Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chaim Berlin Tragedy's take on yesterday's verdict (GUEST POST) and some of my thoughts as well

DailyNews Photo (cropped)

Dear readers: I had in mind to write a lengthy piece as soon as I heard the verdict. I did not feel good about it, not because I was so convinced that he was innocent, but because it didn't seem anything was proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and also because of who was on the other side.  I'm sharing with you what my initial feeling was at that time. Ultimately it seemed like I could not be excited that he was found guilty when so many of those who really despise frum Jews were out to get him. They have hijacked this cause and now make it seem like they care about our kids more than we do. And we are to blame for this. Once we deal with this in a sane and just manner we will gain back some control of our communities. And the more we close our eyes to this the greater the damage. I realize that for the older generation it may be difficult to believe that stuff like this happens, especially at the hands of "pious" and "good" people, but we've been seeing this over and over again. Then I was privy to new information about Nechemia, and it wasn't good. Not from any self-proclaimed "child advocate," but from a close relative of another alleged victim. Someone who is very part and parcel of the establishment. He has no bones to pick, until now. Now NW is a monster to him too. Upon hearing this I decided that I could not in good faith write any words in his defense, even if it's just that the trial was skewed against him. So what we're left with is Chaim Berlin Tragedy's harsh take on reality. Truth be told I would not write some of the "terms of endearment" that he does, but sometimes I have no choice.

Hi, Tzig; ah freilichen Chanuka.

koidem kol, may all the sonei Yisroel have a mapola bimheira! And may the ohr haTorah and ohr haGeula finally shine all over the world! Ich zog, like that song, "that the times they are a changin'," and that all Charedi communities should wake up and see that the days of getting free passes and pleading for "rachmonus" because they are a "minority" or the "poor victims" are long gone. We are all big boys now and we must take it on the chin like men, and not act like cowards and crybabies. Charedim must start to practice the Torah mamash--- not just rebbisha bobba meises-- but real mitzvos like lo tinaf, lo tignov, lo tachmod, lo tirtzach etc. etc. etc., and like tzedek tzedek tirdof, etc. etc. etc. having rachmonus on the weak and defenseless and stop being money grubbing great greedy guts, worshiping the avoda zora of gelt, gelt, un noch gelt.

I hate to say it but we have a guy like Weberman who will be going to jail for not being careful with gilui arayos, the hoiz bucher of the Skverer Rebbe who is in jail for attempting shefichas damim, and sadly David Schick and many more in jail for geneiva, I would say to all of them sitting in jail "it's in the aseres hadibros stupid!" In the "good old days," when the media did not discover the Charedim yet, when there was no Internet, when no one could care less about children's rights and women's rights, when the Mafia was all powerful, none of this stuff was ever dealt with. If a teacher molested a kid there was nowhere to run to, now the child advocates and the courts make sure that people go to jail and pony up tens of millions, even hundreds of millions like in the Catholic church. It's the same yetzer horas but the world around has changed. You guessed it, it's the Modern world, with gizmos galore. In past time guys like R. Aron Schechter could have gotten away with okaying the expulsion of kid to disappear and even sell him off to the cantonists, but in today's word of instant communications on the web and instant people power, the tables are turned and the weak become the strong.

 It's actually a very Yiddishe thing if you think about it, when did Bnai Yisroel become "strong" in Mitzrayim? When they were at their weakest and lowest point, Hashem empowered them and gave them a manhig like Moshe. And when the Yidden were in golus in Persia and were weak and defenseless and about to be killed out, it was the a Yiddishe meidel of all people, Esther HaMalka who was the po'el the geulah. And obviously on Chanukah it was the part of the nes, the weak became strong -- and right now too many Charedim are acting like arrogant bullies with big fat bellies with corrupt leaders who care about donations and not about din vemishpat. So it will be the goy'ishe courts through which HKB"H is teaching us that he still has ways to make those who hurt others pay, and they will now go to jail and sit with gangsters who beat them up, ra-e them and do to them what they did to other innocent people.

Did you hear about Rav Aron Teitelbaum's reaction to the Weberman verdict? He says that all the Satmar off derech kids should be sent to other countries!!! Now how crazy and evil is that??? Maybe he can take lessons from R. Aron Schechter how to send OTD kids to gulags like he helped with his talmid Michael Hersh who sent his kid Isaac to "Tranquility Bay" on far island of Jamaica in the Bahamas. Maybe R. Aron Teitelbaum wants to send his troubled teens to Uganda or Madagascar like the Europeans who were bothered by the "Jewish Problem" wanted to do a 100 years ago? So is there any surprise that a guy like Weberman gets enabled by a gangster Mafia don like R. Aron Teitelbaum? If R. Aron Teitelbaum were smart he would SHUT UP, or he will also find himself facing a jury. Seems his kid brother R. Zalman Leib is smarter --- he is keeping a low profile and not saying stupid things in public like his arrogant big bro' Aron when he shoots off his mouth. Likewise in the ikvese d'meshicha, it is the weak Jews after the Holocaust who gain a medina in Eretz Yisroel, not perfect but still the beginning of a new tekufa. And in society it is no longer physical force that matters, it is brains and "the feminine side" (females and their kids) that have "power," and Charedim need to get their minds around that and embrace and work with that, as many do in any case, since most are just ehrliche hard-working people fighting to support their families.

 While there are far too many rotten apples that are getting away with gilui arayos geneiva and even shefichas damim, r"lCharedim still think they are still living in Poland or the Ukraine with the bulvans, or in Rusland with poeren and Cossacks. In short the mind-set is still of people who think they must act like they are in Czarist times or are still living in Stalin's gulags or in Nazi concentration camps, when we are all instead enjoying THE BEST OF TIMES IN ALL WAYS, yes sirree right here in the US of A, the joys and freedoms of an open and free democracy with equal rights for everyone in the best that Western society has ever offered (for how long is an open question ...). Too many Charedim are kofi toiv and are not thinking, they like America's as a malchus shel chesed but they also mock it's laws as hilchos sedom, like too many Muslims who are still on jihad still don't get that, and then just resort to plain old hefkerus ish asher yashar be'einav ya'aseh Just some thoughts. There is lots more to say. It is all very sad that it has come to this.

Have a Freilichen Chanuka and best wishes always,



  1. On the nekuda of being makir tovah to the USA http://moshemoshel72.blogspot.com/2012/11/hail-to-chief.html?m=1

    If he is guilty, may he die a thousand living deaths. Sypathy to the victims. The elements of his defense that were not admissable in court may have made a bi difference, maybe not.

    People needing help with their rebbelious kids r"l will now have no one to turn to. Remember, even yakov horowitz isn't a licensed therapist, so you certainly should trust him. He's just an obamanite community organizer.

    Much fewer people will be willing to help boys and nobody will ever again help with girls.

    Post coming soon on the matter.

  2. The losers are unused to losing. they are not "good sports". I predict repeated appeals, more intimidation, ostracizing and violence and a lifetime of ever-increasing victimization of the victim/ "winner".

  3. Moshe moshel--

    How about having women take care of girls? Doesn't that make better sense in a chassidishe community?

    1. Aderaba, let's see qualified capable women sign up to do it. Hasn't happened yet, kids at risk is an issue by girls as well as by boys and there are very few women perportionatly involved.

  4. if im not mistaken weberman in 5743 was the brutal attacker of Reb Pinye שליט"א Korf, can anyone confirm this?

  5. Yossi
    How about being careful on hilchas yichud,cant we say now, Kamo Gedolim Divrie chachmanie...
    Eventough I still believe that Weberman hasn"t done anything wrong,and it hurts me deep the way Mesanachoi Nosi roish...but A Chazal is a Chazal and nobody is exempt....

  6. CBT, your nekuda about feeling superior in golus, even in a malchus shel chesed, is on the mark. However, you're mixing several issues that should be judged separately. Two consenting adults engaging in a ossur gilui arayus situation is not the same as molesting children, or taking advantage of minors sent to you for therapy. If NW physically did what he was convicted of, he should rot in prison together with anyone who knew about it and covered it up. But to conflate it with money laundering, tax evasion, or ponzi schemes is a stretch. It is almost (though not quite) on level with the skverrer arson kid, who deserved what he got.

    I'm don't remember which contemporary rov paskened that molestation is retzicha, not gilui arayus, and just like we would run to the DA to lock up a murderer, the same applies to a molester.

  7. "They have hijacked this cause and now make it seem like they care about our kids more than we do. And we are to blame for this..."'

    You wrote a lot of things that needs remedy; but this piece is fundamental from so many sides....

    1) They sound and ACT as they care for our kids,

    2) And we sound and ACT in a way that does not show that we CARE for our kids.

    3) And they say that all the torah and mitzvot does not give rise to be sensitive about pain of a child and a person and his well being...It is a chillul hatorah and they use it to claim that davaka those who are not shomer torah and mitzvot care for basic morality and ethics and in our case the well being of kids.

    This is a chillul Hashem of highest proportions. Daf Yomi's, Tishen, Bord un peyes, farbrengens, don't call for listenting to the real cries of a human being???

  8. Why do you say this definitely? There are plenty of frum women therapists in let say JBfcs? Why should not satmar (that he thousands of adherents) have capable women talented to help kids at risk?

  9. Why do you say so with such certainty? There are frum women who help teens at risk. Call let say JBFCS. Why should not satmar who has thousands of adherents have some of their talented ladies (and i'm sure there are many) help their lost youth?

  10. satmer isnt sending their women to become licensed the-rapists.

  11. lets say he raped her many times, the torah has a punishment for a meanos , NOT JAIL TIME so why are you saying let him rot in jail that is not what the torah says

  12. chossid said...
    if im not mistaken weberman in 5743 was the brutal attacker of Reb Pinye שליט"א Korf, can anyone confirm this?"

    1. his name never came up in the pinye korf case. a shmuck named fogel-cohen was the defendant in the case
    2. And if he was? is this divine retribution? are u G-d or his assistant?

  13. Lakewooder said...
    lets say he raped her many times, the torah has a punishment for a meanos , NOT JAIL TIME so why are you saying let him rot in jail that is not what the torah says"

    because if he did it, he is a rotzeach and a danger to society. he needs to be locked up to protect others from his evil ways.

  14. lakewooder,

    let him rot, because when someone is a danger to society we have to restrain him from doing to others and when we don't even recognize the problem and enable to let him have the power to continue doing so, then it is even more important to isolate him.

  15. to chusid

    yes he was one of them

  16. First I thought I’m reading CBT’s שבת הגדול דרשה that he would of said If he would of have a pulpit, (not a one-man-band, on the tzig tzag show) But as he rambles on to “the tables are turned and the weak become the strong.” I was thinking what? Isn’t more like the tables are turned and the נרדפים became the רודפים ? With “their issues and agendas!”, and with their personal failures in life projecting on others? But this gets worse CBT has the chutzpah to equate this “table turnings” to what? משרע"ה, והנס דחנוכה ופורים Oh well this goes to show what mother milk this kyke drank..! And from there on he slides on a slippery slope with his innuendoes on frum rabbiem and leaders like RAT of KJ who actually have to deal with “real issues” of many thousands on a daily basis’s, and he CBT בענקתמו גאוה is second guessing from his arm chair pulpit loaded with internet chatter kind ‘facts’, of NR style! (And of course a fat pastrami sandwich on the side, note: he is num on fressing..).

    It is without a reasonable Dowd that this assault on chreidim which is orchestrated from the higher ups ויד ישראל 'וישראלים' באמצע is not a laughing matter! בלעם הרשע* who was out to curse us all! And when he couldn’t He unleashed on them the בנות מואב עד שנשיא בישראל נפל בשיטים that's whats happining now! The other day the secretary of the USA said: there is over “one billion!” websites of “teenofes” unleashed on the public! which is worse than what Moavites did than!? Is it a wonder why!? this is happening in the frum communities of our times? But what is noteworthy unfortunate there is no משרע"ה of our times yet to deal with the issue!. In contrary the ones who created this atrocity the perpetrators themselves The US judicial system which created this including their gender Laws!, they are defacto to blame of this הוא השופט
    !והדיין המוכיח והעד ומדתם מדת סדום
    They who created all this will help us!? are you nuts ?ניס שלום

    Listen-up it is clear we entered into the “Diaspora of America” of which we where overtly covertly and subliminaly warned of it in many ways by SR z”l in his toras emes! We live in the dark, people hold on by tooth and nail to their מסורת האבות as the prophet says! בימים ההם אין מלך בישראל, איש 'הישר בעיניו' יעשה But all is not lost than as now ובני ישראל פרו וישרצו וירבו ויעצמו במאר מאד ותמלא הארץ אותם! ויקיצו מפני בנ״י we are at the point of הבה נתחכמה למושיען של ישראל than as now המה כרעו ונפלו ואנחנו קמנו ונתעודד ד' הושיעה המלך יעננו ביום קראנו
    NO! They who created this delimma, They who are a nation of Idolaters, Adulterers, and pornicators literally, Help will not come from them ever! בנים אתם לד' אלקיכם! כי עם קדוש אתה לד' אלוקיך! ובך בחר ד' להיות לו לעם סגולה מכל העמים we are a nation holy to 'god' not to Mr. Hynes or CBT bully pulpit or anyone else.

    בלעם הרשע
    Who even accused god when he said:
    ומספר את רבע ישראל. חז"ל: מי שהוא טהור ומשרתיו טהורים יסתכל בדבר זה! ועל דבר זה נסמית עינו של אותו רשע

  17. CBT: "Charedim must start to practice the Torah mamash--- not just rebbisha bobba meises-- but real mitzvos like lo tinaf, lo tignov, lo tachmod, lo tirtzach etc. etc. etc." "Upon hearing this I decided that I could not in good faith write any words in his defense, even if it's just that the trial was skewed against him"

    CBT, Is in "lo tirtzach" also included the aveirah of loshon hara? תנא דבי רבי ישמעאל כל המספר לשון הרע מגדיל עונות כנגד שלש עבירות is this for real? or just a buba masei?

    CBT, How about ?לא תעמוד על דם רעך you havn't mentioned why you don't like that one?

    CBT, Is watching TV now and in anyones forming age! and residing on the net 24/7! not בכלל אביזריהו דגילוי עריות ?

    CBT, why is מסכת נזיר קודם מסכת סוטה when in the torah it's mentioned in the opposite manner? any thoghts on that?

    CBT, "I could not in good faith write any words in his defense" Who the "F" ever asked you to write or say anything shut the "F" up! you fat pig!

    !טול קורה מבין עיניך!

  18. Anon
    "I'm don't remember which contemporary rov paskened that molestation is retzicha, not gilui arayus, and just like we would run to the DA to lock up a murderer, the same applies to a molester. "
    no Rav can change whats in the torah, he should hold his emotions for his wife and kids, but even on the emotional scale, this girl was already in bed with many guys before she hit puberty, sorry for being so graphic.. but this are facts according to everyone because that guy was arrested then for doing a minor. So you are not talking that Weberman hit on a innocent satmar bais ruchel maidele and damaged her in a mental way....

  19. lozmirup
    "if im not mistaken weberman in 5743 was the brutal attacker of Reb Pinye שליט"א Korf, can anyone confirm this?""
    yes he was there by the beating, and he asked from reb Pinye for forgiveness, so why bring it up.Its against Halacha to bring up a sin that you repented on it.
    I heard that he was then against cutting the Beard since he is from a Malochim family he knew that much, that it is prohibited as Bacon..

  20. Nis Sholem
    "Listen-up it is clear we entered into the “Diaspora of America” of which we where overtly covertly and subliminaly warned of it in many ways by SR z”l in his toras emes!"
    why did he not make aliya and use his energy to get some more people in the Keneset to fight for more morality, in the states he has no chance.

  21. Nis shulem
    "It is without a reasonable Dowd "
    its Doubt, not Dowd, (Maureen)Dowd writes a opinion page in the anti Zionist NYT


  22. מיין בריוו צו ר' נחמי'

    הודעהדורך וואסערפאל » מיטוואך דצמבר 12, 2012 10:32 pm
    ס'איז מיר שווער די מוח זיך צוזאם-צונעמן
    ווען דאס הארץ טוט מיר אזוי שטארק קלעמן
    כ'על נאר שרייבן ברמז אבער מיט צער
    ר' נחמי', דו האסט געראטעוועט מיין גאנצע משפחה פון א געפאר

    טייל פון זיי ווייסן אפי' נישט מיינע ווערטער פון ווי מ'נעמט-זי
    ווייל זיי וויסן נישט אז יד נחמי' באמצע
    אבער אני הצעיר ווייס יא און מיין מוח ס'דרוקט
    מ'האט אונז אלע מיט דיר אינאיינעם אין גלות פארשיקט

    די שטערקסטע חיזוק וואס מיר זעען אין דיינע/אונזער קלעם
    ר' נחמי' ווי דו בוזט אליינ'ס מקיים אנכי אנכי הוא מנחמכם
    מ'האמיר נאכגעהערט ווי די האסט מחזק געווען דיינע קינדערליך
    רבוש"ע, כ'ווייס נישט ר' נחמי פון ווי די האסט גענומען די כוחות אזוי וואונדערליך

    האסט זיי געזאגט בערך אזוי:
    מיינע טייערע קינדער, כאטש מ'מאכט מיט אויפן עולם התחתון
    זאל מען ווייטער אנגיין מיטן לעבן, און פרובירן דערפון נישט טראכטן
    און אוודאי נישט קלערן פון קיין געפיהלן פון נקמה
    ווייל דאס האט שוין מער ווי איין מענטשן געפירט אין דער אדמה

    עטץ זאלטס ענק ווייטער האלטן שטארק צעזאמען
    און גלויבן אז אלעס איז פון הימל "אני מאמין"
    בכל מקום שגלו ישראל שכינה עמהם
    ר' נחמי', כביכול געפינט זיך מיט דיר אין אלע רגעים

    די בוזט "ישראל" קאן מען זאגן בפה
    האסט בפירוש מקיים געווען וואס ס'שטייט "כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה"
    נישט איין נשמה האסטו ארויסגענומען מבאר שחת
    און היינט האבן זיי שיינע הערליכע אידישע שטובער, פאר טאטע מאמע ממש א נחת

    ביז היינט האבן מיר געהאט א נחמה
    שונאי חנם יקרצו עין, זיי האבן געהאט אויף דיר א בייז הארץ מסתמא
    אין די מינוט וואס די בילבולים האב אנגעהויבן אין די מאסן
    האבן זיי אנגהויבן אויסליידיגן זייערע קוילן פון די זאפאסן

    נישט נאר אויף דיר ר' נחמי', נאר אויף גאנץ כלל ישראל
    מיר אלע וואס זענען פון דיינע אויפטוען געוועזן אזוי נתפעל
    ווען די צייטונגען האבן אויף דיר געשאטן פעך און שוועבל
    האבן זיי אונז אלע באשמיצט מיט דעם שמוציגן לעבל

    מה תמר אין לו אלא לב אחד לאבינו שבשמים
    מיר אלע האבן איין הארץ פארן טאטן דעם געטרייעם
    ווען א מענטש שרייט אז ער האט יסורים
    שטעלט זיך געוויינטליך ארויס אז ער רעדט אמת'דיגע דיבורים

    אז מיר אלע שרייען אז ס'טוט אונז וויי אחד מאברינו
    ווייסן מיר אז ס'איז א פרעכע בילבול פאר אחינו בשרינו
    כלל ישראל איז נאך נישט אזוי פארשטאפט
    אין מיר האבן זיך דאס מאל אויך נישט געפאפט
    בלוט פון אונזער הארץ טראפט

    ר' נחמי' שטארק דיין גייסט
    נחמי' איז א לשון רבים פון טרייסט
    אפשר ביזטו דער שליח אונז מעורר מיר זאלן זיך עפענען דעם קאפ
    צו בעטן פאר די גאולה, מיר זאלן נישט זיין אזוי פארזינקן אין דעם אמעריקאנעם שמעלץ טאפ

    מיר מעגן זיך אמאל צו לערנען פון די גרויסע מענטשן אויפן גלאוב
    דער אמעריקאנער פרעזידענט 'באראק אבאבמא ירום הודו' האט געזאגט ביי זיין וויקטארי דרשה,
    “I've always believed in hope”
    כ"ש מיר אידן זענען א פאלק פון אמונה
    דאס האט אונז אלעמאל געהאלטן פעלזן פעסט אין א וועלט פארפעסטיגט מיט קנאה שנאה

    אמונה פארנעמט ביי אונז דעם אויבן אן
    און מיר גלויבן אז כביכול קען אונז יעדע רגע דעם גרויסן נס טאהן
    אין דיך ארויסנעמן לעיני כל, פאר די אויגן פון יעדם
    ס'עט זיין חדש ימינו כקדם

    ר' נחמי' געדענק: די בוזט נישט אליין
    א יעדע רגע בוזטו אין אונזער געביין
    מיר האפן אינאיינעם זיך צו פרייען אין דיין "חג הגאולה"
    מיר וועלן טאנצן אין איין גרויסע רינג אין אלע גאסן פון וויליאמסבורג, ונשמחה ונגילה

    מ'עט קאנעקטן די מוזיק אויף אלע שבת אלארעמס פון די בתי מדרשים דעכער
    אין אז ס'עט זיך אויספעלן, עט מען מאכן די מוזיק נאך העכער אין נאך העכער
    די רינג עט זיך ציען פון די סאוטס-רובלינג-פען, ביז לינטש
    פלאשינג-מוירטל-קליימער-הופער, אלע סטריטס אין עוועניוס, ס'עט זיין פיל א יעדעס אינטש

    כל המקיים נפש אחת כאילו קיים עולם מלא
    אידישע תפילות גייען קיינמאל לבטלה
    זאל דער אויבערשטער העלפן בקרוב בימינו
    מיט ר' נחמי'ן אויף די אקסל גיין אנטקעגן משיח צדקינו
    על מי מנוחות ינהלנו
    from the I Velt
    Just know that there is other side to this story

  23. FORWARD: "Student Claims of Abuse Not Reported by YU-Yeshiva University, Lamm Says He Let Alleged High School Abuser Leave Quietly"


    "the Forward found that a number of students were repeatedly sexually abused by two staff members – identified as Talmud teacher Rabbi Macy Gordon and former high school principal Rabbi George"

    Mr CBT I'm sure you and your Ilk was bought up by a community! of instiutions schools shuls etc. after all "It takes a village" Wouldn't be appropiate that you 'expose them' talk for yourself! "your own people" leave others u have no clue of alone! leave it to 'them' to deal with 'their' issues, punk!

    במדרש, אסף אמר: יכרסמנה חזיר מיער, ומשה אמר: ואת החזיר כי מפריס פרסה הוא. למה מושלה חזיר, אלא מה חזיר זה בשעה שהוא רובץ הוא פושט טלפיו, כלומר ראוני שאני טהור!, כל אומה זו גוזלת וחומסת ונראית כאילו מצעת בימה. -ילקוט שמעוני תהילים

    ואת החזיר, זו מלכות רביעית!, והוא גרה לא יגר, שלא גררה מלכות אחריה, את החזיר למה נקרא שמה חזיר שמחזרת עטרה לבעלה! הדא הוא דכתיב: ועלו מושיעים בהר ציון לשפוט את הר עשו והיתה לה´ המלוכה. -ילקוט שמעוני, פר´ שמיני

    עוד שם: למה מושלה כחזיר, אלא מה חזיר בשעה שרובץ הוא פושט טלפיו כלומר ראוני שאני טהור!, כך אומה זו גוזלת וחומסת! ונראית כאילו מצעת בימה!!! (במדרש כאילו הן דיינין של אמת). מעשה בשלטון אחד בקסרין שהיה הורג המנאפים והגנבים והמכשפים, ואמרו סנקליטין(יועצים) שלו שעשה שלשתן בלילה אחד!. ע"כ

  24. tibi lotzi said.: מיין בריוו צו ר' נחמי'

    ומחה ה' דמעה מעל על פנים, ובא לציון גואל בב"א

    אמר החכם: מי שזורע את השנאה יקצור את החרטה. אחרית קטטה חרטה. המתן מעט ולא תתחרט. -ס' חסידים פ"ח

  25. You guys are all out to lunch. You think its antisemitism? You really think the jury was dying to throw Weberman in jail? A pervert and a gloating power-grabber, sitting up there smugly, rambling how לא היו דברים מעולם? Ridiculous!
    This Lakewooder wants to do what the Torah says in a secular court? Have the חזיר marry this victim? נדמה לי שאין לך מח בקדקדו!!!!!

  26. tibi lotzi : "its Doubt, not Dowd, (Maureen)Dowd writes a opinion page in the anti Zionist NYT"

    Did he translate "complete nuts" into ניס שלום rightly?

  27. My take is that the "frimmeh" are chasheedem on koil duvor roh including gimmel chameeres.
    The Kiryas Yoiler should be locked up for stupidity.
    Pnei hador, oy vey.


  28. מורדיא דלברות: עץ הוא! פשוטו כמשמעו

  29. Tibi,
    You are a royal ass.
    Moshe Kapoyer has nothing on you.

  30. Willy Safire
    Sifsosiov Dovevois Bekever, according to Rashi its kipshitoi.
    Btw, what do you say to your paper it became a rag owned by a Mexican hoodlum,since you left ?

  31. lubavitch said.: Pnei hador, oy vey.

    Oy Vey..! hemorrhoids? use Preparation H

  32. shea said... "Tibi,You are a royal ass. Moshe Kapoyer has nothing on you."

    ass to ass ידברו !

  33. Lubavich
    "My take is that the "frimmeh" are chasheedem on koil duvor roh including gimmel chameeres.
    The Kiryas Yoiler should be locked up for stupidity.
    Pnei hador, oy vey."
    Who is not choshed? you are a idiot, all we see today that each community From Penn State,YU, Torah Temima, to Willi and CH,has its own Tinofes,

  34. Lotzi,
    Hizuhari min hatvuim? Ever heard of that?
    When I go to one of your ilk, with the groiseh berd and shmoineh begudim, u let your guard down, when you go elsewhere you are careful, though in emmes arahn, the frimmeh, guys like you, are the ones you gotta watch for

  35. tibi lotzi : "all we see today that each community From Penn State,YU, Torah Temima, to Willi and CH,has its own Tinofes,"

    Yeah and you have yours! btw, didn't u say recently that only Willi has Tinofes therfore SR had to say shovivim toras? oh well kasha tibi al tibi!

  36. tibi lotzi : "Btw, what do you say to your paper it became a rag owned by a Mexican hoodlum,since you left ?"

    The only 'paper' i owned was flushed this morning

  37. lubavitch said.: "Hizuhari min hatvuim? Ever heard of that?"

    Do you ever look into the mirror?

  38. Lubavich
    "When I go to one of your ilk, with the groiseh berd and shmoineh begudim, u let your guard down, when you go elsewhere you are careful, though in emmes arahn, the frimmeh, guys like you, are the ones you gotta watch for"
    do you want to open the CH can of worms to be opened? Are they finished with the case of the principle of that special education boys? or the case thats brewing in Australia? Stop with this balkanization, Ein Apotropes Learois, is a halacha and is valid on the whole human race.

  39. Lotzi,
    Lubavitch does not have one tenth of the gamaineh doings your chevreh have.Even the stuff that has occured is probably because of the minor invasion of the Hunns that we have had.
    AND why is that, you may ask??
    Because ladies get respect here.We don't go around with magnifying glasses measuring denier.They are treated like intellectual beings, not only baby producers.
    In your circles kids get screwed up and develop unhealthy obsessions because of your "frimmeh" treatment of "nushim".

  40. Lubavitch aher, Lubavitch ahin, א קאפ קען מען ניט ארויפשטעלן האט דער רבי מהר"ש געזאגט

  41. lubavitch said...
    Lubavitch does not have one tenth of the gamaineh doings your chevreh have.Even the stuff that has occured is probably because of the minor invasion of the Hunns that we have had.
    AND why is that, you may ask??
    Because ladies get respect here.We don't go around with magnifying glasses measuring denier.They are treated like intellectual beings, not only baby producers.
    In your circles kids get screwed up and develop unhealthy obsessions because of your "frimmeh" treatment of "nushim".

    mr. self-appointed lubavitch spokesman, please go back to your bottle of smirnoff or glenlivet and stop making a total ass of yourself and shlepping the Rebbe into your stupidity.

    the same drek is found everywhere, with the shmoina begudim crowd and the new MO chabad jeans, flipflops, polo shirt and who needs tzizis anyways crowd. Kan tzivoh is a cesspool of yiddishkeit R"L and this is the neighborhood that the Rebbe poured energy and mesiras nefesh to revitalize. Don't knock others when our home is an overflowing toilet hashem yerachem.

  42. "Don't knock others when our home is an overflowing toilet hashem yerachem."

    YOUR home maybe be overflowing.

    It's probably beyond your comprehension, but I was not talking about a modern boy having a girlfriend or not having a beard till his knees, like you, or blabbing about "hiskashrus" when they are anything but.I talking about molestation and the taking advantage of the needy and tzebrochen.
    Funny, how a fellow .like you feels he can be a spokesperson for the Rebbe.
    You are probably part of the Hun invasion.

  43. Lubavich
    "Because ladies get respect here.We don't go around with magnifying glasses measuring denier.They are treated like intellectual beings, not only baby producers."
    does the Rav in his shulchan Orech or the Tzemach Tzedek have more Kulas on wearing socks that are not thick enough, The only one that has a Kula is the Misnaged the Mishneh Berura, dont poke fun on someone that is more Mehader Bemitzva then you.According to the Rav in Tanya you are considered a rosho for smaller sins then no Tzenius.
    Why are you poking fun of that term baby producers, the LR is at the forefront of a war against family planing, and reclaims the Chazal that Ein Isha ela Lebonim. If you are not ready to adhere to the above, shut up your Nefesh Habahimus but don't be a chasidishe yid at the same token.

  44. Lubavich
    "You are probably part of the Hun invasion."
    Do you want a list of all Gezha kids that are OTD???
    Just for coining the term Hun invasion, I see how little relation you have to Rebinie vetorosoi, getting to message of Chasidus out of the Gezha box and out to every jew was the essence and core of the Rebbe,

  45. Lotzi,
    Your post really brings out my point.
    Wow, what an empty minded fanatical preidikker.
    "dont poke fun on someone that is more Mehader Bemitzva then you."

    They are mehader bechitzoiniyus, not mitzvos.
    I never said anything about family planning.

    Bektser, to all the normal posters out there, watch out from the"frimmeh",yes even Lubavitcher frummeh, they are not to be trusted alone.
    Hey, Lotzi,
    ba'enk in shulchen urech iz nisht do kahn isser yiched?? Your frimmeh teycheseh were forcing young beis ruchel students with reasonable questiond to go to be meyached with zechurem??What shilchen urech is that in,the kiryas yoiler tipesh's??

  46. tipesh,
    you said it, i did not!!! kishmoi ken hu.

    Sorry, Lubavitch has suffered quite a bit from the Hun invasion and if it tzapps, it's probably because it hit to close for comfort.
    I"m going to state something that a lot of people here won't like at least "unzereh" won't.:We would have been better off if Wechter had stayed by the Huns, (although he was 100% wrong by going against parents wishes, he still brought out the viciousness of the Huns)ALL that happenned is we got into an uncalled for World War Satmar, and got stuck with all the Mariel boatlift refugees sent to us by way of Magyar

  47. "and got stuck with all the Mariel boatlift refugees sent to us by way of Magyar"

    Lubab Bob Heads, Chill you're doomed anyway no need to point fingers, It's not that you're doing something wrong, It's more like u guys don't even know what's right or wrong anymore, let alone knowing the difference.


  48. There is No satmar-fin-amul! anyone who passed their school system is branded for life, you can become a satmar kenui, lamden, businessman, yekele, bum, or even a shigetz c"v, but you can't take satmar away from them. There is 10,000's+ bais ruchel graduates and students who are ready to go to jail "today" for their mesorah! Yes they know vaguely all the real and innuendoes smut floating around on "their way of life" despite that they are all ready for incarceration even on a ערקתא דמסאנא But will not change an Iota of it.

    If you think that giyas bunos in israel hit a nerve there.., when ben gurion had to capiulate to the cheridim! or that russian girls had mesiras nefesh for yidishkeit than! Wait what will happen when Bais Ruchel Girls way-of-life is touched! and this is not an exaggeration! god forbid!

    אל תגעו במשיחי אלו תינוקות
    של בית רבן

  49. Sponge,
    We try and be nice to all Jews and supply their spiritual and emotional needs, taking that job off of all other Orthodox groups.Unfortunately other groups are, like Castro, happy to send us their "special needs" in all kinds of ways, people
    It ain't easy and thats why Lubavitch takes flack, people don't realize that real Lubavitchers are for the most part at least,normal people.Frum and normal.Not a common thing today

  50. 1. david schick is already out of jail.

    2. geneivah is not in the aseres hadibros "stupid"

  51. Lubavicher
    "Wow, what an empty minded fanatical preidikker.
    "dont poke fun on someone that is more Mehader Bemitzva then you."

    They are mehader bechitzoiniyus, not mitzvos."
    I am very happy to meet a real deep pnimiusdiker chusid,I guess it only happened,in the zechus of the Yom tov Chanuka hashem granted me the Zechus,
    But can you get me all the Heterim of the relaxed tzenius style( nicely phrased) of Gezha Anash? do they have a Kesav Yad of the Rav shulchan orech that you dont show for Hungarians, the Hungarians only received the printed ones. I am not a preacher, but you like a Tipesh opened the can of worms with your first comment.

  52. Lubavich
    "Sorry, Lubavitch has suffered quite a bit from the Hun invasion and if it tzapps, it's probably because it hit to close for comfort.
    I"m going to state something that a lot of people here won't like at least "unzereh" won't.:We would have been better off if Wechter had stayed by the Huns, (although he was 100% wrong by going against parents wishes, he still brought out the viciousness of the Huns)"
    So the Rebbe and his FIl was wrong?
    He should of kept Chabad for the Mean Russian drunkards,As Berel Shem Tov


  53. Lubavich
    "I"m going to state something that a lot of people here won't like at least "unzereh" won't.:We would have been better off if Wechter had stayed by the Huns, (although he was 100% wrong by going against parents wishes, he still brought out the viciousness of the Huns)"
    Where did Gezha gone wrong with the Hungarians?

  54. Lubavich
    "We try and be nice to all Jews and supply their spiritual and emotional needs, taking that job off of all other Orthodox groups"
    I think that Gezha would be better off to sit by Berel Shemtovs mean farbrengen and stick to old the pre rebbe original chabad style, it just brought all crazies and baalie tshuvahs in our midst

  55. lubavitch said.:"Unfortunately other groups are, like Castro, happy to send us their "special needs" in all kinds of ways,"

    You mean you guys are nice enough to accept outsiders money for mikvas like in Palm springs, Texas, China! and so on.. I'm sure your bar mitzvah, But I remember when Lubab used to come to Willi to collect money for Tomchei Tememim school (before they became full trottle tzionom) to collect money, They even came to SR z"l for support, He gave them money and added once,

    איך רעד אויף ענק, זאלט איהר נישט מיינען ווייל כ'וויל נישט געבען קיין שטיצע! אין דערנאך דערלאנגט
    !זיי נדבה

  56. Lubavicher
    why are you shlepping in all the Rebeim in your Boir Riek Ain boi Mayim, If you enjoy your fargrebte lifestyle, keep it for your self, but don't drag the Rebbe in to it. As the Rebbe used to ask, did you learn Tanya today? did you learn the Likutie torah today? Did you learn the Oir Hatorah today ?Did you learn the Rebbe Reshab Toni rabobono today ? Did you learn the Rebbes sichas on chanuka today?
    you definitely did not, and you are no Mechutan whatsoever with the Alte Rebbe and all the Rebiem, because you were accidentally born by some Russian drunkard peasant family.
    Any Yemenite,Galicianer Hungarian young bochik that did learn the above is the Alte Rebbes Chosid and all the Rebiem afterwards. Thats all what the Rebiem were offering, they did not offer a culture of Russian fargrebtkiet.You should share your Russian culture for your Gezha crowd,and keep guard and exclude all the Megars from there.But dont forget, Olam Hazeh the Hungarians don't need you, they invented it.

  57. שפיץ בריסט...

    " lubavitch said.:"Unfortunately other groups are, like Castro, happy to send us their "special needs" in all kinds of ways,"

    You mean you guys are nice enough to accept outsiders money for mikvas like in Palm springs, Texas, China! and so on.. I'm sure your bar mitzvah, But I remember when Lubab used to come to Willi to collect money for Tomchei Tememim school (before they became full trottle tzionom) to collect money, They even came to SR z"l for support, He gave them money and added once,

    איך רעד אויף ענק, זאלט איהר נישט מיינען ווייל כ'וויל נישט געבען קיין שטיצע! אין דערנאך דערלאנגט
    !זיי נדבה"
    you are Zokan Noaif for your constant Nivul Peh and a Zokan Ashmoai for your constant lies,
    Stop embarrassing the SR by defending him

  58. tibi lotzi/CBT: "you are Zokan Noaif for your constant Nivul Peh and a Zokan Ashmoai for your constant lies, Stop embarrassing the SR by defending him"

    סליחה! טויבער לאטצי הכלב נובח, וכל גונדא דיליה הידוע לשמצה בקמיהם, נא א"א לך.. להשתחות ולנשק אותי למטה מהטבר מאה פעמים כולי האי ואולי זה הועילו בטובי הגדול לשמוע קול ענות הדברי בלע ודברי ניאוץ שלך. תודה

  59. אזיאטישע-מארעמארישע פארבאנדFriday, December 14, 2012 8:50:00 AM

    NYT, Report of Sexual Abuse Rattles YU Yeshiva Campus, Yeshiva University says it will review newly published claims that it had ignored accusations that teachers and principals abused its high school’s students.


    מי יגלה עפר מעיני הרה"ג ר' יצחק אלחנן ספעקטאר מקאוונע ליטא ז"ל המיסד של המוסד הנ"ל שהנהלה שלו אם המדריכים שלהם טמא בידים את הילדים שמה באופן נורא ומבהיל! שא"א להעלות על הכתב, ובחוצפתם הנוראה טמנו ידם בצלחת כמנהג "אזיאטישע מארעמארישע
    .חיות"! הש"י

    Principals of:
    Eitz Chaim RIETS, YU, JTS, Bar-Ilan, Stern College, Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik. Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, Richard M. Joel president,

    !אי י כ ם! אי י כ ם! אי י כ ם

  60. tibi lotzi: " constant Nivul Peh and a Zokan Ashmoai for your constant lies"

    נעבעך די פעטע כרעמזליך אין פאנקען זענען איהם אריין בקנה השמאלית ער קאן נישט מער נישט אריין נישט
    .ארויס! ויצאה נשמתו כאחד

  61. Lakewooder.

    What on earth are you talking about. Learn some more. Jail is certainly al pi torah

  62. pitputim : "What on earth are you talking about. Learn some more. Jail is certainly al pi torah"

    When 'your' local kolel which you patronize defies its neighbors defies local zoning laws and ordinances build a kolel in a private home against all local laws! Did you protest once! Or are you an honorable member there? did you ever refuse to accept koved there? etc. Hypocrite!

    !ילמדנו רבינו הגנב


  63. אה"כ: כלימתי נגדי -ממי?- מקול מחרף

    אם שכחנו שם א' ונפרוש כפינו לא' זר, הלא א' יחקור זאת כי הוא יודע
    .תעלומות לב

  64. tibi lotzi said... "Willy Safire
    Sifsosiov Dovevois Bekever, according to Rashi its kipshitoi."

    ?מהו זקן אשמאי
    לפי' רש"י: זקן אשמאי הוא רשע
    לפי' תוס': רק עם הארץ, אבל לא רשע
    קידושין ל"ב -

    אולם, לפי טויבער לאטצי! הוא מי שלא מסכים לדברי הסתה, דברי חירוף וגידוף שלו, אז הוא מהפך קערה על פיה וקוראים אותו "אשמאי" ע"כ

    ?מהו נואף
    נואף בעיניו נקרא נואף, שנאמר: ועין נואף שמרה נשף לאמר לא תשורני עין וסתר פנים ישים. לראות בעיניו על 'הרשת-התחתון' בנשף־בערב יום
    .באישון לילה

  65. The Bray of Fundie: "The losers are unused to losing."


    Here some basics:

    Was Nechemya Weberman on Trial — or Satmars?
    Brooklyn Prosecutors Took Aim at Hasidic Group's Way of Life


    Washington - CIA: Pollard's Life Sentence Due To 'Jerusalem Post' Interview
    Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard received a life sentence because he violated a plea agreement he had signed, by giving an unauthorized interview to The Jerusalem Post, according to the newly declassified 1987 CIA damage assessment of the Pollard case


    ?ואויל שפתים ילבט U-bet! my U-boat

  66. cbt: "Too many Charedim are kofi toiv and are not thinking, they like America's as a malchus shel chesed"

    what chesed? they let 6 million jews go up in flames! חסד לאומים חטאת

    :י"י הלברשטאם כותב
    עלינו ללמוד וללמד לבנינו שאין בשום אופן לבטוח בחסד לאומים!, ולהגרר אחריהם ואחרי חכמתם, תרבותם ומוסר נביאיהם. ואף אם יש כאלה הבאים אלינו בפה רך [עיין סוטה יא:], בפיתויים ובעצות טובות, עלינו לדעת שכוונתם האמיתית היא שעבוד, עבודה קשה, וחלילה לעקור את הכל

  67. CBT: "Then I was privy to new information"

    shh.. it's privy to:
    אני צויתי למקודשי, ברכות ח': תני רב יוסף אלו פרסיים המקודשים ומזומנים לגיהנם הפרסיים -ובוודאי עכו"ם אחרים ג"כ- הם רק לפנים, שהוטב בעיניהם הצניעות לדבר יפה!, אבל בשורש הם מלאים טנופת מזוהמת הנחש, והם מקודשים ומזומנים לגיהנם... -פרי צדיק לחנוכה יד

    holy, lowly, moly, gentiles!

  68. cbt: "Not from any self-proclaimed "child advocate," but from a close relative of another alleged victim."

    Omg! did you or he go to a beth din? if not ואם לא יגיד ונשא עונו שייגעץ איינער

  69. YU was named after R Yitzchok Elchonon. He never had anything to do with it.

  70. moshe moshel said... "YU was named after R Yitzchok Elchonon. He never had anything to do with it."

    Tnx, I'm So Relieved..

  71. אזיאטישע-מארעמארישע פארבאנדTuesday, December 18, 2012 10:38:00 AM

    How despicable, and a shandah!!!

    White House Chief Of Staff Condemns Alleged "YU" Child Sex Abuse Coverups, Says Response To Child Sex Abuse Must “Transcend The Confines Of Religious Teaching”

    Jacob Lew, White House chief of staff,said:

    “The alleged behavior is despicable and cannot be tolerated in any place, at any time, and the response must transcend the confines of religious teaching. Leaders of this and every educational institution have a sacred responsibility under civil law to protect children from any action that might endanger or exploit them."


    אזיאטישע-מארעמארישע פארבאנד
    תרפ"ט ארגאנעזאציע

  72. Mr Schieff, upper west sideTuesday, December 18, 2012 11:01:00 AM

    Unlike weberman an independent unlicensed therapist and un-ordaind so called rabbi!, In The YU Yeshiva University scandal the acuused and the subsequent cover-ups! Which is not denied? Was made by employed proffessors, ordained rabbis and deans of YU!!! What a cutzpah! why wasn't it reported to the authority? Where is CBT's and their cohort’s outcry! Shame on you! feh!

    !!!הכזונה יעשה את אחינו


  73. It is rare to find a self hating confused Jew writing plagiarized quotes from other haters, more than CBT if he indeed is Jewish, and I mean it.

  74. יום טוב אין דער וואכן בעיר הבירה לאנדאן!!!
    ואין פוצה פה
    ניט אמאל דער הויך געשיצטע ציג האט וואס צו שרייבען דערוועגען
    נאך א נאגעל אין דער "דערעך האכאסידעס" און נאך א ביישפיל פאר וואס מען זאגט צווי מאל יקום פורקן(וואל עס שטייט)
    אין נאך אן אינטרעסאנטע קאריאז,זעט מען אן איבערחזר"ן פון דער אלטער  צאנז רוזינער מחלוקת

  75. וואס זאל איך שרייבען בארי טייערער?

  76. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    וואס זאל איך שרייבען בארי טייערער

    די אלע מעשים טובים קומען פאר טאג-טעגליך יאהר איין אין אויס כדמוכח בספה"ק, לייג אריין 'עפעס סאטמאר/ יריאים' באמצע אין ס'וועט הילכ'ן
    .אויב נישט מה איכפת ליה

    ר' מאירל טייטשט: אהבתי רע -כהאב ליעב דאס שלעכטס- מטוב! -שקר דעם שקר- מדבר צדק פון דעם וואס רעדט אמת! איי סלה! ביזט דאך אלטץ א רע
    !אין א מדבר שקר? קשיא

  77. CBT: "Charedim must start to practice the Torah mamash--- not just rebbisha bobba meises"

    No rebbisha bobba meise! it's real:

    In the Public News:
    CEO Of Homecare Firm Fined $15 Million By NY State For Defrauding Welfare Programs Has Campus Of Lakewood Yeshiva Named For His Family!

    Elly Kleinman is very close to Agudath Israel of America's leadership, and he's very close to the rabbis of Bais Medrash Govoha!

    BMG, better known as Lakewood Yeshiva, is America's largest yeshiva and is located in Lakewood, New Jersey.
    Lakewood's esteemed haredi rabbis allowed Kleinman's name to be placed on one of the yeshiva's three campuses.

    This kind of news will not make CBT's list, must be 1) it's not chsidish enough, 2) to close to the the צרעת ממערת tibi lotzi's read CBT's home turf!

    !ראו גדילים שגדלתם

  78. CBT: "Too many Charedim are kofi toiv and are not thinking, they like America's as a malchus shel chesed but they also mock it's laws as hilchos sedom"

    Here we go again, is 'your' YU to chreidish?!. Is YU - The most assimilated jewish school ever- mocking American laws as hilchos "Sedom"?!
    Or are they "Sodomizing"! their so called yeshivah buchrim in mass! and than covering up, their atrocities.

    !שייגעץ איינער, טול קורה מבין עיניך

    New York - As More Students Come Forward Allegations Continue That Yeshiva University Covered Up Abuse Scandals.


    'ואנשי סדום רעים וחטאים מאוד לד

  79. אזיאטישע-מארעמארישע פארבאנדSaturday, December 22, 2012 7:38:00 PM

    CBT: "So it will be the goy'ishe courts through which HKB"H is teaching us that he still has ways to make those who hurt others pay, and they will now go to jail and sit with gangsters who beat them up"

    !רשע מרשעולמה תכה ריעיך

    News report:
    Sages in Israel: do not turn in Yitzchak Shochet to the Americans

    Court decided: to turn Shochet in, who is accused of 'hate crime' for beating a black youngster in the USA • Hgray"l Steinman, Hgr"o Yosef, Hgr"sh Wosner and Hgr"ch Kanievsky call: do not betray

    Sages of Israel have signed an open letter, calling out not to turn in Yitzchak Shochet, a Chabad Chassid who fled the neighborhood of Crown Heights U.S.A. to Israel.


    איתא במדרש על הפסוק ״הים ראה וינס״, מה ראה - ראה רכוש מצרים בידם ---- שלא היה בהם דלטורין -מוסרים- לאמר להם מי נטל את רכושם!. ולכן כאשר ראה הים את רכוש מצרים בידם, הרי זו הוכחה ברורה שאין בהם דלטורין, כי אם היו ביניהם דלטורין ודאי היו מספרים למצריים שלקחו את רכושם, וכשראה זאת הים נבקע בפני עם ישראל.


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