Monday, June 17, 2013

POTD - באבובע'ר "משיחיזם" אין לאנדאן


 It seems like the holy Bobover Rebbe - the REAL Bobov - is visiting London for a family simcha. Chassidim like to spread the wonderful news and their excitement, and they do it by spending money and putting up signs in the streets and in the shuls. Nothing new here. But boy was I shocked to the core to see that they had gone much further now! That in the עיר הבירה לאנדאן, the big sin of משיחיזם, which is to put the slogan of "יחי" on a ארון הקודש, is staring to seep in to קרייזען that were years very נזהר from such מעשים אשר לא יעשו... No mention of Moshiach on their signs, but as close as it can get! And this is only temporary Meshichism too... when he leaves so do the signs. But as חז"ל say שאני מינות דמשכי, and this got in to them in the worst fashion, by putting on the ארון הקודש slogans of old cities in Poland that were named after עבודה זרה, like their ancestor the holy Sanzer Rov said, and worshiping some idol with all the bells and whistles. כל מי שיש בידו למחות ...... It's beyond me to understand how this can happen in a city where all the post war professional מוכיחים בשער, such as Domb and Groman, find their headquarters, that davka there should happen such a sin...

UPDATE - 4:10pm DST

I got an email from a young man in London telling me that the above is a "fake," and he sent me this photo as the "real" one. Can you spot the differences? Are they substantial? What did they fake in the first one and why?


  1. Meshichism? Ha! This is Elokism, r"l!! "Malko Kadisho" r"l al bosor vedom!!!!

  2. What's the chiddish? All chasiddus is kefireh.

  3. Snag
    But Sanz claim to be clean, they cleanse themselves by the era of saduger chortkev

  4. Talking about the crown on the aron?

    Who put slogans of polish towns on paroches? You mean symbols?

  5. This shul is typical Bobov, it is so nice....

  6. where's the yechi? i don't get it

  7. Bobov Betifarto, this shul wasn't built by Bobov, they took over an old "United Synagogue" shul about 25 years ago. That's why it looks nice.

  8. Either way its nice that the great mamshichim of the great R Shloime Bobover Zt"l continue to make fools of themselves.

  9. Yes, in the first one it doesn't seem Meshicist at all, I did not understand it, but the second picture makes sense.

  10. Malke Meshiche is really wrong for a Rebbe, I'm sorry, even if it wasn't on the Uren Hakoidesh.

  11. Take it for what you will but the vaulted ceiling above the aron kodesh in the pictures is copied from the Pantheon in Rome. That was a Roman temple constructed to honor their various A"Zs and is currently used by the Catholic Church as a mini-cathedral.

  12. As a non-chosid, I want to understand your comment "the REAL Bobov". How do you define real bobov? Isn't someone a rebbe by definition if he has chasidim? If this one has chasidim who call him bobover rebbe, and the other one has chasidim who call him bobover rebbe, doesn't that make each of them bobover rebbe?

  13. JS
    you dont play the game of non chosid too well,
    but they have a pesak bies din, by Rozenberg of Monsey, that 48 is the real McCoy

  14. This shul was never this nice even in its former glory give credit where its due Bobov done a great job every time I go to London I must go in to see

  15. It looks to me like the first one was a mock up, probably made by a graphic designer, while the second one is the actual result.

  16. JS,

    Real Bobov means that he looks good, sings nice and lets only skinny bucherim to put on shvartse zoken.

    Got it?

  17. Russian chosid
    What does the Holy benzoin do with fat bucherim with pimples?
    He sends them to 45th?

  18. Pupa put up a sign instead of the פרוכת

  19. I don't think signs have a place in Shule itself, irrespective of what they say. That being said, if they think their living Rebbe is Moshiach (I assume B'Chezkas) good luck to them. Rabbi Akiva screwed it up famously, and I'm not sure any of us should be involved in such speculation, especially as I don't see any potential Moshiach actually involved in Physical Wars, and yes, the plain and simple reading of the Rambam is exactly that. It's when someone is in Olam HoEmes, and people persist, that it bugs me.

  20. yakov yossele,

    He sends them to cosmetologist. If it does not work they have 48 hours to leave :)

    a bucher darf huben a Bobover chein....


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