Tuesday, July 30, 2013

יצחק אלחנן, אז מ'לעבט דערלעבט מען

מרן ראש הישיבה הגרב"מ אזרחי שליט"א ב"ירחי כלה" בכפר חב"ד


  1. There must be something behind this shocking development. Did a gevir promise him a nice donation for his Yeshiva if he went? Please investigate and tell us how it came about.

    Otherwise some people may conclude that R. Ezrachi has gone off the derech in this inyan, Rachmana litzlan. Maybe it is his age and health. Hashem should send him a refuah sheleimeh bikarov bisaych shear chaylei Yisroel.

    P.S. The other Litvak that Lubavitch used to use for propaganda purposes at their summer Yarchei Kallah, in this case in the Catskills of NY, R. Mayshe Dovid Tendler, has seemingly been disinvited, or dropped out of it, the last couple of years. So I guess Lubavitch had to get another Litvak for propaganda purposes.

  2. All snagisms aside, there are two factors that I see here.

    1) The distance between Chabad and the Litvishe is now so immense that there is no threat of shema yavo liydei Chabadiut that motivated the Litvishe way back when. I.e. each group is so outside the other's machaneh that there is no danger of border skirmishes anymore. L'havdil, India and Pakistan fight because there's Kashmir. They're not fighting over Bombay or Islamabad.

    2) The other factor, that no Litvishe macher will admit to, but is obvious to those who think about it, is that R Shach's jiha- er..milchemes mitzvah was endured, and everybody in the Israeli-litvish community was too afraid to stand up to him back then. But time and a purposeful shikcha allow there to be at least a de facto detente. (Not that these others didn't have their hashkafic differences with Chabad. But they would have treated it with more moderation and dare I say - seichel than happened.)

  3. so what did he say on?


  4. OMG! Im shocked. Is there a video of this thing?

  5. Yehupitz,
    Actually it does seem that R'Shach was right after all.It did seem inconceivable at the time, 30 years ago, that there would be a large group in Chabad that maintained the Rebbe is Moshiach and still alive, many years after his petira.
    But, yes, there seems to be a conciliatory breath of air, maybe because Rav Shteinman is less of a koni'i,maybe because the bottom line is that despite the very real "chashoshes" that Chabad would derail, they are still good Jews trying to do their best.
    Also, Chabad rabbonim have met with leading Litvishe rabbonim and have gotten on quite well.
    I do think that maybe the cat in the bag is a "mystery man" who is not such a mystery.His name is Moshe Shilat (iirc)I think his father, from the Chardal circles, was a big talmid of R'Gedalya Nadel, and published seforim based on his rebbe.The son became a lubavitcher and runs an organization that seeks to teach chabad torah to non chabadnicks.Maybe he is a charismatic person, who maybe even learned by r'ezrachi? and made the connection.
    Would love to hear anybody elses opinion

  6. Snag
    "There must be something behind this shocking development. Did a gevir promise him a nice donation for his Yeshiva if he went? Please investigate and tell us how it came about.

    Otherwise some people may conclude that R. Ezrachi has gone off the derech in this inyan, Rachmana litzlan. Maybe it is his age and health. Hashem should send him a refuah sheleimeh bikarov bisaych shear chaylei Yisroel."
    If you think that Ezrachi is that cheap, that he is for sale, then why do you give a damn if he went to talk by a chabad torah event.
    How will you react if next year Rav Povarsky will talk at the Chabad Yarchie Kalla.I guess hate will follow you to your ....

  7. Yehupitz
    "1) The distance between Chabad and the Litvishe is now so immense that there is no threat of shema yavo liydei Chabadiut that motivated the Litvishe way back when. I.e. each group is so outside the other's machaneh that there is no danger of border skirmishes anymore"
    was chabad closer to the yeshiva world in the 70,s then today?
    I think you are mistaken with your theory

  8. Snag
    If someone paid Ezrachi, then it was a job well done, I detect it from your explosive comment...

  9. I don't think the reality (nowhere as bad as you describe it) proves that he was right. Farkert, I think his non-stop condemnations and negativity created the perception that anything, ANYTHING the Rebbe or the Chassidim did would be condemned by the Litvishe. So when the time came for some real tochacha, there was no human way for it to be accepted, since it was coming from people who had condemned them and pushed them chutz la'machaneh without respite for 30 years.

    (I know that Chabad had a manner of being michutz la'machaneh anyway. Eem kol zeh, he pushed them chutz l'techum, which made any critique impossible to convey. I could come up with a good moshol about a man who brutally beat up and abused his eccentric brother on a daily basis. When the abused brother develops a complex and one of his kids goes off the derech, the abuser might say, "See I told you all along he was trouble. That's why I hit him daily. I have been proven to have been right all along!")

  10. If rav shach was still alive he too would have moved on from the machlokes with chabad. He neutered the danger and now twenty years later it's irrelevant.

  11. When Rav Shach was alive there were constant new developments with Chabad Messianism and worse.Now that things are more status quo my opinion remains the same but I see less reason to be mirachek Chabad.

  12. Duved
    "Actually it does seem that R'Shach was right after all.It did seem inconceivable at the time, 30 years ago, that there would be a large group in Chabad that maintained the Rebbe is Moshiach and still alive, many years after his petira."
    Did Rav Shach do a birur why it is osser al pi torah to believe the Rebbe is Moshiach? or do you have your own birur?
    Did Rav Shach have any knowledge in Emuna veDieos? you dont detect it in his Michtovim Umamorim,that were supposed to be his Hashkofa sefer

  13. anon
    "When Rav Shach was alive there were constant new developments with Chabad Messianism and worse"
    so that era of development was legit to curse chabad as Menaschie Yayin?
    Why fight for his shita,when all Litvishe gedolim are weaning off it.

  14. Chremzlech
    " He neutered the danger and now twenty years later it's irrelevant."
    how exactly did he neuter?
    do you know one moshiachist that changed his mind?
    how is Moshiachisim a danger?
    for health? for global warming?

  15. Yehupitz,
    I"m not sure what you mean here :"I don't think the reality (nowhere as bad as you describe it)"
    All I said was :".It did seem inconceivable at the time, 30 years ago, that there would be a large group in Chabad that maintained the Rebbe is Moshiach and still alive, many years after his petira."
    Do you disagree with this?
    I do think that most people would agree, but maybe I"m wrong.

    About your moshol: I think the reality is that truly "bad blood" existed between Chabad and the Litvishe world for not very long(i mean in the post war period).My uncles learned in Ponovich in the 50's and there were a number of Lubavitchers there and they told me there was not antagonism.So there needs to be some analysis about what brought it about.
    For good or better Lubavitch under the Rebbe was quite different than the previous "Russian" model.In Lita and Russia Chabad got on well and intermarried with "misnagdim", despite what people may say today.I"ve read and spoken to many people who would know, including Leibel Zysman, recently deceased, who's father was a proud Lubavitcher in Kovna and himself learned in a Litvishe yeshiva for years, I think it was in Ponovitch actually

  16. "Did Rav Shach do a birur why it is osser al pi torah to believe the Rebbe is Moshiach?"

    I don't know

    All i said was that thirty years ago nobody thought that we'd be seeing this.
    Most people would not think it's a good thing, but i'm not a rov to tell you.

  17. Yehupitz: The other factor, that no Litvishe macher will admit to, but is obvious to those who think about it, is that R Shach's jiha- er..milchemes mitzvah was endured, and everybody in the Israeli-litvish community was too afraid to stand up to him back then. But time and a purposeful shikcha allow there to be at least a de facto detente.

    Vos detente, ven detente? You call one Litvak speaking, once, a Lubavitch event a detente? Fantazies!

    The fact is that this case is an exception that proves the rule.

  18. It is sad that R. Ezrachi was suckered into doing such a thing. Nebach, er is an alter, shvacher Yid. Just a few months ago he passed out and was very seriously ill in the hospital. So maybe it affected him, maybe he forgot some of his previous learning, and the hadrocho of Rabbeinu hagadol, Rav Schach ztvk"l, regarding a certain group. If that group took advantage of him in a weakened state, for their propaganda, it is sad and outrageous.

  19. Yakov Ber,

    I'm sorry to say this but until I see a rebuttal of Al H'Torah V'Al H'Temurah (and I WISH WISH WISH we would)the comments said in the past are legitimate, correct and still stand.

    I won't elaborate because I don't believe anything will be accomplished.

  20. P.S. I clicked on the link that Hirshel posted re the appearance of R. Ezrachi at the YK. I didn't see anything there about what he actually said. Not even a mention of the topic of the shiur, never mind a recording. Vos hob ich yo gezen? A sach bilder. Many photos. Which shows that it was a propaganda event, Lubavitch wanted pictures of a Litvishe Rosh Yeshive there to score some points, keilu the Litvishe velt now accepts them (ha!), and not that they were interested in his Tayreh!

  21. Bichlal, why did they invite such a Litvak anyway, if not for propaganda purposes? The Khasidim anyway make chayzek of the Litvishe tayres, they claim that they learn shelay lishmoh, un azey veiter.

    Lubavitchers have lost the ability to give a shiur in nigleh? They have to import a misnaged for that??

  22. snag in hebrew
    "Bichlal, why did they invite such a Litvak anyway, if not for propaganda purposes? The Khasidim anyway make chayzek of the Litvishe tayres, they claim that they learn shelay lishmoh, un azey veiter."
    the Chasidim learn the misnagdishe torah, they believe that they are Maleh their torah to kedushe, their is a vort of the
    Alte Rebbe regarding the Markeves hamsihna,,,I will leave the story for a other day

  23. Snag in Hebrew
    " סנעג said...

    P.S. I clicked on the link that Hirshel posted re the appearance of R. Ezrachi at the YK. I didn't see anything there about what he actually said. Not even a mention of the topic of the shiur, never mind a recording. Vos hob ich yo gezen? A sach bilder. Many photos. Which shows that it was a propaganda event, Lubavitch wanted pictures of a Litvishe Rosh Yeshive there to score some points, keilu the Litvishe velt now accepts them (ha!), and not that they were interested in his Tayreh!"
    I see that you are a typical Misnaged, that you can only win thru lying, the chabad sites did say the tochen of what he said, the problem is that the big Rosh, did not say anything of value, he spoke politics hanikre Kanoas....you and other snag brothers should be embarrassed of a Rosh displaying such a Aniyes Detorah, not by the politics of his showing up...which unfortunate is the today torah shmussen of the torah velt...
    The real Toras Tashem were said by the chasidim as Reb Chaim Shulem Reb Mendel Shafran, Reb Motel Ashkenazi Reb Yankel Katz etc....

  24. Duved
    " despite what people may say today.I"ve read and spoken to many people who would know, including Leibel Zysman, recently deceased, who's father was a proud Lubavitcher in Kovna and himself learned in a Litvishe yeshiva for years, I think it was in Ponovitch actually"
    Reb Liebel Zysman was a geshmake yidele, but quoting him on matters of chasidus shows what you know about Chabad, BTW, what relationship did the FR have with the Chazon ish and reb Aron Kotler? go to Zysman and ask him

  25. "Anonymous Even Heozel said...

    .........I see that you are a typical Misnaged, that you can only win thru lying, the chabad sites did say the tochen of what he said"

    דו ביסט ניט קיין אבן האזל, נאר סתם אן אייזעל

    תאלמנה שפתי שקר! אתה פוסל במומך

    I wrote that the site Hirshel linked to had no info re the tochen of the shiur. That is emes.

    You Lubavitchers didn't want to hear Tayreh, you wanted a propaganda 'victory', to make naive people think that the Snag boycott is broken, shattered, and history. So you duped a second tier Snag RY to come to your event. But people with seichel will see through your conniving and deception, and realize what such tactics reveal about you.

    Do us a favor, if you hold he didn't say good Tayreh, don't invite him any more. Stop the tricks and sleight of hand.

    Genug shayn!

  26. "Reb Liebel Zysman was a geshmake yidele, but quoting him on matters of chasidus shows what you know about Chabad, BTW, what relationship did the FR have with the Chazon ish and reb Aron Kotler? go to Zysman and ask him"

    Even Haozel,
    I just quoted Leibel Zisman about how Lubavitchers and non Lubavitchers got on.It was not an issue.
    R'Ahron Kotler and the Chazon Ish were mostly post war.I was talking before the War, and mentioned that "bad blood" between Lubavitch and the Litvishe was relatively new,AFTER the War.
    From your style I"LL have to admit that A)You are apparently at "tzigeminner" from the williamsburg ranks
    B)For you to discredit Leibel, shows who you are
    C)There is no question that folks like you would love to continue the machloikes.There would be no peace if tsigeminneh like you ran the show
    I don't think its possible to "discuss" with your type.Even Snag who has strong opinions discusses, you stam write shtusim

  27. To anon,

    As a Lubavitcher, I actually wouldn't mind writing up a response to Al Hatmurah. The main problem that I have right now is that I am overly involved in other inyanim, and simply don't have the time to type up a comprehensive response.

    I was thinking that if you have in mind certain specific questions, you can email me at maareh.mekomos at gmail, and I'll try to answer them at least bkitzur, and refer you to the relevant maareh mokomos when applicable.

  28. Snag (In Hebrew)
    "But people with seichel will see through your conniving and deception, and realize what such tactics reveal about you.?"
    Who has Siechel? Markowitz and this Loony Levin from Argentina,
    Your rants are like old Communists that still believe that the regime is still in tact.
    Btw, the Kfar chabad printed Rav ezrachi (the rosh with no siechel) derasha


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