Thursday, December 13, 2012

בארא פארק ניקלשבורג'ער רבי פארגעסט נישט פון די אידן אין די קעטסקילס בערג


  1. Menorah is posul. lamps are not on same level.

    He seems to be inspired by Chabad. Kiruv...Public Menorah displays...

  2. Bray

    Menorah is posul. lamps are not on same level.
    is it no good even for 1 candle, not Mehadrin? that is Lekatchilo too, just not Mahadrin

  3. Bray
    "He seems to be inspired by Chabad. Kiruv."
    the Nikulshburger chasidus is much older then Chabad, check it out Reb Shmelka was much older then the Baal Hatanye, and was leading his court decades earlier. So who inspired whom?

  4. who made him rebbe? ive always wondered. he seems all balebatish in a bekishe.

  5. For saying this you think I "Would "Burn?
    They have enough Shmanim and Pesulos. The Chassidim are pocheis veholeich,
    and abissel far"Dreidelt"

  6. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    האט ער דען געמאכט א ברכה?

    Hirshel you're right no bruca is made here, or needed. these guys above are well known am haretzim who boast from their hip 99% am haretzis! But really thing of themselfs otherwise, let them go it's amusing 'sometimes' anyway.

  7. The diff betweent he Baal Hatanya might be a few years in age bug I highly think he was on the same level at with the Baal Hatanya ( Rav ) also considering the Magid asked the Tanya to write a Shulchan Aruch

    A Boro Park YID

  8. He needs to fix the menorah and put a nice chabad style menorah outside the shul. Nikolberger has chassidus? can somebody name a few of these seforim?

  9. When the heiliger Nikulberger Rebbe Yungreis benches Sefireh in Woodbourne (in the shulon the 42) he lights up the whole Sullivan County. He is mekabel b'sever punim yufois anyone who comes in, & offers them glaich a mezoines & shehakel - even if right before davening.

    His Sefireh benchen (not in Woodbourne):

    -- ZIY

  10. What difference does it make if he gives kugal and lechaims to people in the Catskills?



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