Thursday, July 11, 2013

מבחינת תפיסת העולם שעליה גדלתי אני, ובה אני משתדל לחנך את ילדיי, אדם שיכול לומר 'אני חב"דניק, אני לא חרדי' – כמוהו כאדם שאין לו עניין לא בתורה הקדושה, לא בנביאים והכתובים, לא במשניות, לא בגמרא ולא בשולחן ערוך

בנימין ליפקין בטור החדש

It may be in response to this piece


  1. What does Lipkin want? the Rebbe said 1000 times that Chabad is not party affiliated, and not boxed in to labels,
    Its aint my fault that he has a position in Hamevaser.
    He can say mussar for problems in Chabad, but not say that their problem is that they are not labeled.
    For instance Chabad does not have to agree to every political statement that comes out of the Eida Hacharadis or Rav Shtienman..
    All the Charadiem know its all politics, And Reb Tuvia Wiess has his job because some fight between the 2 brothers in the USA, And Rav Shtienman has his position because he made to 100.
    The Chabadnik has to follow the shulchan orech and thats it ,may it be any label...

  2. We all know that Chabad is not Chareidi.Why are you trying to push that angle?

  3. I dont know if all chabadniks are charedi. In israel they may be. AMerican lubavitchers dont have the taam of Haredi. Who is chared? i know some very chassidishe chabadskers, but how many shluchim do i know who really dread going out and talking to women or talking on panels with reform "rabbis." I dont know many chabad bochurim who have qualms talking to girls or women on friday afternoon mivtzoyim.

    perhaps i am defining haredi as reactionary. i dunno. we should ask hrh"k R' Dov lipman what charedi means.

  4. "and we all know that Jews eat blood in their matzos"

    Hirshel, please.
    I"m not getting into whether Chareidism is a positive or a negative.What I"m saying is that Chabad, with it's dress code for example is not a chareidi one.Charedim, dress in black and white.Chabad wear leather kippas, colorful clothes, jeans, brown shoes etc and we are talking about men.
    Chabadniks are much more open to tv, movies and the web.In fact in Israel they had a whole think about kosher cell phones which every chareidi almost uses, it has a special area code.Only chabad is not part of it.
    These are just examples.Of course some chabad fit into the charedi mode, but many or maybe most don't

  5. Dovy
    "Chabad wear leather kippas, colorful clothes, jeans, brown shoes etc and we are talking about men."
    on vacation last year I met some Lakewood wering colorfull clothes jeans sneakers, were they charadie for this 2 weeks?
    How does hilchas charadie work?

  6. "How does hilchas charadie work?"

    You know exactly how it works.
    Hey, you wanna be CALLED Chareidi?
    Go ahead
    But don't start weaseling out "vehn ess loynt zech nisht"
    Maskim, maishe grais???

  7. Hirshel,
    Did you have the link to Margolins op-ed yesterday, cuz I only noticed it now?

  8. Charedi is not just chitzonius. theres a pnimius as well. (i dont know if litvaks know the word pnimius but ill take a gamble).

  9. what kind of Jew has the gall to call himself charadi with a straight face.
    A "Chored Lidvar Hashem" would never cntemplate hurting another Jew or person under any circumstance.
    To these boasters to be charadim I can only say "Yitush Kodmach"!!

    I want to share a family story with you.

    The family the paid fir the printing of the Tzenach Tzedek in the USA in 1946, eventually went to the frierdeker Regge in Yechidus. The Rebbe took an intrest in the family and their level of observance of Mitzvot. the Mrs who spoke a perfect yiddish responded to the Rebbe and said רבי מיר זיינען ליידער ניט פרום
    on this the Rebbe answered מיין טאכטער פרום מיר וויסן ניט ווער איז
    That is who cam be a Charadi


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