Wednesday, June 5, 2013

........כיבוש בודאפעסט - מחזיר עטרה ליושנה

מאת בנימין קלוגר - המודיע

 מי לנו גדול מהרב ר' ברוך - נצר למשפחה של תורה וגדולה, יוצאי ארץ הגר, אויף צו מעורר זיין אונגארישע אידן בתשובה. ייש"כ גדול לעורכי "המודיע" בארץ ישראל על ששגרו כתב כמו ר' בנימין קלוגר לדווח על פעולותיו הברוכות של שלוחי רבינו זי"ע


  1. Cant satmars send shluchim to mekarev their own?

  2. any higher quality or bigger pics?

  3. Lubavitch as usual probably paid for the article
    kedarkom bakeydesh

  4. whereas all other articles in the papers are mamesh l'shem shomayim, right?

    Oh, and Jews control all the banks and media in the world too.

  5. Shmerl
    "Cant satmars send shluchim to mekarev their own?"
    how does Pest belong to Satmar?

  6. Yom Tov in Der
    "Lubavitch as usual probably paid for the article"
    Ashrie Mi Shecoshden Boi...
    You need a doctor to heal you from your Mad Chabad Disease

  7. what gets me is that guys like YTIDV walk in our midst and are maybe even "upstanding" members of local communities. But they have issues and would need to seek professional help for their issues.

  8. Shmerel
    "Cant satmars send shluchim to mekarev their own?"
    there was 1 Sands Talmud who left Willi to join the Budapest communists in the early sixties to marry a shikse.
    Who gave him a home at the end of his life to return LeShem Uletorosai?
    Rav Tov? Koznotzi shul? or Chabad?????
    Btw, in the world of Satmar Budapest 100.000 Jews ceased to be Jew land 200 years ago.
    Satmar has the option to open a Center in Mishkoltz and Beregsazs.

  9. Miskolc was already claimed by me. Maybe they can try B'Kerestur.

  10. Hirshel
    how far is Mishkolcz from New Hempstead?
    is it walking distance?
    by Hungarians we were fighting for each Gelilos...

  11. distance is in the mind only

    It could be closer to me than Kaser Village-Vizhnitz is if that's how I feel about.

  12. If I am not mistaking, the Yogel Yakov was A Spinker chosid (No viznitzer) and Talmid of the Arugas Habosem.

  13. yes, he was a Spinker. But we were not Chassidim at all. Oberlander. mispalelei Ashkenaz. And from the Glilos Miskolc, not the big city. The Yogel Yaakov was rov in the tiny "Sfardisher Kehilleh"

  14. who was the orthodox Askenazic Rav in Miskolcz?

  15. I think ר' שמואל הלוי אויסטערליץ

    א שטיקל ציוני

  16. Hirshel
    In New Square and in Belz there are Austerlitz families

  17. Bergsas is belz.

    I heard the Oiberlanders wear gartlech over the roshvolka.

  18. Yanover
    Thats because "gevorener zenen erger vi geborener"


    האדמו"ר האהרוני לא ישתתף בכינוס 'כלל ישראל' נגד הגיוס מפני שלא הזמינו את חב"ד

  20. Frede Astaire's real name was Austerlitz

  21. a lubavitcher status-quo "rov"
    אוי לו לאותו בושה


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