Monday, March 11, 2013

IfYouTickleUs live Tweets from I.I.I. Domb's funeral

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He was 98 and one of the last of the יח"ל תלמידים. We'll make no bones about it, he had a nasty, nasty, פיסק, and nobody was spared his ugly wrath. I'm not quite sure where he took the ברייטקייט to speak that way about the giants of yesteryear, but he did. One Agudist told me when I told him the news "תהא מיתתו כפרתו", and who can argue with that? You guys were kind enough to send me the link to Shturem that had the following two letters. Thank You. I do believe that in later years he changed his mind about the Rebbe too. This is busy season for me, so cut me some slack, please. They did cut out a piece of the letter from him to the Rebbe, as is plainly obvious. I wonder what it says there... link

He too seems to bear a personal grudge against anything and everything in the medinah, even as far back as 1949. And this was a country barely a year old, yet he belittles its streets, shops, architecture, and even jewelry stores!


  1. we are left still with one more Demagogue,
    Farakan.... but not from Yachal..

  2. u sure he was the last lubliner talmid?

  3. no, Yechiel, I'm not sure. Is there anyone else out there? Actually, why shouldn't there be?

    1. I know a few besides rav wosner and rav lichtig from bklyn

  4. Rav Wosner Shlita? Though I dont believe he was there when Rav Meir Shapiro T"ZVKL was alive.

  5. He was against Reb Mayer Shapiro, and he printed the letter of Reb Shimele Zhelichover thats belittling Reb Mayer Sapiro..
    Obviously wherever there was some schism between Jews, Domb was there to keep the embers burning

  6. Wow
    He wins the prize for for "How I Went From Yachal to NK".
    I don't believe he had many fellow travelers on that journey.
    But then again, I'm a big fan of the individualist, someone who blazes a trail of his own, and isnt Oived Elohei Masei'khuh

  7. Maybe u want to do an achrei mois, kedoishim on him, but the fact remains that he spoke with chutzpah and azus against gedolei yisroel (including the Rebbe), and even the Satmar Rebbe RYT tired of him and was mirachek him.

  8. Rav Wosner leorech yomim tovim is older than R'Domb and I believe he learned in the yeshiva when R'Meir Shapira was still alive, which would be at the end of 1933.
    I womder if there are others?

  9. reply to #7
    the satmar ruv sy"o was NEVER merachek him totally bluff

  10. Firstly, Rav Wosner was there when Reb Meir Schapiro was there. I believe it was The Lubliner Rav that gave him a blessing for Arichus Yamim.

    Not wise to underscore Rav Dombs obsession with discord as a last will and testament. The Jewish people should be remembered in peace and if there is no peace to speak of we are better off remaining silent.

  11. tzig
    How did you miss this !
    Now you'll become his chosit !

  12. Jony Klutz
    "the satmar ruv sy"o was NEVER merachek him totally bluff"
    it depends whom you ask, Lipa Friedman or Getzel Berger and on the other side Mayer Lipshutz...

  13. I am amazed how already in year 1949 he had such clarity in what was later accepted "SATMAR SHITAH" when he was (i guess ) in that year never next to satmar ruv (since he was from poland)..

  14. his writings should be taught in all yeshivas, as a model, how a lunatic with a sense of humor and sharp pen who is obsessed to make the whole klal yisroel for apikorsim, how deepended he ends his life.
    His works on same subjects from aguda, Belzer Rav Gerer chasidim, everyone is labeled apikores, but some small minyan in the Butai Ungaren, when the other side have rebuild-ed Klal yisroel on a scale that as never heard of in our exiled history.

  15. He was a Strikover chusid and drank carmel wine by his rabbe in EY

  16. Shalomm
    " he had such clarity in what was later accepted "SATMAR SHITAH" when he was (i guess ) in that year never next to satmar ruv (since he was from poland).. "
    I guess hazy minds think alike

  17. By all Gedolim he blames some outsider that influenced them, the Belzer Ruv was influenced by his brother the Maskil of Bilegray, A famous maskil from Galicia, he was hanging out with all maskilim in the cafe, we have multiple witnesses.
    The Chebiner was influenced by his SIL Reb Burech Shimon a infamous Mizrachi type,all is life he used to write pro Zionist articles in the Davar, he pulled off with his bare hands kids of the Yaldie Theran trains to register them in Mamlachti Dati schools, We have multiple witnesses on that...
    Just 1 question maybe the Brisker ruv was also influence by some leftist Kanoi.... is it only that side that gets bad influences of there close knit family etc..?
    how does this work???

  18. One Agudist told me when I told him the news "תהא מיתתו כפרתו", and who can argue with that
    Domb with his ill talent, for soundbites would be harsher...he would say Boruch Hamokem shehorgoi....


  19. Tibi Lotzi ."es vat diyr gurnisht helfen

  20. Shalomm
    ""es vat diyr gurnisht helfen"
    And what ???? Domb is Moshiach?????

  21. One of the most despicable characters I ever met. He had no respect for any Torah personality. I heard him more than once speak in the most offensive way about the Rebbe and I don't dign to repeat his vitriolic remarks. He forgot to mention in his letter to the Rebbe that he was kicked out of Otwock and that for a living he manufactured golden crucifixes (tzlumim). Achare mois kedoishim? I have my doubts

  22. TiVo lotzi
    I don't have to ask none of those you had mentioned but the fact is that he was 1 of those that the Vayoel Moshe was sent to before it went to print to be magia

  23. Tibi lotzi

    he was never against reb meyer shapiro who he called the rov regarding the letter this was reb shimmle opinion

    Shallom he told me that in 1942 in london a person came up to him and told there is a mshgnar who say that tel aviv is a eir hanidachas so he sain who is this meshgnar so the person said satmar rov till his last day he did not want to tell me who was the person

    yoshe kalb he lerent in lubavitch yeshiva in warsaw and he was throwen out after he made a demo agaist zamanov who was the menahel for not paying a magid shiur in yeshiva who was not well and hasd a wife and children to support regrding tzelomim when someone used to ask him if this is true he would ask is it ossur to end comment he was chossid of the rebbe ryatz telling me the malocim did not know the rebbe ryatz by the way he told me that when he went to yechidus to the ryatz he felt his eyes were going thru and thru

    i will be missing him

  24. Anon
    "he was never against reb meyer shapiro who he called the rov regarding the letter this was reb shimmle opinion"
    Why did he print such anegative letter?
    He would never of print a negative letter o his icons as the Griz etc....

  25. Anon
    "he was chossid of the rebbe ryatz telling me the malocim did not know the rebbe ryatz"
    Its a little hard to believe it,
    since the Rayatz changed his views regarding Aguda, Mizrachi and even gave some support for Shazar by the creation of Israel.

  26. Anon
    "regrding tzelomim when someone used to ask him if this is true he would ask is it ossur to end comment"
    I think that dealing with Avoda Zora is more problematic with Halacha, then this so called issur of having a medina before moshiach.....

  27. it looks like the beginning of the first paragraph of the letter of Rabbi Domb is missing! any secrets?

  28. Johny Klutz

    the qestion you are asking was on the lips of his family yesterday by the shiva when they saw the letter looks like my rebbe wrote some thing to the rebbe that even today after sixty years some one is uncomfortable with what he wrote how did my rebbe says in the name of his rebbe reb shimmle my breath will chase you looks like my rebbe words is chasing some one

  29. I understood that that was merumaz in my question but the mechaber of this blog who happened to be from hungarian decent has a complex when you mention anything that proves that chabad the way we know it has no connection to the rashab ulemaalo bekodesh
    it's kedai to mention here that An official delegation of Nerurei Karta visited twice by the rebbe1 person of the delegation is Bh still with us!
    it's also kedai to mention that the rebbe once told Reb chaim Gutnick z"l that as long the SR in wsbg Reb aron katzinelenbogen and mendala from here (meant himself) there will never be a dor shekulo chyav! so that proves very well that chabad are the ones that changed their mesorah not the other way around

  30. tzig
    c"v to talk like that if someone is gone go to a bais zonos you gona say god created that whore house so he changed the mesora? the kisvei harashab is a clear enough guidance how to handle these mordim bamalchus shomayim NO-ONE after his generation can chang this this is toras emea vechol hameshana yodo al hatachtono

  31. Jony

    speaking about the rebbe reshab my rebbe used to say that he was amazed by the clarity and foresightness the reshab had regarding zionisim and agudaism he used to quote the word of the reshab written in 1899 that if the zionist will have eretz yisroel they will be metameh eretz yisroel
    there is no godol byisroel of those days that had such a thought

    Gut shabbos

  32. Johny Klutz
    God changed the Mesora by killing Zionisim... there is nobody whom to fight

  33. Johny Kluz
    "NO-ONE after his generation can chang this this is toras emea vechol hameshana yodo al hatachtono"
    Why cant you say it is Nishtakcho... only Chasidus can not be nishtkacho?
    The Reshab was at the belief that Chasidus and only Chabad chasidus will bring Moshiach it is Toras Moshiach and will never disappear, Check out his Toras Shulem.
    Do the Neturai Karta of Meah sheorim share that belief?

  34. Johny Kluz
    " the kisvei harashab is a clear enough guidance how to handle these mordim bamalchus shomayim"
    Can you give us a synopsis of what the Reshab is saying how to handle a Medina with 6to 7 Million Jews in existence ?

  35. Johny Klutz
    "that chabad are the ones that changed their mesorah not the other way around"
    I think that the cardinal sin of Zionism is not believing in Moshiach, then how can you accuse a chasidus that is obsessed with Moshiach 24/7 to be Zionists?
    please explain

  36. Yehudim Einem Tzionim

    Tzionim Einem Yehudim.

  37. Is his family Aleksander? His name is Yerachmiel Yisruel Yitzchok, maybe named after the Yismach Yisroem Ztz"l? If he was strikev it still makes sense.

  38. Yanover, yes his family had some Aleksander background, but he was kicked out from there like from everywhere else.

  39. sikrik
    Zionism is kollel in it all tumos and apikurses miyom brias olom ad moshiach! C"V to say on lubavitch/chabad that they don't believe in moshiach "not for the reason you mentioned" that's good for a joke poshut a yid gleibt in moshiach! what I meant with shinu mesora was ONLY regarding the milchomo in zionism! otherwise Kemosom Yirbu Beyisroel

  40. Yanover Kalb

    my rebbe was a son of ren yakov shachna the rov of yablona who was a chosid of the yismach yisroel anf he gave his son the mame of his rebbe (he used to joke that if the yismach would have 15 names he would have all of them) after the petirah of the yismach the olam went to his talmid Rab aron herzh bialer the son of reb berish who was rebbe from erev rosh chodesh shvat till shuvuos after his petirah the olam went back to alexsander to the tifres shumuelbut a a big olam amongst them rav yakov shacna went to reb az. brother ren mendel strikover my rebbe saw four strikover rebbes Reb mendek his son reb yakov don knowen by the chassidim as the kinover his son the strikover rebbe in eretz yisroel (who my rebbe lerent with him in lublin) and the present strikover rebbe shlitah

    to the person who wrote this
    God changed the Mesora by killing Zionisim... there is nobody whom to fight

    as long a yiden do not equate zionism to the church then the fight must go on

    by the way how is it possible to put on this site my rebbes first article in english agaist zionism


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