Friday, February 15, 2013

a classic שושנת יעקב - from the LSJS

Shoshanas Yaakov by London School Of Jewish Song on Grooveshark

I have been searching for this for years! Thank You to an anonymous friend for finding the song and The Whole Album for me to listen to and share. This brings back very fond memories from years gone by. Most of you probably don't know that the יונים song you sing is from this album. Not to share too much with y'all, but I jumped for joy/cried when I got this email. So please try and share my enthusiasm. I'm also sort of a sucker for good accordion, as you may have noticed lately.


  1. Beautiful choir, and no molestation- great combinationFriday, February 15, 2013 8:13:00 AM

    Reb Tzig,
    Why did you listen to
    The shrieks of the cavary? WHY???

  2. Great album. Nobody better in Jewish music than Yigal Calek & Co. IMHO Shimu. Melachim is the best song on the album. Thanks for posting.

  3. Great album. My wife listened to this tape when she was in labor. B"H everything turned out fine, but
    My son has a British accent.

  4. Uminosar
    " My wife listened to this tape when she was in labor. B"H everything turned out fine"
    Segula for a Makshe Leyeled????

  5. "I'm also sort of a sucker"

    Abi er vaist

  6. Thanks!
    I always loved Yigal Calek and his choir, some of the best compositions were there.
    Haven't heard much from him last few years, though there are a few youtube videos where he conducts grownup alumni at some occasion in london a few years ago


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