Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Just for a day I wish I was Lipa

ליפא שמלצר from bhol on Vimeo.

No, not because he gets to be himself all the time. Not because he gets to wear a rainbow tallis, I have no such תאוה, believe me. For me a snow-white Chabad tallis with wide black stripes is much more of a תאוה, and I can wear it without looking like a fool too! But because he gets to hop a plane, literally, and go back to the alter heim to see where his ancestors lived and breathed.

Maybe one day...


  1. Biala Rebbe #83 just went to poland with his chasidim for 2500 bucks a pop. To Nevel would surely cost more but magyarland isn't too far, once your there...

  2. To you have a Taveh to be Oiver on Loeg Lerush too or is that just a side benefit?

  3. Nobody else has a taiva to show off that they are nebach an ama'uretz midioiraysa midirabunon like lipa.

  4. Why hasn't anyone questioned why Lipa is wearing Tefillin in a cemetery? According to the following link it is assur:

  5. I love his tallis. I hear that there is a matching pair of colorful tefillin and eyeglasses in the works. And rabeinu taams...

  6. Matching rabeinu taam are already made by fruit of the loom

  7. Groyse K'nackers uhn a Nun

    I'd like to see all of you being MeHaneh a Yid and making him feel good, the way Lipa does.

    Since you aren't constitutionally capable of Mekhazek Yidden, your talents emerge elsewhere.

    As we used to say in Haight-Ashbury in the 60s, "If you ain't part of the solution, you're part of the problem".


  8. There are people who do not tuck their tzitzis in (let alone a tallis) is Beis haCHayim?

  9. like lipa's father said "i am not going back there" i don't wanna go back to that place where they killed my family

    there is nothing wrong to ware a talis with colors the kohen gadol had full of colors on his begudim

  10. I went back to Poland with my father הכ’’מ and found them groise anti-semiten. They Beis HaChaim had been destroyed by THEM, not the Nazis.

    There was mamash only one good thing about what we did: Hakoras HaTov. We visited the (now) old lady, who is listed in Yad Washem as from the Chassidei Umos HaOlam.

    As Cohanim, we couldn't even go into the famous cemetries because the trees were all over hung.

    And yes, Lipa should not have been wearing Tefillin

  11. I heard he put the colored talis on specially for the occasion so when one day his son will be old enough to realize that gantz klal yisroel thinks his father is the biggest fool since the goilam of Prague, and we never laughed with his but rather at him, the face of the poor kid will turn the same colors as that holy talis in the holy snowy cemetery in the holy photo-op.
    BTW can someone confirm if lipa is taking over R'Zalman Schachter-Shalomi's shul and following.

    1. Should that r"l turn out to be true the tragedy will only be compounded further and further. Will sholi be roshakul?

  12. not sure if shouli and lipa are still part of the same religious belief.

  13. Just to short fuse the statement about lipa taking over R' Zalman Schachter-Shalomi from becoming a bona fide rumor. The comment was a JOKE. v'hamavin Yavin.
    It would be a great embarrassment to Zalman if a kook like Lipa would take him over.

  14. Reb Tzig, I don't know who you endure as a blogger with such a group of cold-hearted, unkind, commenters for a chevreh... Nu nu.

  15. By kedoshim there is no lo'eg lerush... I won't br maarich because those that are "to'ena mevakesh[im] won't get it....


  16. Go. Fur gezinterhayt. Trug zikh up fin danen in kim nisht tserik.

  17. Maybe he was wearing his Litvishe Chol HaMoed Tefillin with no parshiyos inside.


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