Sunday, July 21, 2013

Galicianer Rabbis in the French Zone


  1. Hirshel
    FYI Stropkev is not Galicia

  2. Thanks for posting....
    Dovid, Miami

  3. Anyone know who was the Rov of Windsheim? By any chance R' Wieder of Nyredhaaz? What's the year of this letter? (Sorry if my spelling is off)

  4. Does anyone know if there were chasidim in Botishani in Rumania before the War?

  5. Bamberg was not in the French Zone, but in Franconia (Franken)and belonged to the American Zone.
    No connection to France whatsoever. Nuremberg, Fuerth Wuerzburg are also in Franconia,
    Interesting to note that the medieval spelling Bamberk was used


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