Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How come כל צרוע וכל זב (excuse the expression) gets his or her shiurim on קול הלשון but Chabad is TOTALLY blacklisted?

All I see in Hebrew is some Shiurim in תניא from Reb Itche Mayer Morgenshterin, and in Yiddish we have some shiurim from one Reb Menachem Erlanger. B'kitzer, if there is Chabad it's from non-Chabad sources.


  1. כל צרוע וכל זב
    Means Yaakov Yagen?

  2. they are shiurim in tanya by R' Moshe Wolfson also

  3. it means nobody in particular. It's an expression.

    why did you choose Yagen?


  5. i think under "shiurim in pnimius hatorah" there is also yossi paltiel, but thats part of a collection and is not officially yossi paltiel

  6. Heshy,
    Stop your childish tantrums!
    Chabad is mechutz lamachane.That is why there is no Chabad on kol haloshon.Same reason why you can take trip to every Hemishe shul worldwide and not find any lekitei sichos.Not in Boro Park,not in Flatbush, not in Williamsburg,not in Monsey,not in Lakewood, not in butei medrash in Eretz Yisroel.Despite an avalanche of weekly lubavitcher publications, benister or begiluy, given out by the many thousands.Despite lubavitcher seforim sold literally (almost) by the pound, to chaparein as many as possible.
    Btw, there are very few lubavitcher rabbunem who could give shiurim that would even be shayach to post on kol haloshon

  7. Shame on Kol HaLoshon for not having Shmuel Buttman front and center

  8. I don't understand this post, and other similar posts on this blog, where you wonder why Lubavitch is not included in this or that.
    Surely you are not too naive to know that in large part it's due to Chabad's moshiach problem. Fix that and you'd find that in most quarters these days, old differences are overlooked and Lubavitch would be welcomed with open arms.

  9. JS,
    Sorry to disagree, but Lubavitch has not been part of the Heimishe consensus for a long time.Their "toirehs" would not be welcomed, and have not been welcomed for the last fifty plus years.
    If they did not have their Meshichist problems they would be "tolerated", not welcomed

  10. Kol Haloshon probably puts up shiurim when they get a certain demand.Koyodua, lubavitchers do not attend or study shiurim of non anash/lubavitchers for all kinds of reasons.So lubavitchers are probably not using kol haloshon very much and therefore not asking for lubavitcher shiurim.The listeners who have demand for Tanya shiurim are happy with R'Erlanger andR'Morgenstern apparently.
    I think the Tzig thinks kol haloshon can be used as a lubavitcher tool to "spread" lubavitch, but does not realize that kol haloshon is not a lubavitch propaganda machine

  11. Duvy
    ".Same reason why you can take trip to every Hemishe shul worldwide and not find any lekitei sichos.Not in Boro Park,not in Flatbush, not in Williamsburg,not in Monsey,not in Lakewood, not in butei medrash in Eretz Yisroel."
    Do the Visnitzer,Belzer,Gerer,Skverer or Rachmistrivker shuls have a Divrie Yoel, Veyoel Moshe,Mishnas Reb Aron
    why not? are they Mechutz Lemachne? Btw, where is the Machne?
    Lee cor Ross? Route 9 in Lakewood?

  12. JS----
    I never realized Moshiach is a problem. Its interesting, hitler ym"s referred to us as the Jewish problem and your referring to Moshiach as a problem---get the drift? Maybe fix your sinas chinam problem and the goyim would not hate us as much.

    And to Duvy---
    Unless youve been in evety shul in the stated communities you'd be better off not talking. siyug l'chochmah shtikah applies to you too. I know a few shuls that have Likkutei Sichos and Rabbonim and Maggidei Shiur who are genuine enough to quote the Rebbe. Get over your insecurities.

  13. Duvy, the aleksander shtible on Rchov Zonnenfeld in Mea Shearim has a set of likkutei sichos.

    as do a couple yerushalmi shtiblech in the area, ive seen them.

  14. "Get over your insecurities."

    כא כא דו מיט דיין כאסידעס

    Talk about insecure !

    "I know a "few" shuls that have Likkutei Sichos and Rabbonim and Maggidei Shiur who are genuine enough to quote the Rebbe. "

    Wonder where those shuls are.In your דמיונות?
    In עולם "אטסיעלעס??

    I have been to many shuls in the neighborhoods I have mentioned and was not zoicheh to see any likitei sichos.A bit strange don't you think?

  15. Machne Yisroel,
    "Btw, where is the Machne?"
    Eastern Parkway corner Kingston??
    Even regular non meshichist lubavitchers keep away.

  16. Actually chabad opened a phone line for תורה first , 08-949-3770. It is still going. They refused anyone else in those pioneer days , so reverse your question.
    Now they have another # also... 02-803-0770.

  17. "They refused anyone else in those pioneer days , so reverse your question."

    Yeah, but Lubavitch inc is allowed to do what THEY want. The only answer to the ceo

  18. When is the next sfas emes / nesivos shalom / r tzadok / bilvavi / ramchal / maharal / or hachaim / kedushas levi / ketzos etc. shiur next scheduled in any Lubavitch yeshiva / shul in any location?

  19. ok, y'all, as long as you'll admit that it's a conscious decision on the part of KH to exclude Chabad, I'm fine with that.

  20. JS

    "Surely you are not too naive to know that in large part it's due to Chabad's moshiach problem. Fix that and you'd find that in most quarters these days, old differences are overlooked and Lubavitch would be welcomed with open arms."
    Untill the Moshiach problem as you call it,
    Everyone thing was great? the world had open arms? whom do you represent? Malkiel Kotler? The dead rav Shvie? Because maybe we can make a deal?

  21. Duvy
    "Wonder where those shuls are.In your דמיונות?
    In עולם "אטסיעלעס??"
    Most Mashpiem as Rav Wolfson, Rav Y M Morgenstern,Reb Chaim Lieb Katz,Makever rebbe,Rav Kluger or Rebbes like the Sanzer of Netanya, The Viznitzer rebbe,The Toldos Aron rebbe,Machnufker rebbe will quote the Rebbe....

  22. Moshe Moshel
    "When is the next sfas emes / nesivos shalom / r tzadok / bilvavi / ramchal / maharal / or hachaim / kedushas levi / ketzos etc. shiur next scheduled in any Lubavitch yeshiva / shul in any location?"
    FYI, from your whole list, the only 1 thats learned in shiurim in chabad is Ketzois Hachoshen, but the other ones are learned and quoted but not in a shiur format

  23. Duvy
    "I have been to many shuls in the neighborhoods I have mentioned and was not zoicheh to see any likitei sichos.A bit strange don't you think?"
    Did you check out the ones Yanover listed?

  24. Yechiel
    ".The listeners who have demand for Tanya shiurim are happy with R'Erlanger andR'Morgenstern apparently."
    they are 2 great people but give me 10 people that understand the Tanya shiur or any of the seforim,from Morgenstern vs. Reb Yoel shiurim....

  25. Because all Chabad Chasidim Talk about all Day is The Rebbe, The Rebbe, and The Rebbe like a bunch of Mindless Zombies

  26. Katz
    "Because all Chabad Chasidim Talk about all Day is The Rebbe, The Rebbe, and The Rebbe like a bunch of Mindless Zombies"
    what makes them in to zombies? that they follow a ideology of a person? or its the following the Rebbe that irks you? are you open minded and you follow no one?

  27. Tzig asked a profound question:
    "How come כל צרוע וכל זב (excuse the expression) gets his or her shiurim on קול הלשון but Chabad is TOTALLY blacklisted?"
    The answer I think is obvious, but if you want me to spell it out for you, the answer is only כל צרוע וכל זב are excluded from there. Sorry for being so blunt Tzig.

  28. no need to apologize for being yourself, Hyman. G-d gives what he gives, some get more, some less. We accept his will even if we don't understand it.

  29. Ahem.
    Only the tzig the p.r guy of lubavitch inc is allowed to call others tzorua and zav


    typical. lubab

  30. must you be paranoid? some archives have some speakers, other archives have other speakers. kol haloshon is phone as well as internet, but chabad has its own phone shiur lines and has for decades.

    you want a more general site that has chabad lecturers, try Jewish Heritage Foundation, which has R' Yossi Paltiel, R' Manis Friedman, and R' Walters, among a flock of mostly yeshivish lecturers.

  31. I'm not paranoid at all! I know for a fact that they were approached about putting up Chabad chassidus shiurim and they refused!

  32. Oh
    so we now can verify that the powers that be in lubob have actually put. u on their p.r payroll
    what a disgusting piece of work u r
    u make believe its ur own blog now we find out that inside info is leaked to u from cult hq


  33. I heard the following story from someone who was there. In the early 1970's on the last day of Pesach,a Lubavitcher chosid showed up in yeshiva Chaim Berlin and requested permission to say some divrei Torah to the public, as the Lubavitch chassidim do in all the shuls on that day. So the gabai went upstairs and told R' Hutner about the request. He responded, "Tell him, that if you'll allow one of my bochurim to say divrei torah in 770 in public then you can speak here...". The same applies here.

  34. so let them come and say DT in 770! I promise you they'll be allowed to speak.

    The same applies here? is Kol HaLashon R' Hutner's private domain?

    come on people, this isn't THAT difficult.

  35. I"d like to thank the lubavitchers who went around checking for lekitei sichos in community (non chabad) shuls.
    They came up with a "couple of yerushalmy shtiebels".Nu, nu.Soout of many hundreds of shuls, they found a yeshalmi shtiebel that some lubavitcher donated some likitei sichos.Bravo.I assure you,no "yerushalmy shtiebel" would pay .

    C'MON Lubavitchers you can do better than that.Or maybe you can't??

  36. Rabi Yossi chazan from Manchester has hundreds of his Shiurim Posted on KH (prob UK site), as does Rabbi Moshe Wolberg.


  37. I speak about the site I linked to, the Israeli site.

  38. Kovner
    " So the gabai went upstairs and told R' Hutner about the request. He responded, "Tell him, that if you'll allow one of my bochurim to say divrei torah in 770 in public then you can speak here."
    was Rav Hunter that juvenile? I guess it answers a lot of his people problems, a Illu but still immature.

  39. "was Rav Hunter that juvenile?"

    Why is that juvenile?
    Don't you think sending out young lubavitcher boys to spread your toirelach to people who have no interest is juvenile?
    I guess that explains lubavitch

  40. Posen
    "Don't you think sending out young lubavitcher boys to spread your toirelach to people who have no interest is juvenile?"
    If I am not mistaking, for awhile in 1 of his stages in life, he was learning Chabad and had a penmanship relationship with the Lubavitcher rebbe on Toras Hachasidus.So dont act as if the chasidim came in to Reb Burech Ber...
    He was a Ilu but Juvenile....

  41. You can promise anyone would be allowed to speak in 770 all you want, you know that it'll never happen. They wouldn't even let you speak!

  42. Posen
    "Don't you think sending out young lubavitcher boys to spread your toirelach to people who have no interest is juvenile?"
    to know the history of the Thalacha(in chabad lingo) well, They were send out when the USA and Brooklyn included was a dessert. No Torah, No Yom Tov, No Yiddishkiet. These chassidim brought some simchas hachag and a dvar torah to the 100's of shuls. Eventualy some shulls got established and they dont need them,so maybe they should stop going there, but there are still today multiple Shulls in Queens, Canarsie, Bronx etc.. who only get a Gut shabos and a gut Yom tov from the Rebbes people. When Reb Itch Hutner was enjoying his Yom Tov steak These Chasidim are tearing away from their shabos table and family enjoyment to go out and say a gut vort or a gut shabos for some widow or other invalid in a godforsaken neighborhoods where the Moshe Sherer inc. sees no financial or prestige interest. The Hamodia does not cover them, its so depressing but there are certain people that look out for them.
    This explains Lubavich....

  43. socheir
    u managed to get a dig against a choshuve person who did very much for yidden as the head of aguda.since the person is deceased he cant answer ur gemeineh lies did they teach u to tcheppa with the dead in lubavitch?

    we were not discussing sending boys to places were they r welcome andneeded we are talking heimishe pletzer
    but u knew that anyway
    yisocher peh doiver sheker

  44. Posen
    "but u knew that anyway
    yisocher peh doiver sheker"
    Dont tell me who is Choshev,
    Dont tell me I am lying
    Dont tell me I know anyway.
    Moshe Sherer aint my hero...

  45. Soicher
    I did not bring him up
    u did
    I dont care who ur heroes are
    lwave me alone
    yisocher peh douver sheker

  46. some typos before
    leave me alone
    I dont want anything to do with u or ur heroes
    yisocher peh dover shkorim

  47. "They wouldn't even let you speak!"

    Ah but daven from the Amood...

  48. Only at the after chatzos minyanim.

  49. Lubavitch has been excluding and ostracizing themselves from the rest of Klal Yisroel for several decades already. As a kid growing up out of town in a lubavitcher neighborhood I was constantly harassed with almost daily attempts to proselytize me to their version of the Jewish faith. I was ridiculed by these cult-mongers as a child for my aspirations to know the whole shas by heart. I was told that learning Tanya & the sichos is where my efforts should instead be focused. I've met the same brand of crazies in Brooklyn and E"Y too. On top of that, they were mafrish umavdil themselves from the rest of the Jewish society with their whole messichist and general hashkafic nonsense. Even the few "normal" ones stood by silently for decades as their brothers–in–arms continued to spew their provocative statements.

    Is it no wonder that no other chassidus cries so much about the unfriendly attitude directed at their kind?!

  50. Chabad Chadisim Consider other Frum Yidden especially Yeshiva People Their Competition and Rivals They dont feel comfortable around such individuals they only feel comfortable around Ami Haaritzm whom they can Ply their Propeganda and perhaps Make some Serious Bucks off of

  51. מ'קען הערן תניא פון ר' יואל אויף די אמעריקאנער קול הלשון

  52. Someone that recognizes YagenSunday, September 29, 2013 10:30:00 AM

    B"H all the "shiurim" from "Rabbi" Yaakov Yagen on Kol Halashon have been removed. It is inconsistent to have zero values regarding tznius and to be considered a "marbitz Torah". Dropping Yagen was not a matter of politics, but a simple recognition that one must uphold Torah in order to darshen.


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