Saturday, January 5, 2013

התוועדות כ"ד טבת תשכ"ג

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  1. This farbrengen & the other 2 of the same weekend are available here:

    In one of sichos the Rebbe connects the last tzetl of the AR ’’הנפש השפילה ’’ (apparently written before shabes & given to the Tzemach Tzedek) with the inyen of chinuch - both of the youth & of adults - of those in this generation of Golus who live in a gashmiesdike environment which is a mix of שקרים וחסדים - that the way to be poyel on them is in a way of קירוב הדעת & nechomo davka, in a way a ratzon not kefiyah & hechrech, al pi darKOY, ע’’ש.

    (Do note that this was said at the very beginning of 1963 & the COunterculture movement of American Youth was just starting - which eventually led to the Ba'al Teshuvah movement...

    -- ZIY

  2. Ziy
    the Rebbe uses the Mamar Befesh Hashefielo as proof for change of policy of the Alte Rebbe regarding answering chasidim on Gashmius,


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