Saturday, February 16, 2013

....טבריה של פעם


See stories, captions and explanations here


  1. What's up with the shtreimel and tefilin? was it מתלמידי הגר"א בחולו של מועד ?

    I don't think that could be pshat either because IIRC the Gr"a did not laig tefilin on ChalHaMoed.

  2. Purim is rite cuz iven the misnagdim dont were tfilin on chol hamoed, it could also be a bris ect. ect.

  3. looks like a megillah he's reading there. So Purim sounds about right.

  4. Di emes is thet lav davka its real.....

  5. In the last pic it seems that the doros were getting shvacher

  6. Ikar choser min hasefer: that he's wearing tefilin - but no talis!

    -- ZIY

  7. it's prob RT tefillin, which is why he has his shtreimel on, because he has no head covering. It looks like a Karliner, at least based on the way he puts on shel yad.

  8. No snag puts on Tefillin that way...according to any shita his shel yad in on wrong...and the retuos are on top of one another.

    Definitely some Ch'sid....


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