Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Sadigerrer Rebbe, זצ"ל

כ"ק אדמו"ר ר' אברהם יעקב פרידמאן מסאדיגורא זצ"ל

כל מה שרציתם לדעת על הממשיך

a younger Rebbe in the early years of his Rebbistive.

The Rebbe's father, the Rebbe of Sadiger-Pshemishyl, brother, o"h, and great uncle, the Rebbe of Sadiger (The Avir Yaakov) somewhere in Europe. Marienbad, perhaps. His father was a "melech yisroel" while in Pshemishyl, but lost it all during the War, and never really had anything after that. It was the niftar that rebuilt it somewhat.


  1. did you take the picture of the tpo picture off of r cohens wall?

  2. I had the zchus to be by him many times.

    Bloch Zadmirer d'Afe

  3. The new Rebbe is a special person - the father left the chassidus in good hands.

  4. censor at work!!!
    you won't discuss the goings on in crown heights.
    typical dishonesty
    you are a dishonest (probably worse)person
    i don't have a problem with not bringing out dirt. but that has apply to ALL Jews, not only to chabadniks
    you are always "allowing" or actively posting dirt about others.
    you even posted dirt accusing a godol beyisroel of starving jews to death (opening up a pandoras box of what chabad did, or actually did NOT do during the holocaust to save Jews, while expending precious resources to try and save a library of books while jews were burning in Warsaw)
    you are a very spineless individual
    who is dishonest and a cult follower.

  5. I donated my spine and gut to the MDA. All for a good cause.

  6. Wow! Your mamash a tzadick for not discussing chaim halperin! Three cheers for you!

  7. Burying (or trying) the meshichist/boreinuniks story has allowed them to successfully take over 770 and will ultimately destroy chabad
    and the spineless and mindless drone like you are to be "thanked"

  8. I'm a spineless, gutless, drone. I know. What else am I?

  9. not very smart either
    the type of kid in chaider who snitches to the rebbe the bad "goody good" chaider yingel

  10. and you can tell all that just from me not writing about Meshichisten giving out dollars???

    G-d bless you.

    You're goood.

  11. "and you can tell all that just from me not writing about Meshichisten giving out dollars???"

    it's not about crazy meshichisten giving out $$
    it's about vicious animals who have physically attacked leaders and their own roshei yeshiva on tape who have no respect for anything/anyone
    And the only reason you won't discuss it is that its "chabad"
    =no moral compass

  12. and me writing about it will do what? other than satiate your thirst for Chabad politics...

  13. if you don't realize that standing up to these animals may save chabad and somehow twist it to "a thirst for chabad politics", you are suffering from delusional paranoia
    and not very smart

  14. you're the one who doesn't realize who we're dealing with here.

  15. spineless and gutless said...

    if you don't realize that standing up to these animals may save chabad and somehow twist it to "a thirst for chabad politics", you are suffering from delusional paranoia
    and not very smart"

    what is happened now that did not happen for the last 18 years in 770? its no news anymore, all that could be destroyed have been destroyed, and Boruch hashem Chabad is alive, and this few Tzfati boys, will no do much harm.
    Must shluchim are not going to 770, they have the Ohel and it is their place of relating to the Rebbe. Noting changed now, its just you alarming as if some new apocalyptic move is at our footsteps.
    Its 200 years of the histalkus of the Alte Rebbe , learn a little tanya, Likutuie Torah, put your effort to love the children of Hashem and dont worry for the demise of chabad.

  16. http://thepartialview.blogspot.com/2013/01/rabbi-paysach-krohn-tzaddikim-kevorim.html

  17. Anon
    Can you tell me how Krohn a Megulech ended up to be to the Magid of our Doir?
    a Magid was always a Ish Murom Meham even in the Lita?
    What is he doing in Batie chaim? its a kabalastic issue, not a place for tourism...Is he going to the Mikveh afterwards ?

    1. I heard from someone that Rabbi Krohn is physically unable to grow a beard. A person who shaves during sefira wouldn't be able to become such a famous magid, so it's probably true.

  18. if you wana bash chabad there are other blogs. i for one reccomend col or ch.info!

  19. The cuter part is that he started writing a book because Rav Shwadron stayed in his house & it was called The Magid speaks meaning Rav Sholom Shwardron. Some how over time and a few books later, he became the Magid. Unreal!

  20. Tzig,
    Chabad is being accused of heresy on the Hirhurim blogspot.Can you please issue a rebuttal in an intelligent fashion, and explain the issue. Maybe have R' Nochum Greenvald give a guest post. Thanks.

  21. Keremenchunger
    A Megulach?! seriously?! That is the issue? His grooming habits. Sorry, the psak and minhag Yisroel is that shaving is muttar. There may be ta'anos on him but it is not his beard or lack thereof that is the issue.
    If you want to bring the Wiliamsburg language here, why not ask the question better. "He does not eat tomato dip on Shabbos, how can he teach us right from wrong?"


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