Monday, July 15, 2013

Tired of your אשכנזי תשעה באב?

try the Sefardi Spanish/Portuguese נוסח instead

 It may be long and drawn out, but if you're musical you'll enjoy it, at least for one year. They have real nusach for kinos, which brings new meaning to what you're saying. אחב"י הספרדים seem to have alot more tolerance when it comes to shul and services in general. They can daven forever, even the irreligious ones. Speaking of which, I see that they have the end of fast listed at 8:53pm in NYC tomorrow. That's a whopping 27 minutes post-Shkiah. Can somebody tell us what shittah/shiur they use when calculating the EOF? Is that they z'man for motzoei Shabbos too?

Have yourselves a "Meaningful" תשעה באב


  1. That's the zman that the Rebbe went out for maariv all the years on a taanis (before eating. Its based on the zman that the rabonim (in the 30s) in NY made (later updated by reb Moshe z"l nevertheless he said lechumra etc.) I have the original sefer but not handy at the moment.....

  2. That's the zman that the Rebbe went out for maariv all the years on a taanis (before eating. Its based on the zman that the rabonim (in the 30s) in NY made (later updated by reb Moshe z"l nevertheless he said lechumra etc.) I have the original sefer but not handy at the moment.....

  3. Where did you see 8:53?
    Most websites say 9:PM

  4. only in lubavitch could there be such thing as tired of TB, obviously because they have a messiah DISGUSTING

  5. is the music in the background, of tisha beov at night? or a midyear recording?

  6. After tisha bav ,call the office of the shul and ask themThis is a lehakel zman for a taanis which is not midoraiysa. They also may have a kabala of zmanim which may relate to spain which may be earlier. There are other real sfard shuls that have these ,what some would consider,early zemanim. Every place has their mesora

  7. the chida in his sefer birchei yosef writes in siman 261 cvar pushat haminhag bieretz hatzvi kihageonim it seems that the sfardim went with the geonim

  8. Some sefardim even have the minhag to end ta'anios d'rabanan at shkia. My Lebanese friends davened maariv, ate, and said krias shma again afterwards.

    Some Ashkenazim have real nusach for kinos too. I had the privilege to hear an old American Litvak do Eicha and Kinnos. At least it was a privilege until he motioned me to read one... then it really turned into tisha b'av.

  9. eicho, yes, but kinos? other than keili tzion, of course

  10. Tzig: It's not "keili tziyon" - the word is not a shem hashem, it's "alee", or in other versions "elee", like the refrain in a couple of the kinos, "allelai lee".

    "Lament for Zion and her cities..."

  11. that was tongue-in-cheek, thanbo

    even I know basic פירוש המילות

  12. hirshel
    alot of chabad shuls are makil by tanis derabanan less then a 1/2 hour

  13. In Oberlander Shuls they have a Tisha Bav nusach for davening and a for a few of the the Kinos (in addition to Elee Tzion), for example B'tzeisi M'mitzrain/M'Yerushailm, thry have a special tune

  14. DOes any one wait 72 for taanis drabunon?

  15. Leib,
    where can we hear the tunes?

  16. The Yekkes have a nusach.


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