Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reb Yoel Kahan explains the Chassidic approach to "קנאות" and such


  1. i think u posted this before.
    IIRC it's a letter to mendel vechter.

  2. it was written by parshas Vechter,The punchline is, how can u accuse a Rebbe that is obsessed with Moshiach to be a Zionist... But unfortunately the Satmar shita took a life of its own, its a ideology that has expired but is kept on a lifeline to show the Rebbe was Gerecht.

  3. Anon
    "IRC it's a letter to mendel vechter."
    you probably meant Reb Mendel Vechter

  4. Its not written to R' Mendel Vechter. He actually took part in the writing of this letter.
    According to my sources,it was written to a specific Rov in Wilamsburg who was very influential in the fight against Lubavitch.
    If anyone knows more details about the consequences of the letter etc please let us know.

  5. I suggest you to not get tired of reading after a few pages, because the smetene of the letter starts later on. for the beginning darf men halten kop..
    As a whole this letter is gevaldig to read reread and study.
    Ah Reb Yoel.. A tachshit of a Jew!

  6. If we are already talking about Reb Yoel's Writings, does anyone have his sefer "Mehusom Shel Yisroel"?
    It would be nice if Tsig could upload it (not that many pages).
    A Gevaldige Sefer!

  7. I remember giving this sefer (Mehusom Shel Yisorel) to read to a single mizruchnik (mit a kezayis yarmulke..) in Frankfurt Germany, where I was on Shlichus for a year.
    He later on told me "you don't know what this Sefer did to me"..
    I found out that he got involved with a shiksa rch"l (a german noch dertsu..) and was thinking to "be megayer her" and marry her Kedas Drukman in Israel.. but left her after reading R Yoel's Sefer!
    A must read for anyone with a moach bekodkodoy!!

  8. avrohom maicher sforimFriday, April 19, 2013 9:51:00 AM

    If you think the sefer is so good, why don't you buy it instead of asking tzig to upload it? Err daf hubin tzi essen aichet..

  9. Chuchim, I have the sefer but I don't have the ability to upload it..


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