Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You, shmoozing in the hallway, somebody's watching you...

"What Are Your Husbands Doing in Shul?" The second LTTE - [From the 5tJT]

  A Shabbat in Givat Ze'ev with the Stoliners


  1. re the 2nd link
    ?מה ענין שמיטה אצל הר סיני

  2. At least there in Shul and not elsewhere.
    Why scare all the wives?

  3. Klein keppeldik. There are enough shuls where you can do all the shmuzing while in your seat and not have to sit in a side room.

    Agav, the current chaqira is as follows. Up until now, a yeshivishe guy that wanted a smartphone but didn't want to be labeled a shaigetz used a Blackberry. What din does the new Blackberry, the Z10 have? Mitzad echod, its still "just a blackberry" ober mitzad sheini, its a fully funtional smartphone on par with the iphone and galaxy. What does the oilam tayne? (As we know from rashi, "ha'oilam makshim" means only yoshvei beis medrash)

  4. wow, r there any stolin families in n.y. that host folks for Shabbat? it sounds interesting

  5. Givat zev is in the occupied territories in the middle east. If you are mechalel shabbos they will host you too.

  6. I asked about ny, and they're the LIBERATED territories

  7. @justme,
    Hirshet knows some people who know some people. I'm sure if you really want, he can hook you up in NY.

  8. ask matisyahu who hosted him there.

  9. Mottel lightstone, who does not visit lately, is in the news:http://www.chabad.info/#!g=1&url=article&id=76246


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