער

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